I'd have to say Final Fantasy 10 and Dirge of Cerberus are the best.
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I'd have to say Final Fantasy 10 and Dirge of Cerberus are the best.
id have 2 vote for........ FF7!! my fav chareter out of it is barret =) but i think dirge of cerberus suxed. i mean it was a lousy 3rd person shooter. but every1 has there own opinions.
Final Fantasy X. Great story, brilliant battle system and engaging. Well, it will be the best unless XII beats it when it arrives in the UK.
I'm actually surprised that FF7 isn't unpopular. It's has more damn sequels than Friday The 13th, and theres still more to come. Whats up with that?
I'd go with Final Fantasy 5 as my first. The characters were friendly and humorous to hang out with, the plot was very compelling albeit considered cliched to this day.. The job and ability system was amazing and it was more straight forward than Final Fantasy Tactics's. The graphics were also very great for a SNES game, and proved to be better done than FF4's and as good as FF6's. The music was also incredible too. N. Uematsu is a decisively great composer too! This also seems to be the FF I got more used to and replay more often than I play FF3, FF4, FF6, and FF9.
FF3 is my second Final Fantasy game. And no not the fake FF6. FF6 is my THIRD favorite.
So the list goes like this:
2)FFIII (I lost interest in this game after beating it, but I say it's worth the fun. I just hate the NES)
3)FFVI (Very decent game. Too bad I dont feel like playing it anymore)
4)FFT/FFIX/FFIV/FFI (Tactics is cool, 9 is old school, 4 is immature but good, 1 is nostalgi)
5)FFII (It was mediocre game. I liked and hated the Mastery system)
6)FFVII (Too overrated. Ok I guess but the fanboys blow it all out of proportion)
7)FFTA (Ten minutes playing it, and the other ten minutes bored. Stopped playing)
8)FFVIII (Although this one is worth more laughs than FFX-2)
i say 12 because different in so many ways and very very fun
cool my second fav is 7 and my third is 3
Hum ho...I've only played FFIX but i kinda lost interest in it...too much battles and sooo hard to defeat the monsters sia. I'll rather be here online than to play FFIX.
For me i like final fantasy X, 7 was good but i dont believe it was the best game i've ever played from the final fantasy series. Right now i'm working on Final Fantasy 8.
I believe there is no best Final Fantasy game. I mean for myself I can't really decide cause I love a lot of them, but when I go looking around other FF fans it is just so diverse I don't think there is just one great FF game. Plus it all comes down to Who played what first.
If I had to pick my favorite FF games it would be FF4 and Tactics.
Yeah I agree It's hard to simply say what game is the best. Because what's best to somebody, may not be the best to somebody else. I'd rather use the word favorite. So these are are my favorite and (in my opinion), the best.
1. FF VI
2. FF T
3. FF IV
4. FF IX
6. FF 1
9. FF X
10. FF V
11. FF II
12. FF X-2
The top 6 are concrete at the top of my list though 1, XII and IX might be switched around spots a little. Regardless, VI, Tactics, and IV will always be my very top. The bottom positions (spots 7-12) were harder me to put in order simply because some of them I just don't like enough to care but i guess this is how I would put them.
[QUOTE=Seraith]I believe there is no best Final Fantasy game. I mean for myself I can't really decide cause I love a lot of them, but when I go looking around other FF fans it is just so diverse I don't think there is just one great FF game. Plus it all comes down to Who played what first.
I agree with you, i really don't have a favorite eather, I like them all. The Final Fantasy games i've played are....
1. FFX-2 (This was my very first Final Fantasy game i've ever played)
2. FFX (Great story and characters)
3. FFIX (Garnet is hot)
4. FFVII (Cloud Rocks)
5. FFVIII & FFXII (Still working on finishing them)
6. FFXI (One of these days I'll start working on this one)
FFVII is the best. The characters all develop awesomely; the story is awesome; The gameplay is mindlessly fun; the setting is incredible; and finally...Sephiroth is the coolest videogame villain EVER (sorry Kefka, but your just too much of a b****...)
I say 9 had the ebst story line and it also had the best gameplay, though like the other games it was uch easier to figure out stuff. I also think that 10 is my second favourite because of its new high quality graphics:) the graphics made the game so much more fun to play and there was also voice commentary from the characers which made it easier to understand what was going on. I hated how you had to read subititles which were long and boing in all the other games, thanks square/enix for making speech in the newer games.:)
Hard question:
The ones I loved( I've played all of them) are IV, VII, X and XII.
These are my absolute favourits, but I like the whole series.
In FFIV u can feel the characters, when cecil says to zeromus: "I..just can't lose!" i just thought to myself that i simply had to beat the crap out him.
In FFVII u have an enourmous quantity of plot info being placed in your brain as the gae develops, and the battles are addicting.
FFX has an excellent story, loved the Battle System and the ending. Was the first FF I finished.
FFXII: The ADB is excellent which makes grinding a pleasure. Thee story is really cool and the graphics are beautiful.
The others have the same kind of feeling but IMO aren't as addicting as these four.
