This question might sound stupid, as I expect we all enjoy playing FF. But there are a few fans of the games who - to me - seem to just rush through the story and don't enjoy it that much.
Best example: I'm still playing FFXIII while some people I know have already finished it a week after it came out. Do these people actually ENJOY the game? I mean, is it still fun to get through the games in just a few days? Oo"
Personally, I hate to rush through a game. I need at least a month to complete an FF, otherwise I feel... kinda empty. I need my time playing the game, completing all the side quests, so that at the end I can say that I really beat the game. In FF there are sooo~ many side quests in each game, you can't just ignore them. ôo"
I admit that it's a good idea to avoid spoilers when you rush through the game, but is it really worth it? I'd say: No. For me it's more fun when I don't know the end of the game while still exploring everything. Perhaps it's just me, but... it's quite nice to slow yourself down. (So that you have more time to wonder how the game will end x3")
Especially when a new FF comes out all seem to rush through just to be the first to have beat it. (?!)
How about you?
Do you rather enjoy the game to its fullest or rush through it?
And if you rush through it... why the heck do you do that?? ^^"" (No offense, I just don't get why an FF fan does that XD")
Gosh, sorry if I sound weird. Somehow I think I talked about something and nothing at the same time X.x"