View Poll Results: which is the best final fantasy game?

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  • 1

    12 1.69%
  • 2

    3 0.42%
  • 3

    11 1.55%
  • 4

    34 4.80%
  • 5

    11 1.55%
  • 6

    69 9.73%
  • 7

    205 28.91%
  • 8

    101 14.25%
  • 9

    91 12.83%
  • 10/10-2

    119 16.78%
  • 11

    6 0.85%
  • 12

    33 4.65%
  • Tactics/Tactics Advanced

    14 1.97%
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Thread: Best final fantasy game

  1. #91
    Best final fantasy game demon axel's Avatar
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    hell, that is all you need to know
    i say 7 man the story not bad
    Luck, in my experience theres no such thing."(obiwan)

  2. #92
    Final Fantasy VII is overrated. I trust the Famitsu poll, so Final Fantasy X is really the best.

  3. #93
    Go with me, Exkaizer~ Best final fantasy game Treize's Avatar
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    in the land of twilight
    I would pick FF 8. It was an awesome game. It had a great story line and then battles were fun!
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  4. #94
    I would definitly have to say Final Fantasy VII because it has the most awesome characters and has the best sequel that is in movie form

  5. #95
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    1) Overratted - I am not saying it sux, it started the series but compared to the rest there is not much to the whole game.

    2) Quite Underrated - The Battle system was a bit messy so I am sure this is what put people off but it was a big step up from the first one

    3) Neutral - Haven't played it and nobody talks much about it as it hasnt been properly remade, from what I hear its quite good.

    4) Underrated - This is still rated highly by old school gamers, from playing it and hearing others discuss it, I say it is the BEST in the series, NOT my favourite though I did like it. The story was great and the fights were a challenge, a great game and too bad it didn't get the complete make-over like III did.

    V) Most Underrated - I do not understand why people dislike this game, the job system kicks ass, Butz is cool and the story is good, not great. I think if each aspect of it had a little more time on it, it would of been the best.

    VI) Quite Overrated - Too short, too easy, good characters, the battle system was nice but it made it too easy. I don't see why old school gamers obsess over it so much.

    VII) Most overrated - I mean I enjoyed the game but why does this game have to be the be all and end all of the FF games? There are better more interesting FF games out there, time to move on to new and exciting new RPGs kiddies!

    VIII) Underrated - Personally this is my favourite, battle system was almost flawless, Balamb Garden is an interesting place, the fights were challenging but not too hard, Squall had an in depth Personallity than pissed people off which gave me a slight tear, Seifer was a great Rival. Only gripes I have is the music was terrible :@ and Rinoa was a stupid love interest, Quistis is a hottie and we all know Squall really liked her

    IX) Neutral - There's not really much I can say, it was a good game and all but it wasn't REALLY the old ones made into a new 1. I do like it but it wasn't exactly amazing

    X) Underrated - This game has an amazing battle system BUT you can't really enjoy it till you unlock the Monster Arena (Providing you have the international version), the Sphere grid was a great new addition and added a new level of difficulty and made it last much longer. The story was average, Tidus was Zell as the main character, and the rest of the Characters were meh.

    X-2) Underrated - The Dress sphere system made this game quite good, the story was not as bad as people made it out to be, kind of weird to see an actual FF sequel but it turned out to be alright, more of a relaxing game than something to be a fanboy over, an FFX add on.

    So yeah, personally I think FFV is the most underrated, FFIV is the best, FFVIII is my favourite, FFVII is the most overrated, and FFI is the worst. Don't get me wrong, FFI and VII are still very good, just at the bottom end of the scale.

  6. #96
    Final Fantasy 7 is my favorite! I like the plot, the characters. The name changes. The aeons are a little rough, but simple. The twists keep me on my ties, and I love to play along side Tifa...infact I even named her after me^^

  7. #97
    Best final fantasy game fosterkid's Avatar
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    i wanna play 6 but dont know where to find it

    i pick 7......i mean its 7 .....nuff said
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  8. #98
    Best final fantasy game $Nanaki$'s Avatar
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    II is still my all time favorite. I remember when I was still living in Arizona, going through a really really bad patch in my life (My GF left me, and I found out she was just using me until things cooled down at home) and this game really helped me through it. I used to play it all the time on my days off from work, and it was the Japanese version.

