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Thread: FF began to suck balls?

  1. #61
    Registered User FF began to suck balls? smithhanson's Avatar
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    Re: FF began to suck balls?

    I've enjoyed pretty much every Final Fantasy game that I own, with the exception of FFXII. The game was pretty boring from the start and lacked the exciting storyline of every other game in the series. And, to top it off, the battle system just plain sucked. I enjoyed the more turn based battle systems in the earlier games; the one in FFXII wasn't challenging and it became frustrating and somewhat tedious almost immediately.

    Other than that, I really have had no problem with the other games. However, I was mildly disappointed by FFXIII (don't get me wrong, the graphics were awesome and it did have an interesting storyline) but something about it just sort of bored me. It didn't provide the hours and hours of fun that FFVII or another earlier game would have.

    As far as the games that weren't in the "main series" go, I didn't get a chance to play a lot of Crystal Chronicles simply because my mom threw out my GameCube, but I really had no problems with those games. They were both interesting and engaging.

    Tactics Advance and Crisis Core are my favourite games that are not in the main series. While I enjoyed Tactics, I did play it after I played Tactics Advance, and it just wasn't as interesting to me, but perhaps that was because I played Tactics Advance when I was fairly young and at that time I found the characters relatable. However, now I can see some flaws with the FFTA characters, but overall I loved the games.

    Crisis Core was just fantastic, with an exciting battle system and a very touching and excellent storyline.

    So in conclusion, does Final Fantasy "suck balls" now? No. For sure, it's had its flaws, but the Final Fantasy games are still interesting and exciting.

  2. #62
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. FF began to suck balls? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: FF began to suck balls?

    Well, they don't suck

    To me, FFX was my last fun experience with FF.
    FF12 was to slow paced and... boring at most?
    FF13 was, fast paced but, every about the game was bad, meaning the pacing of the story and lack of movement (linear)

    If the next 2 games suck... then I might have to find another JRPG game to ride on...

    Next games on my FF radar... FF versus, FF dissidia 2, FF14.

    I hope 14 is better on the systems...

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  3. #63
    Est Sularus Et Mithas! FF began to suck balls? Selquist's Avatar
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    Re: FF began to suck balls?

    Just my opinion, but I think all FF games are great. *all that I've played anyway, having trouble finding earlier ones. =( *

    X is probably my second favorite after Mystic Quest. I still haven't finished XII, and several people have mentioned it already, but that is because I don't care for the battle system. Still haven't finished XIII either, but that is mainly due to the fact that until endgame, it is too stringently linear. (which makes me sad, because FF is a lot about world exploration to me)

    A final note, and strictly my opinion, but both "online" games were atrocities from overall gameplay down to basic controls. "I" feel that Square should stick with console games. =)

    P.S. Kudos on all the good points everyone else has made. Good debates are thoroughly entertaining!

  4. #64
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. FF began to suck balls? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: FF began to suck balls?

    You could always try Emulators haha.
    Well, just don't get caught...>.>

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  5. #65
    Red Mage FF began to suck balls? Henry's Avatar
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    Re: FF began to suck balls?

    After FF10 was downhill.

  6. #66

    Re: FF began to suck balls?

    Quote Originally Posted by Henry View Post
    After FF10 was downhill.
    Have you played XII and XIII to the end?
    I actually found XII to be a good game - yes, okay, the story was a bit complicated and Vaan wasn't a good protagonist. (He wasn't the protagonist, if you ask me, but well...) But the characters were interesting, the battle system was very good (IF you liked it - most people doesn't, it seemed ^^") and the story was getting more interesting the further you went. PLUS I really loved all the locations you went to and were able to go to - there was so much to do. Compared to, for example, FFVIII, I liked XII more. (It even is my 3rd favorite :>)
    And XIII was good as well, if you liked X. I think they're quite similar. Party has to fight against their destiny and can't win if they don't give their lives for it. (Okay, that was the short version, the game's actually WAY better ^^")

    I don't want to say that you're wrong - I'd just like to know if people who claim that "after *insert favorite FF* FF began to suck balls" have even played the following games. And I'd really like to know WHY.

    9x-7i > 3(3x-7u)

  7. #67
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. FF began to suck balls? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: FF began to suck balls?

