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  1. #1
    Eye in the Sky Final Fantasy XVI? Fuzz's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy XVI?

    Alright I know, way to early to talk about this, but I had to share something

    I just picked up the domain ( a few weeks ago. I found it in a domain auction and didn't even have to pay that much! It seems that Square Enix usually has these domains to promote every game since Final Fantasy XI - but there is nothing (obviously) for yet, but it appears someone owns it.

    I'm hoping the series keeps going despite some recent news that they are breaking away from the traditional series... something in my heart tells me they will keep going one-way or another. If they do, hopefully they will be interested, if not, I'll just make a site for it or something. Right now it is just an alias to

    Anyways, thought that was a good snag and had to share... Feel free to throw some ideas around on how XVI will be, but it probably won't be 7-10 years before we see something.

  2. #2
    Our Hopes and Expectations Final Fantasy XVI? Ernest's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy XVI?

    The only things I've read about "breaking away from tradition" was that the staff team of 300 that was used for Final Fantasy XIII over 5 years, was too expensive and would never be that high again.

    They said that now that they know how to make a 7th Gen Final Fantasy, that many staff won't be necessarry. So I guess the expectation is that future games will be different, possibly smaller and more streamlined? Not sure.

    As for this game. I never played Final Fantasy XI because I couldn't afford the subscription in school and my parents weren't interested. But as a 19 year old, I have considered this game a lot.

    Final Fantasy XI had pretty mediocre critical success, and I read and heard that the game became more and more broken as time went on. However playing an MMO in the world of Final Fantasy seems like a dream come true. I am pretty interested, but not overly.

  3. #3
    The Quiet One Final Fantasy XVI? Andromeda's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy XVI?

    Actually, when the year it came out the game was reviewed quite well. I remember seeing it winning some game of the year or something from like Gamespot or something. Either way, hearing that something is becoming broken is not really the same as playing it. The only thing FFXI had going against it was that a year or two later WoW came out and people jumped over because it was an easier experience. FFXI was, as some have said, built with the Everquest players in mind. The people that enjoy a challenge and when you accomplish something in the game it feels important and makes you proud.

    Anyway, the thread's not about FFXI, but about the eventual announcement of FFXVI. Seeing as FFXIV is currently set for this year and FFXV is probably already in pre-production long before FFXIII was even finished. I would suspect that we'll see FFXVI announced in like 3 years time. It won't mean much more than a title and maybe some screenshots or ten second teaser. But I don't think it'll be a long way. If Square plays things smart they will do what they did during the PSone era and have like three individual teams working. You'll get three distinctly different products, but you can also release them one year after another. They just have to do it right and if they found 300 people to staff up FFXIII, I think they got the team members to do several main series FF projects at the same time.

    I'm guessing you're planning on selling the domain to SE when they come calling for their official site? Maybe you can squeeze in some connection to TFF and get us on the mainstream for FF fans. ^^ Be pretty cool to get a new wave of members from the attention. Sure we'd end up with thousands of newbies, but if you work something how awesome with that be.

    And here's hoping that FFXIV is a return to pure unpolluted untainted fantasy on a grand epic scale that was done in FFIX. I want monolithic cities and landmarks that'd give you whiplash just trying to see to the top. And nothing past the steam engine in technology level if even a steam engine. And they need the classic wooden airships held up by magic energy or whatever have you.
    Last edited by Andromeda; 03-02-2010 at 10:27 PM.
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  4. #4
    I want to play a game. Final Fantasy XVI? Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy XVI?

    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    And here's hoping that FFXIV is a return to pure unpolluted untainted fantasy on a grand epic scale that was done in FFIX. I want monolithic cities and landmarks that'd give you whiplash just trying to see to the top. And nothing past the steam engine in technology level if even a steam engine. And they need the classic wooden airships held up by magic energy or whatever have you.
    You are talking about the next Final Fantasy MMO and didn't make a spelling mistake? Because, FFXIV will have a blend of Sci-Fi and Fantasy - it is going to be more Sci-Fi than FFXI to give you a measure. It looks like the Garlean Empire has all or most of the advanced technology - the airships seen in the trailers are mostly theirs. Though the concept art for the main cities in FFXIV have a fantasy look to them - very beautiful.

    As for some ideas for FFXVI: they could go back to a high fantasy setting which would be cool, maybe in an apacolyptic setting - add a dark atmosphere to the game. While this may overdue the amount of technology seen in more recent FF games, something of a space opera.

    This idea just popped into my head, how about a FF that takes place underwater with aquatic races. It may have some sci-fi elements to it, but it would be a nice change of what the technology would be for. I'm really digging that underwater setting. To explore the vast see and endless ocean floor; the game would also be a stark difference in scenery to all FF games - something fresh.

    Another setting for a more high fantasy game they could borrow from elvan architecture and have all the structures be in humongous trees, wrap around the trees or have the building amongst the trees - a world covered in forest (or mostly).

    As for the story - there will be conflict... most likely. There is nothing original left to do but presentation; I know that they [SE] really focus on telling a new story with each FF game. I've noticed that the past few main FF games, excluding possibly FFXI, have had a anti-religious or anti-diety message in them and FFXIII I think follows this as well - I shall see when I play the game. So in FFXVI I would not want religion or some god(s) to be the or a source of conflict for the heroes. Perhaps a shadow organization trying to create the perfect world with the perfect people inhabiting it (a page from the Nazis? Yeah). Or a story about the world approaching an impending doom and the heroes must find a way to stop it. They could expand the idea from FFIV where the player controlls the "bad guy" and have the player in FFXVI play the "bad guy" throughout the whole story or have the game switch up between "good guys", "bad guy(s)" every so often.

    Main series FFs Beaten - FF: 4x, FFII: 3x, FFIII: 3x, FFIV: 3x, FFV: 3x, FFVI: 4x, FFVII: 5x, FFVIII: 5x, FFIX: 3x, FFX: 4x, FFXII: 3x, FFXIII: 2x, FFXV: 2x

  5. #5
    .............. Final Fantasy XVI? smurphy's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy XVI?

    I say let Dragon Quest be the series that is perpetually stuck in the simpler times. I love the innovation in VII and VIII in the worlds created so more of the same please SE from XVI on.

    Im just curious, when push comes to shove can someone get exorbitant amounts of money for a domain name when a corporation really wants it. I wouldve thought SE would have had the foresight to buy the rights to the domain names as far as FF XX as we all know its inevitable.
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