Well I am goin to answer my own post,(lol) i have to say FF12! Because some of the boss fights are just plain hard!For instance,the one in the Sochen Cave Palace,you have to kill it 50 times in a row?!![]()
Well I am goin to answer my own post,(lol) i have to say FF12! Because some of the boss fights are just plain hard!For instance,the one in the Sochen Cave Palace,you have to kill it 50 times in a row?!![]()
I'd have to say FF3 for the NES was quite a challenging game. The last few battles were extremely difficult, and one had to manage items and stuff effectively because you pass the cliche "point of no return" after awhile.
I don't know why exactly, but I seem to die in more random battles for FF6 than any other Final Fantasy game I can think of, and I'm not sure why. I'd say that this game has it's difficult moments as well.
Other then that, I can't really think of an FF game that had more than one or two difficult bosses, at least for me..
†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™
hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
I don't know why, but to me, FFIV seemed to be the most difficult. Maybe it's just the way that the battle system worked? I mean, I was getting attacked while attacking, and I died rather easily. Even in FFV, the damage wasn't that much. But if I'm answering this question backwards, FFXII was absolutely the most easiest, but definitely the longest.
Curiosity Conquers, So Click:
The most challenging for me was FF V. Well I guess it's because I have never used to the job system. Also I had some problems finishing FF IV but not that much compared to FF V.
Which FF was the easiest, well I cant decide between FF VII and FF VIII. They both were way to easy.
I would have to go with FFIII as it is the game where I died the most. Some points in the game just required a ton of grinding and were just impossible to beat without doing so. The dungeons were not hard but I was trying to just blow through the game and I had to grind quite a bit so blowing through the game wasn't possible.
I didn't bother mastering a lot of the classes in FFV so the end boss gave me some trouble. But once I started experimenting with different classes, and I realized that the Bare class could equip more Abilities, I finished the game easily.
I think it's FFXII.. since most of the sidequest boss are difficuLt.. and.. some of the most powerfuL weapons are difficuLt to gain since some of the materiaLs that are needed are so hard to achieve..
My Art Thread: http://thefinalfantasy.net/forum...ngs-lol-3.html
I'm surprised No body has mentioned FFII I mean it wasn't that hard in game play but it never told where to go. The only way you could find out is using a walkthrough.
But in game play I have to say FFXII I mean Fate come on the easiest...
More like the hardest time consuming game ever to come out of the final fantasy series. I think it had a good storyline, easy to follow and very good nonetheless but the battle system and the bosses *Shivers*
My things:
Final Fantasy III is the toughest for me to beat...
The Cloud of Darkness completely annihilates my party, and to make it worse, there is no save points when you get to the realm where the final boss is!
To be honest, I gave up on it...no, I'm not proud of that fact...
Click at your own risk.:
FFV, because even with an elaborate job plan or superior comprehension of the system's intricacies, you cannot merely plow your way through dungeons like you can in most of the games, even providing that you have the proper job matches for the situation.
You have to be calculating and smart to survive.
It was awesome.
...aside from those stupid HP depleting lava pits, that was damn annoying.
Last edited by Terminus Est; 07-20-2009 at 01:19 AM.
Mmm... I still haven't played haven't played all the earlier ones... but from the ones that I have completed I would have to say Final Fantasy XII... But even that wasn't too challenging. I don't know... that was a tough call :3
I really wanna try III and V <___<
Following the path for truth...
and ending the dream.
I agree with Wolfie.Final Fantasy 12 is the hardest final fantasy game I have ever played.I'm still trying to find Myrjin (or whatever her name is).Let me tell you I have never had more of a challenge,usually I like challenges but now its just pissing me off.
FF3 and FF1... O-o..
Call me Silver.
FFXII was hard untill you find out what Quickenings are.In all fairness, FFXII's side bosses are pretty ridiculous. Like the seeer.
Spoiler: (Four bosses at once!)
FFI was the worst for me, I had no clue as to what to do. I asked that dancing girl in town but eventually she stops helping you. Then there was the hellfire chasem...Don't even get me started on that.
Out of the ones i've played it's definitely 12. The bosses inflict some tough status affects and it's a game where you really have to practice a ton to make the game even remotely easy.