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Thread: Favorite villain, and why from any final fantasy

  1. #61
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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  2. #62
    Quote Originally Posted by loaf View Post
    I don't think you got any idea that I was simply making fun of you.
    I'm not an idiot. I know you are laughing at me. Did I mention it at my previous post?

    I mean if Earth is in Space that means I live in Space cause he lives on the moon which is in space and so earth is in space and I live in space.
    I don't where are you are going with this sentence but whatever.

    I'm going to say why Golbez is not Main Villain or Darth Vader.
    Do you know the difference between main antagonist and the true antagonist? Golbez is the main antagonist while Zemous true antagonist. I explained it detail on my previous post. I'm sorry to be rude but did you read my previous posts or you like to argue with someone?

    Darth Vader had control, Golbez didn't. Zemus was doing everything.
    Wrong and I don't explained it again because I already explained. They were both manipulated by the true antagonist. End of the discussion. I'm done.


    Quote Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    Kefka and Sephiroth did serve (Kefka often not even that) at one point, but were never manipulated, thus I don't see any reason why they would not be the main villain/s in their respective game/s. Do explain though how in your opinion my point that Zemus is the main villain renders Kefka and Sephiroth of such title.
    Can you read too?
    I didn't said they, Kefka or Sephiroth, weren't manipulated. However they were both products and examples of the "true antagonist" of their respective games. Kefka was once a solider, serving the Emperor until overflowed magic got into his body, making him insane. Sephiroth was part of a project of Hojo and Shirna.

    If you going to use Zemous is the "main"...(there is a difference between main and the true antagonist) ..antagonist, then you have to say Necon, the Empeor, Shirna, and Hojo as the main villains.

    However, Golbez, Kefka, and Sephiroth are the MAIN ANTAGONIST of their respective games because the MAIN STORY revolves around on them, NOT THE TRUE ANTAGONISTS, such as the Emperor, Zemous, and Shirna.


    It is like saying Tobi/Obito is the main antagonist of Naruto, but Madara is the true antagonist. Many stories have many antagonist, Xanatos. In Naruto, Tobi/Obito was the the central focus antagonist or mostly the main antagonist but Madara, although he wasn't there until the last arcs of the manga, was the true antagonist.

    If you don't get it, I think you are trolling. No offense but this is getting ridiculous.

    Just because something falls under same category/subject does not make it a same or similar thing for that matter.
    Yes it does. There are different kinds of discrimination but they are still called discrimination. There are different kinds of government but they are still called government. There are many different personalities of protagonists and antagonists but they are still called protagonists and antagonists. You said there are different kinds of manipulations but they are still called manipulation.

    Tatooine, a fictional planet, interesting... Ivalice is also a fictional planet, and do you know who lives on Ivalice? Gabranth. And that's another point towards Gabranth I believe, yours as well. Near every character in Final Fantasy for that matter lives on a fictional planet, hell, fictional characters often live on a fictional planets, the most moronic connection you could possibly have made, you would better be off saying they are both male.
    I don't get your point exactly.
    I showed you an another example, although I gave you more than this, that Goblez (Theodore) and Dark Vader (Anakin) both lived in an foreign, alien planet on their respective worlds. What does a fictional planet to do with the argument?

    You are getting desperate to call someone moronic but you can't get even show a good example.

    - Golbez, along with his entire race, what's left of it at least, lived in a core of a moon near a planet that resembles Earth, that's not in space otherwise we all live in space which technically we are =)
    Dude, he is a Lunarian. And the Moon is at space? We don't live in a core of the moon (eyesroll).

    - Golbez never ever fought Cecil, Zemus did.

    Have you played the game, really. Yes, he did. He was a boss.

    So you just woke up one morning and said, you know what, I'll just scrap everything this guy Xanatos wrote regarding the resemblance between Gabranth and Darth Vader for no apparent reason, I'll leave the voice though... superb.
    Lord.... I didn't. I replied to your connection with Gabranth and Anakin.

    But big difference is that Gabranth wasn't manipulated. He served the empire by his choice. Also, Dark Vader didn't redeemed and Gabranth wasn't a war hero.

    I don't see the connection. sorry.

    To add with this, Gabranth(Noah) was his mother's surname that he was borrowing. It wasn't Vanye picked his name unlike Palpatine did. Gabranth didn't really fell into darkness, metaphorically. FFXII wasn't really Star Wars in terms of the story, setting, and themes. He was spying and questioning Vayne and he was force by him to killed Drace. Anakin never did this. Gabranth did not a tragic childhood. Not even close. Actually Anakin's childhood wasn't even tragic besides being a slave. Have of his child to teen was been heroic. He was gifted. He was ...well they thought, ...the "chosen" one. The death of his Mother during at his teens and the vision of his wife and his children dying which Palpatine tricked him that the dark force will save her and her children were the reason Anakin became Dark Vader. Gabranth wasn't not tricked or manipulated. He was serving an evil empire. Anakin was tricked. He was manipulated and destroy the the Republic BY THE ORDERS OF PALPATINE. Big difference.