    It really did help and when people say Video games are destructive or serve no purpose i'll tekk them off as this really saved me from suicide.
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    In legacy

    Comments? suggestions? Insults?

  9. #99
    Personally I would Pick Final Fantasy VI.
    This apart from 7 I felt was the only one with enjoyable innovations too it. The difficulty was balanced but sometimes tricky, the enemies inventive and the ways to kill them also so.
    The characters could truly be associated with there needs and feelings, so they didn't feel so one dimensional.
    There's far more that can be said, but truly a great game.

  10. #100
    Then best FF game that I've played would be all of them.

  11. #101
    Seems most the bored agrees with me on VII

  12. #102
    Registered User Best final fantasy game maxpower's Avatar
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    My favorite is IV it is one heck of a game!

  13. #103
    Best final fantasy game fosterkid's Avatar
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    i need to play 7 again just to make my g/f understand advent children
    but what im getting at is i love 7 its friggin awsome!!!!!!!
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  14. #104
    Final Fantasy X gets my vote. It is Overall the Greatest Final Fantasy in the Series.

    Come on, deep down you agree with me.

  15. #105
    I feel that VII will always be my fav. reasons
    1. the music is brilliant especially the one winged angel theme!!
    2. Sephiroth is by far the best villain
    3. The characters are awesome
    and finally
    4. the first game i ever got

  16. #106
    Quote Originally Posted by Odin

    VI)Quite Overrated - Too short, too easy, good characters, the battle system was nice but it made it too easy. I don't see why old school gamers obsess over it so much.
    From what I've heard/seen, the NTSC (and PAL probably) versions were made a lot easier than the Japanese version when it was released. Maybe you could try the Japenese version if you haven't already?

    If you can't play because it's in Japanese, there's a certain...other could try it...

  17. #107
    i have picked FF7 as i would do in any other of these kinds of threads...i just loved the game in general: Good character personalities, Graphics werent bad, excellent storyline and the bad guys owned! thats all i can really say!
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  18. #108
    Final fantasy 7, only one that comes close is 3.

  19. #109
    ff7 is the most fun and has the best story line and better boss fights

  20. #110
    yea final fantasy vii rocks, its got a good storyline, battle system and the characters are cool.
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  21. #111
    That is kind of a unfair question because I like ff3, ff4, ff7, ff8, ff9, are all awesome and ff10 is ok but if I had to pick on I would pick........?..... mmmmm maybe ff......7!

  22. #112
    I have to go with 10 as my favorite final fantasy played although ive liked all of the ones i've played. In particular FF7, FF9, and FF10.

  23. #113
    I've gone with VII. Definitely the best and most intricate storyline, brilliant characters (except Cait Sith- the concept of the character was good, but the result of the concept was terrible) and it was overall a better game than the other FFs
    Proud member of TFF of Europe<o =""></o>

  24. #114
    Final Fantasy 7 all the way!

    Final Fantasy Tactics is a close second though!

  25. #115
    Umm, I would say 7 and 8.. Because of the storyline, but 10 in definetly on the second place, because of the awesome graphics and the battlesystem..

  26. #116
    Best final fantasy game Clodan's Avatar
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    I've voted for FFVII because this game was the first F-game what i played and this game was for the technologie in the past very good and the story and subtance was very clever.
    MFG Clodan
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  27. #117
    X great story probably because im a sucker for the love story
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  28. #118
    Best final fantasy game Quintessence's Avatar
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    I love VII, IX, and X... and this was a really hard choice... but I went with VII anyway.
    All the plots were awesome!
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  29. #119
    FF7 is definately my favorite one but FF9 was just as emotional and enthralling as FF7. The only reason i pick 7 before 9 is because of the characters and the emotions they each went through and the summons were much better. Truely a masterpiece...

  30. #120
    Final Fantasy VII is the best, closely followed by X and V.
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    ~Midgar Mako~
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