View Poll Results: which is the best final fantasy game?

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  • 1

    12 1.69%
  • 2

    3 0.42%
  • 3

    11 1.55%
  • 4

    34 4.80%
  • 5

    11 1.55%
  • 6

    69 9.73%
  • 7

    205 28.91%
  • 8

    101 14.25%
  • 9

    91 12.83%
  • 10/10-2

    119 16.78%
  • 11

    6 0.85%
  • 12

    33 4.65%
  • Tactics/Tactics Advanced

    14 1.97%
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Results 211 to 240 of 601

Thread: Best final fantasy game

  1. #211
    my ff game is ff7 that is so good to play i play it over a over so many times i have to go on the internet to see if i have missed anything ff10 is ok but if i rated ff7 to ff10 it is 10 of course!! but i like ff7 the most because the story line is more enjoyable for me.

  2. #212
    Registered User Best final fantasy game Irvine Valentine's Avatar
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    VI is my favorite. Then I'd have to say IX and probably IV. The rest are as follows:
    X,VIII,VII,V,II,I And we'll wait to see where I'll put III as I have only played the rom. Right now I think it'd be between V and II though.
    Phantesie Finelle is my Final Fantasy

  3. #213
    Master Vivi
    I chose IX, but that's probably only because most people like the first one they play.

  4. #214

    best Final Fantasy game ever

    I think the best game ever is a toss up between III and VII. They both are the bet for their systems and I personally love them both.

  5. #215
    i like both 7 and 8, but i had to chose 8....i love when your on the train and you have to find those codes, thats always fun
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  6. #216
    Best final fantasy game Dark One's Avatar
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    Boco shut up.
    I would have to say FFx. It had a great story and details. They added so much into these game like spear grid and more. So it was the best game.

  7. #217
    As for me I voted I but im also found of VII,X,and X-2.
    I voted I thogh because its an orignal for me clasic old fashion attack,Magic,item and run. not much more complicated than of the best for me.
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  8. #218
    FFIV did it for meh. Fantastic stuff. Great game. Period. End of Discussion. =)
    It's followed closely by FFIX. That was also a wonderful game.
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  9. #219
    FFVII, i really love the characters and the story, music, adventures, missions. And that i need to train them in higher lvl's to even have a chance in the game.

  10. #220
    Banned Best final fantasy game ffgod's Avatar
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    it has rubbish gba graphics and i think that VIII is the best cos it has the most awesome cutscenes, music and squall with the gunblade


  11. #221
    Wow, I can't believe 5 only has one vote. I enjoyed that game.

    I kind of contradicted alot my posts in this poll. I picked FFX, even though I love FFVIII. I think FFX was the best, because I spent over 130 hours on it, and that's the most play I've got out of any game, and I still need to defeat all the Dark Aeons (I've only killed 2.) so I'm still trying to get everything.
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  12. #222
    i would go with ten because the story is just so perfect at the end

  13. #223
    6 has always been my favorite ever since I was a kid, 7 comes second. I still need to play 8 and 9 (will once I order them in) and I have 10, just haven't had the time to start playing it (I got it last week and played maybe 2 hours). 5 I have played some of, but not enough to rate it. 3 i played some of too, but decided to wait tell the DS remake comes out, witch isn't too far away.1, 2, and 4 I own (for GBA) and enjoy alot, 2 to a lesser extent

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  14. #224
    Best final fantasy game of all time is ff10 and ff7 they are so good to play ff8 and ff10x are ok to but for me it is ff7 and ff10

  15. #225
    I loved Final Fantasy 8.

    10 was linear to me, 9 was fun but forgettable and 7 was good but overrated.

    I love most of the games in the series though. It's just that 8 compelled me more.

  16. #226
    Best final fantasy game Nizbel MDK's Avatar
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    My favorite FF game's always been and will remain Final Fantasy V. I like plenty of things about it, and definately the Job Class system.

  17. #227
    aww your making me chosse meh i say 10 but i really love 9 and 8 but i like 10 most so meh

  18. #228
    7 is the best because it has a great story to it and 10 but 7 was so good it is now on the psp as a DVD the DVD is the best if it was the game and the DVD it wood be the DVD for me.

  19. #229
    Best final fantasy game Emerald620's Avatar
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    None of your buisiness... Russia
    i defiantely have to go with 7, the best story characters and i also have to say the best soundtrack

    great bosses and mini-games so overall i would take it over anything else
    Sometimes people have to much fun

  20. #230
    I thought 9 was without a doubt the best final fantasy ive ever been on. the equipment was much better, you could have 4 characters and amarant rocked. yeha ff9 all the way!
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  21. #231
    i would say it is ff 7, 8, 9, 10, and x-2
    cause there cool

  22. #232
    it is ff10 and ff7 thay are the best

  23. #233
    mm i played 10 the most but the story of 7 is sweet. I still need to play 8, the magc in that is keping me from doing that. Im playing 9 now its sweet but 7 I think is fantastic.
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  24. #234
    it was 7 and 10 but now it is 8 and 9 because it is so hard and i like hard games

  25. #235
    I think FF7 is the best

    Squaresoft really out did itself with this one i mean Clouds the best FF charecter ever
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  26. #236
    I think final fantasy x is the best because of the charicters and the story.

  27. #237
    i say 7 is the best because it hasthe coolest story line and the best character CLOUD and avalanche
    Attached Images Attached Images Best final fantasy game-cloudasfg-jpg 

  28. #238
    Nine is without a doubt the bestest Final Fantasy ever! I love everything in the game and Vivi! I mean, come on, how can you not like the little guy?

  29. #239
    I have always loved 8 most of all becuase of Edea's darkness but it was really hard for me to decide becuase I also have a deep affection for 6 (or 3).

  30. #240
    Why isn't eleven on this list?????? I would have to say that it is my personal favorite. But, based on the list I would have to say nine............

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