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Thread: Enjoy the game or rush through?

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  1. #1

    Enjoy the game or rush through?

    This question might sound stupid, as I expect we all enjoy playing FF. But there are a few fans of the games who - to me - seem to just rush through the story and don't enjoy it that much.

    Best example: I'm still playing FFXIII while some people I know have already finished it a week after it came out. Do these people actually ENJOY the game? I mean, is it still fun to get through the games in just a few days? Oo"

    Personally, I hate to rush through a game. I need at least a month to complete an FF, otherwise I feel... kinda empty. I need my time playing the game, completing all the side quests, so that at the end I can say that I really beat the game. In FF there are sooo~ many side quests in each game, you can't just ignore them. ôo"

    I admit that it's a good idea to avoid spoilers when you rush through the game, but is it really worth it? I'd say: No. For me it's more fun when I don't know the end of the game while still exploring everything. Perhaps it's just me, but... it's quite nice to slow yourself down. (So that you have more time to wonder how the game will end x3")

    Especially when a new FF comes out all seem to rush through just to be the first to have beat it. (?!)

    How about you?
    Do you rather enjoy the game to its fullest or rush through it?
    And if you rush through it... why the heck do you do that?? ^^"" (No offense, I just don't get why an FF fan does that XD")

    Gosh, sorry if I sound weird. Somehow I think I talked about something and nothing at the same time X.x"

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  2. #2
    Registered User Enjoy the game or rush through? kupo's Avatar
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    Re: Enjoy the game or rush through?

    i usually take my sweet, sweet time to finish a game; mainly because i dont want to get stuck in a area i can't leave and im too under leveled (this happened to me while playing x the first time). sure, there are times where i can't wait to see what happens next in the story line, but i love exploring the map some before i move on. plus, if you rush a game like FF, your probably going to miss some important stuff anyway

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  3. #3
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Enjoy the game or rush through?

    Who says you can't rush through a game and enjoy it at the same time. Because that's me, and to be honest, it's not rushing through a game. People play games at different speeds them others.
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  4. #4

    Re: Enjoy the game or rush through?

    Quote Originally Posted by Loaf View Post
    Who says you can't rush through a game and enjoy it at the same time. Because that's me, and to be honest, it's not rushing through a game. People play games at different speeds them others.
    Exactly. I tend to want to progress in the story as fast as possible to see how it unfolds, then I'll go back and complete all the sidequests and stuff I missed. RPGs tend to be more enjoyable to me this way rather than taking forever to do every single thing, and drawing the story out. When I play that way, I tend to forget what's happening in the story and it makes it less interesting and/or I miss out on things because of it.

    I beat FFXIII as fast as possible, and ever since I've still been playing. Enjoying it quite thoroughly.

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    Registered User Enjoy the game or rush through?
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    Re: Enjoy the game or rush through?

    I usually play through a game (any game really) multiple times, so I will usually rush through the first time to see what happens next in the story, and then on my next playthrough, I'll take the time to do all the other stuff.

    I realized that when I did try to do everything pertaining to side quests on my first run-through, that the curiosity of wanting to know what happens next would stay with me, and I don't enjoy the mini games and side quests like I probably should. So I guess that's the main reason why I rush through games.
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    Registered User Enjoy the game or rush through? winterborn86's Avatar
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    Re: Enjoy the game or rush through?

    I always rush through it the 1st time around, because I always wanna know what the story line is gunna be and wanna know whats gunna happen, then I end up struggling and having to start again. I've played FFVII loads of times now, so now I always take my time with it and spend alot of time doing the random battles and buliding myself up.

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  7. #7

    Re: Enjoy the game or rush through?

    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    I need my time playing the game, completing all the side quests, so that at the end I can say that I really beat the game. In FF there are sooo~ many side quests in each game, you can't just ignore them. ôo"
    This is precisely why I don't do every single thing. If I complete every single side quest, fight every boss, level my characters, get every item... I've beaten the game. That's it. I have no desire to play it again for a very long time.

    I play for the story. And the best way to get the story out of a game is to play the story related parts uninterrupted. I also hate grinding for levels. I keep my levels as low as possible. It adds something else to the game: harder boss battles. Bosses should be challenging, not pushovers. Too many times they end up being too weak even if you gain a normal amount of levels.

    When I've finished that, I can play the game again. Then I can worry about completing everything and take my time doing it.

  8. #8
    Registered User Enjoy the game or rush through? Halie's Avatar
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    Re: Enjoy the game or rush through?

    I don't exactly "rush through", but I don't stall either. I don't do any sidequests until I've finished the game, but I stick around long enough to have levelled up a reasonable amount so that I can actually defeat the bosses. Otherwise I'll have to restart the game because I can't defeat a certain boss and don't have anyway of levelling up for it. That happened to me in FFX when I was in Home... twice. ^.^;

  9. #9
    Death Before Dishonor Enjoy the game or rush through? Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Enjoy the game or rush through?

    It depends on a variety of things. Sometimes me an my friends have contest to see who can finish an FF game first.

    Overall I tend to progress very quickly. The faster the story goes the more interested I seem to be in it.

