VII: It was my introduction into the series and has inspired a large protion of my writing/drawing.
...guess who's winning the poll...
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VII: It was my introduction into the series and has inspired a large protion of my writing/drawing.
...guess who's winning the poll...
ohh this is difficult
I'm gonna say FF6 I am playin through it now and it's awesome
On the subject of FF7 it was good but overrated in my opinion my second choice would be FF8
Enough with the "FFVII sucks" thing. If it sucked, it would have never had 3 Prequels (Before Crisis, Crisis Core, Last Order), 4 Sequels (Dirge of Cerberus, Advent Children & Advent Children Complete, On The Way To A Smile/EP.Denzel). :above: Channel your jealousy elsewhere
Ppl who say 'FFVII is overrated' are just chucking little bitchfits cause they dont understand why the rest of us have more brain cells than them. Look who's winning the poll :roflmao:
Oh n one more thing. The ONLY Final Fantasy character EVER to be glorified into a life size statue just happens to be from FFVII. And my favourite video game character of all time. SEPHIROTH. SUCK ON THAT!!!! :above::above::above:
Let me get this straight, those who think of Final Fantasy VII as a bad an overrated game , they have less brain cells than those who actually like Final Fantasy VII, and here I thought it was all matter of opinion. This is why I hate Final Fantasy VII fanboys, rash and quite often stupid such as yourself.
I wrote few sentences just recently as to why Final Fantasy VII is a bad and overrated game, now, do tell me, might there be something wrong in my post, and how can a game with such flaws be considered a masterpiece.
You're not obligated to answer any of my questions, but since you tend to talk about brain cells and who has more, your posts should have more thought to them or at least be more mature, in other words not your typical 12 year old Final Fantasy VII fanboy answers, like the one to "Rising Star" or "OMG, you're so stupid, Final Fantasy VII is tha best game evaaaaaa, I would like to suck Sephiroth's ****"... you get the gist of it.
That wont stop. The difference is you spout alOt of self-righteous info to other members whenever their comments conflict with yours under the guise of being an expert on eveything Final Fantasy related. Get over yourself:above:. Every member on here should feel free to write whatever they feel and not deal with the "Xanatos (Plonker)" What is and what isnt Intelligent Police. Hmm about Sephiroth.. You saying you'd prefer Kefka?!??
I'm far from expert on Final Fantasy, then again when one enters in conflict with person such as yourself you don't really have to be. And yes, when it comes to certain things I do respond more often than I should, though unlike you my answers are usualy polite and far from 12 year old ragin fanboy who can't come up with proper response, thus reaching for insults. As for Kefka and Sephiroth, out of two of us guess who doesn't glorify either one of them.
Just because you dont swear and Your reponses might be 'mature' and 'well thought out' and you validate Your opinion over others and pass em off as facts** Your answers are polite??!?... PULEASE:lol::lol::lol: Your worse. Your condescending as hell
In this case, yes, everything I wrote about Final Fantasy VII is indeed a fact, well, almost everything, you don't really have to take my word on it, check official guides, FF Wikki, you may even ask Final Fantasy VII fans who are not biased and know their shit and you'll end up with same answer. If you find anything wrong with what I wrote please do correct me, in meantime behave.
My what?Quote:
Your worse. Your condescending as hell
i voted 8 because it had a really great story and battle sysytem plus the junctioning with GFs were really cool
I'll say FFX becuz that was the first game I played of FF
FFT is the best imo mainly because of the amazing story and fleshed out characters. It's such a shame that so few people actually got to experience this masterpiece. It really is on another level from the numbered titles. :c
Im going to need EVERYONE that has something irrational (other than personal opinion) to quit knocking FF VII. I have a personal connection to it so it doesnt matter how many of you think "Final Fantasy 7 sucks" or "It's an overrated game", my love for it will not change.
Saying that fan boys & girls of it I'd appreciate if you back up your opinion or intrests of the the series because your making true die hard fans of it (myself and many others here) seem very derp and projected to have had laser brain surgery. It taints FF7's very existence and I'm sick of petty arguements about it. It is a masterpiece, present and back it up as so.
(Deep exhale.....) Now, to contribute to the thread. FF7 is still what I favor in the series. This game got me through despair filled times and is what rpg creators should look for as a basis (not for its story but its impact)
One thing I love the most about FF7 is that the story is a lot stronger than most of you that knock on it take it for. The game itself is a subliminial message to us. We're destorying our own home (Earth), it only takes a chosen few with initiative and hope to save it.
Wow... There is many choices too choose from FF7 is indeed my favorite FF but I can't forget how great FF4 or 10 or Even 6 is. I just have to go with FF7.
My favorite is Mystic Quest! why isn't that on the list? I love its engaging storyline with a hero trying to escape a crumbling mountain and then randomly encounters a monster which quickly makes him the hero of legend for some unexplained reason and then goes on a quest to save the world from darkness.
Psh... yeah right
IX was the first game i bought on my own/played and it will always make me nostalgia hard. Many of factors including character development, music and overall game play make this my favorite. Although he end is really weird. the tree you fight at the end was a bit random.
I shall always be an FF8 fan because of the insane custom-ability. Like junctioning spells to character attributes. 99 ultimas to att, poison to status att...etc.
i voted for 8 i love everything about that game :lol:
I voted for VI because it was the first RPG I played and i love the artwork.
Sorry to day but FFXII was pretty fun, but FFVII is always the best to most people. It is nice to see so many others dont think that FFVII is top on their list of favs. I am not alone in this world! :woot:
IX! I had more fun with it and cared more about the story than in any other FF. It has a special meaning for me. What could be better than marrying each other in Conde Petie, wandering the surreal paths of Memoria, outsmarting the computer in that crazy card game or fighting the god of death/Iifa Tree/whatever with Zidane, Vivi, Eiko and Freya? Four chibis stopping the end of the world.
FF7 of course ! First game I ever played and play again and again now ... Characters, script, the gameplay are so amazing *drool* <3
After thinking about such a difficult question, I have to go with ff ix because it was the first ff game I finished and really enjoyed the plot and characters. I really liked all the characters personalities and truly enjoyed the imagination behind the fairy tale - esque themes that were used compared to ff vii and ff viii.
Has to be FFVIII for me!
It was the first FF game I played and other FF games haven't managed to surpass it, FFIX and FFX have both come close second favourites.
The story and character profiles are what shadowed its minute flaws, like the fact it was the only FF game not to have MP but more of the case of the draw system.
Still my favourite game to this very day!
I choose 7 cause it's not because it was the first FF I play, it's about on it's amazing history that it have change everything from that year to go on (1997), and before, it's music, characters, graphics even if not really awesome in these days, and a lot of more, stuff that only people who have it would know. :)
Personally, I enjoyed FFVII the most out of most of them but FFX was and still is my favourite.
I would have voted for it but my disappointment in FFX-2 made me stray away over to vote for FFVII instead.