    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    Have you played XII and XIII to the end?
    I actually found XII to be a good game - yes, okay, the story was a bit complicated and Vaan wasn't a good protagonist. (He wasn't the protagonist, if you ask me, but well...) But the characters were interesting, the battle system was very good (IF you liked it - most people doesn't, it seemed ^^") and the story was getting more interesting the further you went. PLUS I really loved all the locations you went to and were able to go to - there was so much to do. Compared to, for example, FFVIII, I liked XII more. (It even is my 3rd favorite :>)
    And XIII was good as well, if you liked X. I think they're quite similar. Party has to fight against their destiny and can't win if they don't give their lives for it. (Okay, that was the short version, the game's actually WAY better ^^")

    I don't want to say that you're wrong - I'd just like to know if people who claim that "after *insert favorite FF* FF began to suck balls" have even played the following games. And I'd really like to know WHY.
    Well, I have played FF12 and mastered it (every weapon, all bosses, all dragons den thingy), but, it just, I think it was the colors and the main character. I am not fond of blue and orange together, it actually to me reduced the appearance of characters and created a dusty fantasy. The story confused me but eh lol, most did.

    FF13, well... If by any other name... lol

    It was tooooo linear, and gave you no control until pulse. All the monster were literally rehashes, there were like 37 enemies in all? The rest were color swaps, you would think a ps3 game could create more haha, or was it cause of the dreaded XBOX ToT

    Lightning, her personality was... bitchy... toooo bitchy to even like unless you were a girl, I kinda switched her with fang later in. And hope too, I HATED HIM, he has the lowest hp and it showed. Ishimal subjecator... I died cause of Hope... >.>

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  8. #68
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み FF began to suck balls? ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: FF began to suck balls?

    Quote Originally Posted by o0Odin0o View Post
    Lightning, her personality was... bitchy... toooo bitchy to even like unless you were a girl, I kinda switched her with fang later in. And hope too, I HATED HIM, he has the lowest hp and it showed. Ishimal subjecator... I died cause of Hope... >.>
    Really? Hope is ALWAYS in my team. Lightning, Fang and Hope is the team I use, and I find that I can take down pretty much anything now. If you put some HP items and jack up his magic stat, Hope can be the most valuable member of your team.

  9. #69
    Red Mage FF began to suck balls? Henry's Avatar
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    Re: FF began to suck balls?

    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    Have you played XII and XIII to the end?
    I actually found XII to be a good game - yes, okay, the story was a bit complicated and Vaan wasn't a good protagonist. (He wasn't the protagonist, if you ask me, but well...) But the characters were interesting, the battle system was very good (IF you liked it - most people doesn't, it seemed ^^") and the story was getting more interesting the further you went. PLUS I really loved all the locations you went to and were able to go to - there was so much to do. Compared to, for example, FFVIII, I liked XII more. (It even is my 3rd favorite :>)
    And XIII was good as well, if you liked X. I think they're quite similar. Party has to fight against their destiny and can't win if they don't give their lives for it. (Okay, that was the short version, the game's actually WAY better ^^")

    I don't want to say that you're wrong - I'd just like to know if people who claim that "after *insert favorite FF* FF began to suck balls" have even played the following games. And I'd really like to know WHY.
    FFXII story was so confusing and i hated that whiny bitch Vaan. I hated the battle system (WoW) and why need licence points to wear stuff its so stupid! And the Espers were useless.. But it was kinda good game i liked actually the side quest and some of the characters ( Basch, Ashe, Balthier)
    And graphics was great.

    FFXIII Good story but too short. I liked the battle system and characters was good. There was no many side quest and no exploring. It was like super mario Start--> Finish (Boss) and so on..

    Well i liked FFTA on GBA. It was great!

  10. #70
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. FF began to suck balls? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: FF began to suck balls?

    Quote Originally Posted by ZantetsukeN View Post
    Really? Hope is ALWAYS in my team. Lightning, Fang and Hope is the team I use, and I find that I can take down pretty much anything now. If you put some HP items and jack up his magic stat, Hope can be the most valuable member of your team.
    He was too weak, and his magic stat was comparable to Vanille, so I chose her instead. I liked sahz too but he was a bleh character in terms of stats to everyone else so I chose snow instead of him.
    But hope, playing as a 15 yr old boy reduced his overall attire for power.
    Confusing haha

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  11. #71
    Smashtheincredible FF began to suck balls? matt's Avatar
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    Re: FF began to suck balls?