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  10. #10
    A Plain Old Derp Enjoy the game or rush through? Padraic's Avatar
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    Re: Enjoy the game or rush through?

    I wade through most of the time, but If I have nothing better to do, I lock myself in my room and play for hours on end. I haven't beaten XIII yet, and I got it the day it was released. I also make sure that I can get into the story though. ALWAYS!

  11. #11
    Relaxin' with Final Fantasy Enjoy the game or rush through? KainsBro's Avatar
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    Re: Enjoy the game or rush through?

    I always take my time, no reason to rush.

  12. #12
    The Lone Dagger Enjoy the game or rush through? Xithor's Avatar
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    Re: Enjoy the game or rush through?

    I used to speed through it and that's what I did when I played my first Final Fantasy game which was IX but since then I realized that it's more enjoyable by not only leveling when you can but also exploring all of the sections of the maps that you get to find the most that you can. I always take breaks from the story now to complete side quests and pretty much don't move onto another game until I've completed all the things a Final Fantasy has to offer. Only one exception and that's Yiazmat in XII lol I have him down to half his health but goodness he's difficult. It's on my "To Do List" before I turn 30 lol

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  13. #13
    Registered User Enjoy the game or rush through? BigWill's Avatar
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    Re: Enjoy the game or rush through?

    It depends how much I get into the game. A good game that keeps me into it I can take my sweet old time and do every little thing. If I'm not into it I can beat it in a hurry. But it is very rare that I dislike a game that much.

  14. #14
    The Mad God Enjoy the game or rush through? Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: Enjoy the game or rush through?

    Usually I rush on the first play, just due to wanting to know what will happen next in the story, so I'll forego sidequests and things for the most part, doing a few here and there for weapos or other crap I want, but I'll be trying to get to the next story segment as fast as possible usually.
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  15. #15
    I feel epic... Enjoy the game or rush through? Ralz's Avatar
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    Re: Enjoy the game or rush through?

    I always take my time in games.

    Whether its appreciating the surrounding environments (which were spectacular in FFXIII), grinding away for hours to beat that one annoying enemy, or just randomly getting lost in the vastness of an open field, I want to get the most out of it.

    Typically, a good percentage of my clock time has to go to grinding. I just refuse to go into an area weaker than I should be. If I can level up, I will do it, and as soon as possible. I'll even do it even if there was an area later that offered better Exp. I want it now. So, I waste a few hours either running in circles, or in FFXII's and FFXIII's case, exit the area, and come back.

    Another good waste of time is sidequests. Always the annoying sidequests. Whether its a fetch quest or go defeat this balls-hard enemy, gotta go do it. No one said this job would be easy. >_>

    And that's mostly what consumes my clock time. My shortest time on any FF game was the first one, at 40 hours. And my longest was FFXII, at 180 hours. But now FFXIII's really on its way, with 105 hours, and I haven't even done half of the missions, yet. The slower a game goes, the more you appreciate it, or just enjoy it. I don't even know how people could beat FFXIII in one day, or one week.

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  16. #16
    Registered User Enjoy the game or rush through? Ashelia's Avatar
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    Re: Enjoy the game or rush through?

    I don't know if you consider this as enjoying or rushing... I do enjoy playing, and I wanna see every corner of the world, leave no stone unturned. But I don't wanna loose track of the story, or spend days just doing random battles to reach the maximum level. So at an enjoyable speed, I do keep moving forwards in the story or side quests. Usually I finish at a level where the bosses are still a challenge and a matter of skill, rather than just using some overpowered 9999 damage weapon or skill.
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  17. #17
    Imperius Rex Enjoy the game or rush through? Storm's Avatar
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    Re: Enjoy the game or rush through?

    I like to enjoy the game. I like to spend time getting everything, beating everything and generally completing everything the game has to offer. I'm a real completionist!

    I also like to do many things asside from playing games, and a lot of my free time is taken up with university work (especially my final major project- my animation). I don't see the point on trying to speed through a new game as fast as possible. I like to make the most of it.
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  18. #18

    Re: Enjoy the game or rush through?

    Well I hate drinding and leveling up so always finish games on low levels. I mess around with the side quests but usualy wait for my 2nd playthrough to explore every little thing.

  19. #19
    This ain't no place for no hero Enjoy the game or rush through? Tiffany's Avatar
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    Re: Enjoy the game or rush through?

    I'm a story junky. So I'll finish the storyline portion of the game as soon as I can. Then I'll go back and do the side quests and whatnot.

    I also don't use the game guide (unless I am SUPER stuck) on my first playthrough. The second one I'll follow it to try and totally max out my characters.

  20. #20
    Registered User Enjoy the game or rush through? Zidane77's Avatar
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    Re: Enjoy the game or rush through?

    The main thing i like about FF is the storyline but i have never rushed through it, i always try to master the game while am at it.
    I don't even wanna do the Excalibur II quest in IX to try to 100% master it, cause that would mean leaving other things behind which is just stupid and i wouldn't enjoy that playthrough at all.
    I've mastered IX though besides the Excalibur quest, in my opinion that's the hardest one to master,even impossible (with all key-items,weapons etc.)

    I think it's pointless to play FF just to go through the story, it's just half the fun.


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