Originally Posted by
Cloud is from Gaia so technically he is Gaian, not Eurasian. In fact, neither Europe nor Asia exists in those games, so you are wrong, FF characters are not always eurasian. In fact, I can't think of a single game that they are eurasian.
For a real answer: They are made to look asian so they can appeal to the market. It's just like how Jesus looks so white in North American churches; it appeals to the market of soul-saving. If you were to go to a different continent, pictures of Jesus look completely different. The two reasons that SE doesn't change the artwork/graphics for FF games is because 1), it's really expensive, and B), Since NA is considered the second best moneymaker in terms of product placement, AND all north americans have a hard-on fascination with the japanese culture (see weaboos, angel of iniquity, etc), they have no reason to change it. Saves them money and maximizes their profits.