    I think that XII was amazing i loved the way they tried somink new

    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    But you put X and X-2 in the same boat? ; ; X-2 brought back the job system from III/V/Tactics and X finally allowed you to change party members in battle. X was also far more strategic than any FF since FFT. I love active time battles, but you could plan out and arrange your party to deal with an unforeseen threat. You could judge if a move was going to waste too many of your slots putting you on the other side of a boss's attack. It has some good merits. I won't fight you on the story or characters since that comes down to a personal preference and that battle never ends. ^^; But gameplay wise FFX is a pretty solid game.
    couldnt hhave said it better myself X-2 bit girly but i did like it the whole job class thing was nice, ill always have a soft spot for X and i cant wait for the remastered edition ill buy a psvita for that game alone. (When its out at least)
    Games beaten:- Crisis core, FF7 FF9 FF10. I need more time to game

  12. #72
    Registered User FF began to suck balls? NeoAquarius12's Avatar
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    Re: FF began to suck balls?

    Well stated about the values of X and X-2. Gameplay wise, they were probably the richest in the series outside of Tactics.

    I do have to say that XII is my least favorite, but it's still a great and fun game. I don't know what is so different about it that just makes it a little less special to me. It just gets tedious after a while. I don't want to make new gambits every time a new situation comes up. But the character designs were fairly nice. haha

  13. #73
    Registered User FF began to suck balls? Diamond Dust's Avatar
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    Re: FF began to suck balls?

    Quote Originally Posted by smithhanson View Post
    ...I didn't get a chance to play a lot of Crystal Chronicles simply because my mom threw out my GameCube...
    I'd have thrown my mum out if she did this.

  14. #74
    Banned FF began to suck balls?
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    Re: FF began to suck balls?

    Let me give my two cents, good patrons of TFF.

    I've played and mastered every Final Fantasy from 1 to 10, and also the first Tactics game for P1.

    I've seen people play the others, including the new one, and I just don't like them. As a good RPG, hell yea!!

    But they carry the Final Fantasy name... and therein lies the problem for me.

    I'm beyond an FF fan, I grew up in the HEART of the Squaresoft era, and I worship Square's games prior to the Enix merger.

    Now, for me, the games began to suck after 8.

    8 was Final Fantasy in it's rawest, purest form. It had maturity, composure, emotional complexity, a grounded, organic cast in a unique, but FF'ish toned world. It had a stunning, moving plot that really took the series to a braver, bolder, wiser, more mature place that a lot of 7ites didn't relate to or care to even take seriously. They wanted 7II, period.

    8 had an honesty about it, an artistic vibe that was grounded, mellow at times, but also intriguing and entertaining.

    But the skill, magic, training, and GF system was INSANE!!!! =O

    HOURS of training, collecting or forging magic from items, combining and upgrading items for battle or creating magic, junctioning magic to enhance and customize your weapons. Upgrading weapons, and building a unique relationship and bond between summon and character, each summon having it's own level, and skill set....

    The game was Final Fantasy, perfected!!

    Then came 9...

    9 tried... SO hard... but it just wasn't for me. Very fairy tale'esque tone and visuals. Juvenile plot and script for the most part. Very... "Lil brothers FF"

    I struggled through it with a buddy, and never played it again.

    Then 10 dropped, and I bought it same day. Only to find that it was the shortest, easiet, most uninspired, un-epic Final Fantasy I had ever played... It was and still is, the worst FF ever made in my opinion. 1 was more epic and inspired... 10 just sucked! So freakin' much.

    I returned the game and fought for my money back. True story.

    Only FF you can complete (as in get and do everything, not including Blitz Ball binges) in under 50 hours...

    Haven't played an FF since.

    The series died with 8, and it's fitting, as 8 was the ultimate FF experience.

    Last edited by OutlawTorn; 03-29-2012 at 06:39 AM.

  15. #75
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth FF began to suck balls? Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: FF began to suck balls?

    Quote Originally Posted by OutlawTorn View Post
    Let me give my two cents, good patrons of TFF.

    I've played and mastered every Final Fantasy from 1 to 10, and also the first Tactics game for P1.

    I've seen people play the others, including the new one, and I just don't like them. As a good RPG, hell yea!!

    But they carry the Final Fantasy name... and therein lies the problem for me.

    I'm beyond an FF fan, I grew up in the HEART of the Squaresoft era, and I worship Square's games prior to the Enix merger.

    Now, for me, the games began to suck after 8.