    Any "idiot" knows it.

    There is no relation between Gabranth and Dark Vader. Not even close.

    I, the rest of the world for that matter, clearly saw different movies compared to you. Just because he was manipulated to switch sides does not mean Darth Vader did not have control over his actions
    That's I need to know. You agree that he was manipulated. You don't need to twist your argument around. Anakin and Theodore were manipulated by their foes. They both went to the "dark side" because they align themselves with evil. Although they both redeemed themselves, they cannot be with the light because their actions.

    Actually, I dare you to prove what you just wrote
    Haha. This isn't a game. I'm stating that with the arguments that I type, Gobelz and Darth Vader are similar because they were manipulated by the darkness from the true antagonists from their respective worlds. They are both tragic villains.

  3. #63
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Favorite villain, and why from any final fantasy Xanatos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by C.A. View Post
    If you going to use Zemous is the "main"...(there is a difference between main and the true antagonist) ..antagonist, then you have to say Necon, the Empeor, Shirna, and Hojo as the main villains.
    Difference being, none of these had the same level of influence if any over Kefka, Sephiroth, Kuja... the kind of influence and control Zemus had over Golbez.

    Golbez is nothing but a mere tool, a puppet with no will or power of his own, he had no control over his actions whatsoever, everything he did, and I mean literally everything was Zemus's doing, he was merely a body for Zemus to use, by that definition alone he's not a villain nor an antagonist no matter how hard you look at it.

    However, Golbez, Kefka, and Sephiroth are the MAIN ANTAGONIST of their respective games because the MAIN STORY revolves around on them, NOT THE TRUE ANTAGONISTS, such as the Emperor, Zemous, and Shirna.
    But the story indeed revolves around Zemus, you just find out near the end that everything Golbez did was Zemus's doing, Zemus was there all along, through entire game by using Golbez's body.

    Yes it does. There are different kinds of discrimination but they are still called discrimination. There are different kinds of government but they are still called government. There are many different personalities of protagonists and antagonists but they are still called protagonists and antagonists. You said there are different kinds of manipulations but they are still called manipulation.
    Rape and murder fall under same category, crime, it's disturbing to say the least that just due to that definition you consider these two to be same or even remotely similar. For the sake of yourself and those close to you I truly hope that one day you look at it otherwise.

    I don't get your point exactly.
    I showed you an another example, although I gave you more than this, that Goblez (Theodore) and Dark Vader (Anakin) both lived in an foreign, alien planet on their respective worlds. What does a fictional planet to do with the argument?
    I can give you two dozen villains just the top of my head who live/came from a foreign, fictional planet in their respective universe, it's a common trait in video games, movies and books and a rather broad/shallow connection to make. See my point now?

    Dude, he is a Lunarian. And the Moon is at space? We don't live in a core of the moon (eyesroll).
    In that very sentence you just quoted where exactly did I say we live in a core of a moon? Do point out. You do know how to read properly, do you? You do realize all planets and moons are in space, Earth included, what did they teach you in school I wonder.

    Have you played the game, really. Yes, he did. He was a boss.
    Indeed I have, twice. Seeing as Golbez was under complete and utter control you fought Zemus controlling Golbez's body and all of his actions not Golbez himself.

    Lord.... I didn't. I replied to your connection with Gabranth and Anakin.
    Actually your exact words were and I quote...

    "The only thing that Gabranth resemblances to Darth Vader is the voice but any villain has that type of voice."

    Meaning you ignored other points I made as far as their resemblance goes for reasons only known to you it seems.

    To add with this, Gabranth(Noah) was his mother's surname that he was borrowing. It wasn't Vanye picked his name unlike Palpatine did. Gabranth didn't really fell into darkness, metaphorically. FFXII wasn't really Star Wars in terms of the story, setting, and themes. He was spying and questioning Vayne and he was force by him to killed Drace. Anakin never did this. Gabranth did not a tragic childhood. Not even close. Actually Anakin's childhood wasn't even tragic besides being a slave. Have of his child to teen was been heroic. He was gifted. He was ...well they thought, ...the "chosen" one. The death of his Mother during at his teens and the vision of his wife and his children dying which Palpatine tricked him that the dark force will save her and her children were the reason Anakin became Dark Vader. Gabranth wasn't not tricked or manipulated. He was serving an evil empire. Anakin was tricked. He was manipulated and destroy the the Republic BY THE ORDERS OF PALPATINE. Big difference.
    Gabranth did not have a tragic backstory? Witnessing destruction of his homeland and losing everyone dear to him save for his brother who in a way abandoned him is not tragic enough for you I suppose. As for Anakin, Being a slave and having to leave your mother who will remain a slave for the rest of her life is not a tragic childhood by any means.

