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  1. #1

    Crystal Chronicle Series

    As I mentioned in another thread, I'm playing through the FF series again and am always looking for new and exciting games.

    I bought the original Crystal Chronicles when it came out and I remember playing it for about 5-10 minutes and saying "screw this" after being really built up in excitement. Now there's a whole series of CC games, and I was wondering if the series is viewed as worth going through? They don't seem to be that long of games or super difficult so I'm considering picking a couple of them up.

    What's your thoughts on these games?

    And I think the downloadable Wii games look pretty cool and unique, though FF in name only.

  2. #2

    Re: Crystal Chronicle Series

    I guess they're that bad. I picked up Crystal Bearers despite this warning of no posts...and, man. This game is retarded. It's literally watching a movie in between a lot of running around. You only really have to do about 4-5 fights in the whole thing and you can avoid the rest. Ouch.

  3. #3
    Registered User Crystal Chronicle Series Zidane77's Avatar
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    Feb 2010

    Re: Crystal Chronicle Series

    The only Crystal Chronicles i've played was on GC and it was pretty cheap.
    I played through a little bit and i sold it in the end.

  4. #4

    Re: Crystal Chronicle Series

    Well, I beat Crystal Bearers last week. At first it's *really* fun to use the wii controls to play, but it starts to drag and you really can skip almost every fight in the game except for about 4 or 5 of them (and you'll want to, it gets tedious to fight). So it makes the game into a lot of running around and solving of puzzles of where to go in the platforming side of things. It forces you into a few mini-games that seem pointless too. There's an upgrade of weapons system which is kinda pointless...and then there's pointless achievements. All of this I guess is supposed to extend the gameplay for people who have to complete everything 100%. There's really no incentive to do so otherwise.

    That said, the story was really good. Some of the voice acting was terrible, but the story was so good I didn't care. And that's what made me finish the game, which wasn't a long task if you skip most of the fights. Game's really easy, not terribly challenging at all. Just get the hang of the way to do the boss battles and it's done. F

    Just started ring of fates and am about an hour into it. It's got an easy combat system and is pretty cute and fun as well. Neither of these games are really deep, immersive games but they're fun with good storylines.

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