    8 was Final Fantasy in it's rawest, purest form. It had maturity, composure, emotional complexity, a grounded, organic cast in a unique, but FF'ish toned world. It had a stunning, moving plot that really took the series to a braver, bolder, wiser, more mature place that a lot of 7ites didn't relate to or care to even take seriously. They wanted 7II, period.

    8 had an honesty about it, an artistic vibe that was grounded, mellow at times, but also intriguing and entertaining.

    But the skill, magic, training, and GF system was INSANE!!!! =O

    HOURS of training, collecting or forging magic from items, combining and upgrading items for battle or creating magic, junctioning magic to enhance and customize your weapons. Upgrading weapons, and building a unique relationship and bond between summon and character, each summon having it's own level, and skill set....

    The game was Final Fantasy, perfected!!

    Then came 9...

    9 tried... SO hard... but it just wasn't for me. Very fairy tale'esque tone and visuals. Juvenile plot and script for the most part. Very... "Lil brothers FF"

    I struggled through it with a buddy, and never played it again.

    Then 10 dropped, and I bought it same day. Only to find that it was the shortest, easiet, most uninspired, un-epic Final Fantasy I had ever played... It was and still is, the worst FF ever made in my opinion. 1 was more epic and inspired... 10 just sucked! So freakin' much.

    I returned the game and fought for my money back. True story.

    Only FF you can complete (as in get and do everything, not including Blitz Ball binges) in under 50 hours...

    Haven't played an FF since.

    The series died with 8, and it's fitting, as 8 was the ultimate FF experience.

    In other words, according to you pinnacle of Final Fantasy is Square dishing out a cheesy teen love story full of plot holes clearly aimed for 10 year old boys and girls, not to mention characters out of which only two really matter and one of them happens to be a pretentious posing ass hole who does eventually gain little bit of depth, though quite late in the game I'm afraid... honestly, I couldn't agree more with you, Final Fantasy VIII is indeed pinnacle of Final Fantasy franchise.

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  16. #76
    Banned FF began to suck balls?
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    Re: FF began to suck balls?

    Play through it again with an open mind.

    In fact look at most FF stories... If you can't find a cheesy teen love story of which 2 people are the heart of the story... Don't pretend to know of what you speek of, my friend.

    Cloud & Aeris
    Squall & Rehnoa
    Locke & Terra....

    Perhaps the cheesiest teen love story... FFX....

    Most FF's are a cheesy teen love drama at their heart.... because they have a TEEN target audience....

    What have you been playing?

    EDIT: The only plot holes are the ones you weren't smart enough to figure out.

    And the fact the you suggest 8 being targeted at 10 year olds is hilarious, or sad... still on the fence.

    1-7 were childish, goofy and juvenile between serious monents.

    9 was a kid's game.

    10 was so poorly written and simpleminded, it could be a saturday morning cartoon on fox.
    XII was FF for teen girls.... Square meets Barbie...

    There's the reality... since you were so respectful and mature about it
    Last edited by OutlawTorn; 03-29-2012 at 08:53 AM.

  17. #77
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth FF began to suck balls? Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: FF began to suck balls?

    Quote Originally Posted by OutlawTorn View Post
    Play through it again with an open mind.

    In fact look at most FF stories... If you can't find a cheesy teen love story of which 2 people are the heart of the story... Don't pretend to know of what you speek of, my friend.

    Cloud & Aeris
    Squall & Rehnoa
    Locke & Terra....

    Perhaps the cheesiest teen love story... FFX....

    Most FF's are a cheesy teen love drama at their heart.... because they have a TEEN target audience....

    What have you been playing?
    Indeed, but in those games other characters matter at one point or two and do have impact on the main story every now and then. Though most importantly, they're not carbon copy of each other, both as far as story goes and gameplay wise. Keep in mind, there's a huge difference between subtle love story and what we have in Final Fantasy VIII.

    As far as story itself goes, how many games in franchise need various fan theories to patch it up.

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  18. #78
    Banned FF began to suck balls?
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    Re: FF began to suck balls?

    Quote Originally Posted by OutlawTorn View Post
    Play through it again with an open mind.

    In fact look at most FF stories... If you can't find a cheesy teen love story of which 2 people are the heart of the story... Don't pretend to know of what you speek of, my friend.

    Cloud & Aeris
    Squall & Rehnoa
    Locke & Terra....

    Perhaps the cheesiest teen love story... FFX....

    Most FF's are a cheesy teen love drama at their heart.... because they have a TEEN target audience....

