I've talked to a few people over MSN recently and noticed few of them have been aware of all the cool free Final Fantasy related goods around the internet. To this end I present this thread, an index of sorts. Please feel free to post links to other goodies I may have missed and I will do my best to edit them in as soon as possible. Also, if you feel something should be placed elsewhere, or a link is dead, let me know.
And I'll credit contributors to the index at the bottom of this post.
Official Final Fantasy VII demo
Final Fantasy VII demo - Free download and software reviews - CNET Download.com
Official PC demo BUT free, and almost a game of it's own. ^^
Final Fantasy IV - 2 (game)
Final Fantasy 5: Another World (online game)
Final Fantasy VI: Age of Rebirth (intro demo, see blog entries)
Final Fantasy VI SDK (Game SDK, resources, more)
Home - Final Fantasy VI SDK
Rmxp.org: The Best Search Links on the Net
Final Fantasy VII: The Dark Cloud (game, click download tab to download)
Games: Final Fantasy VII:The Dark Cloud | MegaGames
Final Fantasy Endless Nova (game)
Final Fantasy: The Lost Hope (game)
Board Message
Final Fantasy Fan Game [unsubtitled of yet] (trailor + screenshots)
Q-Gears [requires FF:VII game discs] (PC game engine for FF:VII)
Q-Gears : A free Final Fantasy 7 engine. | Free Games software downloads at SourceForge.net
Final Fantasy Flash (online, as below with no ads, flash game)
Final Fantasy Flash | Free flash rpg
Final Fantasy Flash
Free Game Download of Final Fantasy Flash RPG @ Demonews.com
(WARNING: Contains ads which may annoy, license agreement has full details)
Final Fantasy VII: Jenova's Resistance (demo)
Triple Triad FF VIIIv0.1 (game)
Ti-82 Calculator
Final Fantasy X/2/3/4 (game)
Sephiroth Patch for FFVII PC
(for Final Fantasy VII PC, replaces Cloud with Sephiroth)
Final Fantasy VII - Midgar 3
Final Fantasy VII - Midgar Software Download | Downloads | CNET UK
(for Jedi Academy by Raven games, and requires the official 1.01 update patch in order to work.)
Contest of Heroes: Final Fantasy (blog, game?)
Contest of Heroes: Final Fantasy
FFVI Remixed [PC 3D FF:VI remake] (several files, incomplete)
deletethisproject | Free software downloads at SourceForge.net
Hovendall Tactics (game, shares similarities to FF: Tactics)
Game Maker Games - Hovendall Tactics
Triple Triad Extreme [PC] (Game, online)
Triple Triad Gold [PC] (Game)
Triple Triad Gold
Triple Triad Silver [PC] ( Game, support for Windows, Linux and FreeBSD)
Youtube link to altered FMVs (Cloud to Sephiroth)
Mod Related Videos
Jedi Knight Academy Mod
Cloud Vs Sephiroth In Jedi Academy - YouTube
Sephiroth vs Cloud in Half Life using Gary's Mod
Cloud VS Sephiroth in Gmod - YouTube
Play as Sephiroth in FFVII PC
Final Fantasy 7 play as Sephiroth part 1 - YouTube
Sephiroth Mod for Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion
Hand to hand Sephiroth
Seph's Hand to Hand Animation Replacer - Trailer - YouTube
More Sephiroth
Seph's stunt - YouTube
Nathan aka Silver (Myself)
Draken Benvolaid
Feel free to comment on your experiences of any of these.
Personally I would recommend Final Fantasy VI SDK, Final Fantasy Endless Nova, Q-Gears and Triple Triad Gold.
Final Fantasy VI SDK is just a few things to make your own FF VI fan game. It has a nice site, and it's interesting to take a look what's on offer.
Final Fantasy Endless Nova is a fan game of sorts, but not based on any other Final Fantasy game. It captures the gameplay whilst using it's own unique story, settings and characters. The only fault I had with it was that it has an annoying font. Not the biggest problem really.
Q-Gears has been one of my favourite toys for a while. You just install it, inserting your PSX discs when instructed and then there's a few things to play around with.
Triple Triad Gold is my favourite free version of Triple Triad. A few new cards, ability to win cards from an easy computer player, and the graphics seem right. Plus you can turn the sound of if you don't like it.
