i always stick with ff8.
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i always stick with ff8.
It's VII, final fantasy vii has the most popular characters ever, vincent, tifa, sephiroth, cloud. should i continue?
FFVIII Is awesome. I think it is my favorite.
yah rock on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what the heck kind of question is that u kno it and i kno it FFVII is the best FF game there ever was
ff8 is because of the story and graphics.
i think that 7 is the best out of them all even tho i love 8
Well I would say Final Fantasy 10 is the best cause the game play is like so much fun that I couldn't resist. Final Fantasy 7 is also kinda great too.
ff 10 was okay , ff7 was better, but the best was ff8.
Final fantasy VII for me. But sometimes it goes back to Final Fantasy VI... And Tactics rules too.
I'll go for FFX and FF8 also.. dont like FF7..
finally somebody who likes 8.
9 is the best! It was my first final fantasy and the one that speaks out to me the most.
9 was good.
Although I loved all the games I've played for different reasons in each one, I go back to FF8 which got me hooked on the series in the first place. I loved the graphics, storyline until disc 4 when it got kinda dicey with ultimecia, and I could really get into each character. The card game was also awesome.
why am i not suprised, figures eveyonr would vote for 7, its not that great of a game honestly, i like 4 the best because im all about old school. final fantasy 4 was the first one that i played and got me into playing the final fantasy games. final fantasy 4 was the first game that gave each character there own uniqe abilities like jump and other things. my second would probibly be X because i liked the story and the music especialy, i think that the game play in that game was the best of all of them because i like turn based style rather than ATB.
ff7 is thew best if you ask me becasue its the funiest chocobo wise and many many others including the battels and missions the missons are totaly the best in all the final fantsy becasue geeting past alarms and sneeking past missions are fun. ps try ff7 if you havn't and you'll be amazed at how much fun it's
Final Fantasy VII kicks all the others to the curb.
I think that final fantasy 7 is the best one the storyline and characters are the best in the series I think.
I think 7 would be the best.
id have to say 9:D
I would have to go for 9, I like the game/battle system, but final fantasy 6 would be my second
it's a tie between 10 and 8 for me...
proberly 8 by a little
1) Final Fantasy VIII
2) Final Fantasy VII
3) Final Fantasy IX
4) Final Fantasy X
5) Final Fantasy Tactics : Advance
6) Final Fantasy X-2
Its in ORDER. Did I already post here ?
I'm Disappointed to see that Final Fantasy XI isn't up there...
Anyways, I voted for FFVII, for numerous reasons:
Brilliant Storyline
Well designed characters
beautiful world map and scenary (although old its great!)
One of the baddest bad guys ever
Well thought outmagic system
and finally - All round great game to play!
And thatswhy i votedfor FFVII!
i would say VIII but the monsters level up with your charters and i found all my charters doin 9999 max damage an not be able to kill a cadpiller come on!!!!that pissed me off so ill say FF9 the charters are all so cool :cool:
Spoiler: final fantacy 7 sucks clouds a fag worst ff ever
I need to say Final Fantasy VII, and no not because of Advent Children.
It's good funny adventure and the chars are, Err. It's just the way it is.
I mean i would maybe say X-2 if it weren't for cloud, tifa, aeris, sephiroth, vincent, etc, etc. Every favourite FF char i have is in that game, besides YRP.
So yea i need to say FF-VII, because of the adventures, bosses, chars, and again the damn good adventure. xD
Final Fantasy FFIX was my fist FF game and I liked it more than FFVII but nothing beats FFX, because it changed the way the characters were depicted, giving them more depth with the voice-overs. And the Sphere-grid system was awesome.
The first Final fantasy game i ever played because my cousin had it and i fell in love with it when i saw it so i had to buy it. 1 year later I saw 7 on the shelves and bought it to see what it's like and i was amazed it was better then 8! but when 10 came out with the graphics characters and storyline its been my fav ever since.So 10 is my vote.
now i'm playing ff7, but i dont find anything cool about it..(no offense) its just like th feeling of playing an ordinary game it's not that addicting or anything... It didn't gave me the feeling like when im playing ffx or x2.. I thought that this game is cool but i guess not that much and i dont like AERITH!! (no offense)...
That's what i only think... if ffx is not included maybe ill go for ff8(even if i haven't played it)...