    What have you been playing?

    EDIT: The only plot holes are the ones you weren't smart enough to figure out.

    And the fact the you suggest 8 being targeted at 10 year olds is hilarious, or sad... still on the fence.

    1-7 were childish, goofy and juvenile between serious monents.

    9 was a kid's game.

    10 was so poorly written and simpleminded, it could be a saturday morning cartoon on fox.
    XII was FF for teen girls.... Square meets Barbie...

    There's the reality... since you were so respectful and mature about it
    I think you need someone to love you....

    I bet you're still young, early 20s, no?

  19. #79
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth FF began to suck balls? Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: FF began to suck balls?

    Quote Originally Posted by OutlawTorn View Post
    I think you need someone to love you....

    I bet you're still young, early 20s, no?
    I like your take on every game in the main series... especially IX and XII... I'm quite sure you played those. As hard as this might be to admit, you're right, a story heavily inspired by teen love is certainly aimed at a more mature audience... even more considering the entire cast... I also appreciate that you haven't taken this little discussion on a more personal level... actually never mind, I just read your last post.

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  20. #80
    Banned FF began to suck balls?
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    Re: FF began to suck balls?

    I have played both. As stated I beat 9, it was what I'd use to introduce my 12 year old FF. Because they probably couldn't handle 1's graphics.

    I didn't play XII, but I had the pleasure of snuggling with my ex as she played most of the game... I've also sat through Twight, Dear John, and Save the Last Dance... -_-

    Moving on.

    And if the "teen love" didn't spoil the entire 3 disc game for you, you might notice that it WAS the most mature, intellectually driven FF to date. It went way beyond Squall's love life, and hs quiet, closed off personality.

    Maybe if you beat it again, you'll figure out those plot holes, remember the storyline, the role everyone played in it, and catch why Squall is so introverted.

    He wasn't perfect... some people are tired of semi-flawed, do-gooder heroes mimicing perfection and saving the day with teamwork...

    8 wasn't a fairy tale escape from reality. It was mundane, flawed, gritty... It took guts for the franchise, and the Cloud fanboys chastized it.

    But it's their loss alone.

    8 stands out as a unique, groundbreaking FF.

    Compare 7's gamplay', sommon system, item system, magic system, and limit system to 8's...
    7 had a better storyline pound for pound, that's it. Unless you like the simple, boring and limited materia system - which is fine. That's between YOU, and your FF.

    Don't mock or belittle my opinion.

  21. #81
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth FF began to suck balls? Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: FF began to suck balls?

    Quote Originally Posted by OutlawTorn View Post
    I have played both. As stated I beat 9, it was what I'd use to introduce my 12 year old FF. Because they probably couldn't handle 1's graphics.

    I didn't play XII, but I had the pleasure of snuggling with my ex as she played most of the game... I've also sat through Twight, Dear John, and Save the Last Dance... -_-

    Moving on.

    Maybe if you beat it again, you'll figure out those plot holes, remember the storyline, the role everyone played in it, and catch why Squall is so introverted.

    He wasn't perfect... some people are tired of semi-flawed, do-gooder heroes mimicing perfection and saving the day with teamwork...

    8 wasn't a fairy tale escape from reality. It was mundane, flawed, gritty... It took guts for the franchise, and the Cloud fanboys chastized it.

    But it's their loss alone.

    8 stands out as a unique, groundbreaking FF.

    Compare 7's gamplay', sommon system, item system, magic system, and limit system to 8's...
    7 had a better storyline pound for pound, that's it. Unless you like the simple, boring and limited materia system - which is fine. That's between YOU, and your FF.

    Don't mock or belittle my opinion.
    No need to defend it's gameplay, as far as I'm concern VIII's junction system (while easily exploited) along with impressive number of summons and their role in this game are arguably the best franchise has ever seen.

    However, to call this game groundbreaking is ridiculous to say the least and insulting to other games that actually managed to evolve the series. Final Fantasy VIII was nothing new for franchise, a lot of it's elements such as characters, out of which majority are carbon copy of each other in almost every possible way, are sadly inferior to those of previous games. Groundbreaking is a word used for games such as Final Fantasy IV and it's ATB system which was, still is revolutionary not just in Final Fantasy sense but entire RPG genre in general.