    There is no relation between Gabranth and Dark Vader. Not even close.
    No resemblance whatsoever you say, let's see now...

    - similar attire (even more so than Golbez's)
    - highest military rank
    - serve The Empire and The Emperor
    - voice, slight breathing issue Gabranth shows while wearing a helmet
    - skilled swordsman
    - fought his only family on his own accord
    - redeemes himself just before death
    - tragic backstory

    ... indeed, Gabranth shares no resemblance to Darth Vader whatsoever, we'll just ignore these points above.

    That's I need to know. You agree that he was manipulated. You don't need to twist your argument around. Anakin and Theodore were manipulated by their foes. They both went to the "dark side" because they align themselves with evil. Although they both redeemed themselves, they cannot be with the light because their actions.
    Never said he was not, not even once through this entire thread or have you simply forgotten. My point being the way he was manipulated is not on the same level of what Zemus did, not even close (I believe this was one of my first sentences as well). Difference being Anakin was merely pushed to the dark side while Golbez had no say in it at all, his body was taken against his will and all of his actions were unlike Anakins not his own.

    Haha. This isn't a game. I'm stating that with the arguments that I type, Gobelz and Darth Vader are similar because they were manipulated by the darkness from the true antagonists from their respective worlds. They are both tragic villains.
    I merely asked you to prove what you wrote in that quote, that Palpatine had complete and utter control over Darth Vader, not only have you failed to do that, but your response has nothing to do with my question at all.

    On a side not, read nearly everything they got on Anakin/Darth Vader and Palpatine on classic Wikipedia and Wookieepedia or Star Wars Wiki if you will, sadly for you according to these sources you seem to be full of shit on multiple occasions. Let's see shall we...

    - at one occasion you claim Darth Vader did not redeem himself, strange, as according to every article I read including official plot synopsis and most if not all Star Wars community Darth Vader did in fact redeem himself. Strike One!

    - you claim Palpatine was responsible for Anakin's dreams, this is actually highly debatable among Star Wars community and is even considered a plot hole by many. While speculation as well the general answer is no, mostly because certain Jedis and Siths can foresee the future, not necessarily accurate version of it mind you, and can read thoughts to certain extent, plus Luke showcased similar visions regarding his friends. Strike Two!

    - your biggest claim so far, the one I asked you to prove, that Palpatine had complete and utter control over Darth Vader. Surprisingly false. There's not even a trace of such manipulation by Palpatine, not even as far as his previous apprentices goes such as Darth Maul, not even by his Lord, Darth Plagueis, otherwise there would be less betrayal among themselves, not to mention the term apprentice in this case would be meaningless. Strike Three, and you're out.

    Be careful, next time you decide to spout nonsense do your research, someone might just call you upon it.

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  4. #64
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    That's right I remember fighting the Emperor 6 times at the end of the game.
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  5. #65
    Have your eyes been opened? Favorite villain, and why from any final fantasy Nehi's Avatar
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    It has come to my attention recently of how amazingly cunning Master Xehanort is from the Kingdom hearts franchise. After playing Dream, drop, distance, I was left with my jaw dropped. Sure he's old and whatnot, but his age comes with great wisdom. Not only is he incredibly powerful for his age, but the way his mind works reminds me of Christopher Nolan's Joker from the Dark Knight series.

    So yeah, I'm adding Master Xehanort to the list of favorite villians.

    (Another Square Enix baddy, I know.)

  6. #66
    Kuja...need I say more

  7. #67
    Chief Inspiring Officer Favorite villain, and why from any final fantasy Cyanist's Avatar
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    I'm going with Ultimecia. She's a creepy sorceress from the future who is possessing people in the past in order to cause Time Compression. (And yes, that does sound like a Doctor Who plot-line), but it was such a mind-blowing concept to me that all time could be compressed into a single moment. Also, who else, but a crazy nut job would even WANT to do that? And to me, crazy pretty much tops all. Kefka seemed nutsoid too, but I honestly think his plan lacked panache. Gameplay-wise, she gave me a hard time and with the way she used Seifer (whom I loathe) was just awful. I love to hate her, which helped me to sympathize with the main characters. Sephiroth did that too when he possessed Cloud, however, I kind of relate with the guy, which messes things up. Even up to the boss fight at the end of VII, I was like "hey, I forgive you, man. What they did to your mother was awful. Now get out of that pit and we'll get you plastic surgery for that wing and some therapy. Also, could we maybe go out sometime?"
    And, also I kinda like her fashion sense. "You decided to wear THAT to conquer the world?!? Well good for you, girl. And I love the gloves."
    ~I'm sorry I haven't been around very much~

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