I've played and beaten all of them so far.
Poor me i have no life.
FFVI is by far my favorite. BUT, i will say this. To me, the biggest part to a game is the story... and how i connect with the characters. Its not the amazing graphics... or the cool effects. Plainly the story. FFVII had a great story as well....
But i cried when Cyan lost his family, when Terra found out where she came from, when Locke lost Rachel...
I was excited the first time I climbed the tower of Kefka... in awe to see its boss trample my party after i was sure i would beat him.
Kefka, has always been a favorite villan of mine, and a very well done one at that... I felt a general HATE towards him... He killed his own emperor, his OWN people in order to gain his power... even SUCEEDED in destroying the world...
The amount of character's and the depth that they gave nearly every one of them... still excites me to this day (aside from GoGo, but he was still cool)
To all of the people who would call me a fan-boy, i say this. Perhaps... If loving a game as deep as VI was makes me a fan-boy. I dont want to be anything else.