FFV is the best FF in the series. It's so simple, it's awesome. I loved the job system in it, and the game lasted a fair amount of time. My least favorite is X-2 because it was just way too gay for me (I didn't even bother finishing it, I kinda just put it aside and kept saying I was going to but never did.) No offense.
Hmmm... :/
Mine would have to be either X or VIII
Their stories are one of the best ones and are my fav FF games that I never get bored of. :]
They also have some of the best characters.
But even though I do like 7, I think it's a bit overrated :/
VIII easily. Best story line, a good diversity of characters you could easily love and hate either one. I love the Junctioning System too.
3 is the favorite in my heart (6 in japan). nothing beats it even though is for the SNES. I think that i must have beaten it about 10 times or so during my deployment to Afghanistan last year. Nothing like a good final fantasy game to keep s your nerves at bay with all the rocket attacks over there.
I think it will be 7 because it has lots of fun minigames and you spend a really long time getting everything from materia to overdrives. It is the far best i say. Even though i say all are evenly good in their own ways.
Even though i havent beat or even played some of the games.:)
Since I last posted on this thread I've finished Final Fantasy 8, and between Final Fantasy 10 to 8 its a draw for me. I like those two the most.
I can't decide between Final Fantasy VIII and Final Fantasy X.
I have played through Final Fantasy VIII a few times and each time I have loved every minute of it. I also like the Junctioning system. I prefer it to mp. I also liked the range of characters. The story line too was amazing. I liked the Laguna sequences. I also like how it leads to speculation as in "Who is related to who" even though I believe it is rather obvious ^^'
I am still playing Final Fantasy X at the moment but I believe so far that it is a really awesome game. I love the characters and feel for them and can relate to them. There has yet to be a part of Final Fantasy X that was a challenge or that was boring/repetitive. Hopefully I can say that for the rest of the game as well.
But if I had to decide I would say Final Fantasy VIII
VIII on all counts. It was the first one I played, and compared to the others, I think it goes in very deeply and it has such a huge connection to fate and what will happen in the future. The music was also unforgettable :) IX was also very deep on the whole Terra thing, but it just wasn't as fun. I enjoyed IV and V also, but their systems aren't as fun as the junction system.
hey bent chocobo i agree final fantasy 10 & 10-2 are the greatest final fantasy games made ever
hey fantasy x ive beaten final fantasy tactics,tactics advanced and final fantasy 7-10-2 i love playing final fantasy games here are some games ive beaten on gamecube tht arnt final fantasy related and here they are Fireemblem path of radiance,prince of persia warrior within,prince of persia two thrones,the legend of zelda twilight princess, legend of zelda windwaker,legend of zelda four swords, legend of zelda ocarina of time,legend of zelda majoras mask,super smash bros melee and here are the ones on gameboyadvance sp lord of the rings the two towers,Yugioh sacred cards,Yugioh reshef of destruction,final fantasy tactics adavanced for gameboy advance,pokemon leafgreen,pokemon firered,pokemon gold,pokemon crystal, pokemon yellow,blue and red, pokemon ruby and sapphire, pokemon colosium,pokemon gale of darkness,pokemon Xd, pokemon stadium for nintendo 64,pokemon stadium 2 for nintendo 64,pokemon mystery dungeon red rescue team here are the ones for xbox halo,halo2, basketball for xbox and tht is all of the games i have beaten. "can u beat tht in beating games"
hey fantasy x i took your test and i am squall tidus and squall would make a good fighting team don`t you agree
Please if you're gonna say more and nobody has posted after you just use the edit button-Setzer
Wait. Please stop posting. You may only post once at a time. Multiple posting is against the rules at this forum.
And not to mention you're just spamming. Take member comments to PM, please. Your second post is spam, because those games have nothing to do with this thread. It's off topic.
Please don't post anymore, thank you.
Final Fantasy 8 had more of a storyline to be connected with. It was more involving than other Final Fantasy games but don't get me wrong, the other games are great too. But Final Fantasy 8 I really enjoyed.
Tangental thread hijack.
What relevant categories could we divide "best" into? I think it's difficult for me to decide which one is the best strictly on an objective basis because a number of the FF games excel where others aren't so strong, but are kind of... well, equal when all is said.
To keep it broad:
- Best Story
- Most Balanced Cast
- Best Graphics
- Best Gameplay
- Most Fun
- Best Music
Does that cover all of the basic criteria without delving into fanwanking?
Best Story: Final Fantasy 8
Most Balanced Cast: Final Fantasy 7
Best Graphics: Final Fantasy 10
Best Gameplay: Final Fantasy 8
Most Fun: Final Fantasy 7
Best Music:Final Fantasy 8
Best Story: Final Fantasy 10
Most Balanced Cast: Final Fantasy 7
Best Graphics: Final Fantasy 10
Best Gameplay: Final Fantasy 8
Most Fun: Final Fantasy 10
Best Music:Final Fantasy 8
FF9 is best. great storyline, great characters, I like how abilities are learned. Plus Tetra Master is awesome. Two thumbs up.
I'd say FFx and x-2. Even tough their both a contuiation, stiill cool for me.