    And if the "teen love" didn't spoil the entire 3 disc game for you, you might notice that it WAS the most mature, intellectually driven FF to date. It went way beyond Squall's love life, and hs quiet, closed off personality.
    Mature? I was right to asume you never played Final Fantasy XII, and somehow I got this weird impresion you're mixing it with Final Fantasy XIII, either way I do sugest you give it a try, perhaps then you'll witness a truly mature and rather dark game not bound by those cliche elements Square kept forcing.

    Intelectual? And what exactly is there intelectual about Final Fantasy VIII. Cheesy love teen story, perhaps a rather shallow villain lacking both personality and background up to the point that fans themselves came with a rather neat theory I have to say just to give her more depth. Perhaps all those characters with indentical and rather short background heavily overshadoved by both Squall and Rinoa...

    but to be completly honest here I'm not sure why I'm discusing this with a guy who thinks IX is a game for kids (while I'm sure you're charmed by it's lighthearted design let's be honest, you never really reached disk 2), strangest thing though, out of all games in franchise he took arguably the darkest one, most mature one for sure (Final Fantasy XII), and lined it under "for teen girls", something to do with Barbie, to be honest would like clarification for this.
    Last edited by Xanatos; 03-29-2012 at 01:42 PM.

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  22. #82
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: FF began to suck balls?

    FF9 is every FF game before it. If you say the plot and what not in 9 was bad, then you pretty much said every other FF game is bad.

    Also Cloud and Aerith is not a love story.

    Terra and Locke was never a love story lol.

    Just from that, every post you previous posted is invalid.

    Also, FFXII tears FFVIII a new asshole.

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  23. #83
    Banned FF began to suck balls?
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    Re: FF began to suck balls?

    Ya'll cannot! Be this intellectually handicapped....


  24. #84
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: FF began to suck balls?

    I'm so sorry that your 13 year old brain doesn't know what Opinions are.
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  25. #85

    Re: FF began to suck balls?

    I'm gobsmacked you guys hold 8 in any kind of high regard, the story is a mess, it starts off good but just ends up fucking itself in the ass! None of the characters were interesting, the rivalry between Squall and Seifer was such a let down, the only character i liked from 8 was probably Quistis and she wasnt even that good. As opposed to FF 7 and 9, each character had their own unique back story which added alot of depth to the game, as opposed to all of 8's characters growing up in the same orphanage, having the same story and then copping out with the memory loss from using the magics.

    8's battle system was poor at best, you spent most of the fights drawing magic from the enemy to build up your spells as opposed to using spells to attack.

    7's materia system was great, and you really felt rewarded when you stumbled upon hidden materia/summons/weapons/armor as opposed to having to scan/manipulate any new enemy you came across in 8 to see if they could kick up anything new, it was just so tedious and mind numbing to do..

    Infact the only thing i really liked from 8, was the card mini game..

  26. #86
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth FF began to suck balls? Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: FF began to suck balls?

    Quote Originally Posted by nix View Post
    8's battle system was poor at best, you spent most of the fights drawing magic from the enemy to build up your spells as opposed to using spells to attack.

    7's materia system was great, and you really felt rewarded when you stumbled upon hidden materia/summons/weapons/armor as opposed to having to scan/manipulate any new enemy you came across in 8 to see if they could kick up anything new, it was just so tedious and mind numbing to do.
    I have to disagree with you on junction system Nix. Junction system along with impressive list of GF abilities gave countless possibilities as far as strategie goes, you could approach any battle in several different ways. Compared to materia system where even the slightest well thought out combination would usually result in making your character one man army junction system's more complex and more fun to explore and exploit, but that's just how I see it.

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  27. #87

    Re: FF began to suck balls?

    I agree that the materia system could make you over powered, but so can the junction system and nearly every other FF battle system once you get your head around it.

    I dont see this as an issue with the battle system, but just that the difficulty of the game required a finer tuning, as all FF games are pretty easy.

    I went to FF's as the worlds were creative and beautiful and had some great characters and stories, for me FF8 was amazing looking but the characters and stories were pretty shallow and weak. I could have forgave the story if they gave the characters depth, but they didnt so to me it was all flash and no substance.

  28. #88
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: FF began to suck balls?

    The fact that FFVIII makes you farm your magic to manipulate your stats and what not. It's tedious and does get annoying. Playing the card game is the best way imo anyways. Refine and what not. But still, forces you do do just that, play card games a lot.

    VII you could just play the game, battle here, battle there. Getting new Materia for the power boost in your character was more fun since you were either exploring or doing a mini game instead of a tedious grind.
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