I have no opinion of this. I don't own anything past FF9...

Which FF would you watch someone stream? Is there one that the community kind of agrees that is the most fun to actually watch someone play and react to?

I mean...FF1 can be kind of grindish. FF2 and 3, almost moreso...

FF4-9 are alright, but 5 can be a bit dry to watch...visually, it did not really prioritize compared to the other games in the series. Mostly, it focuses on being a complex game that you can customize how you want to play.

FF8 can be the same way, but for different reasons...it's almost too experimental to really be watchable. Playable, yes, but I don't know why anyone would want to watch me Card every dang enemy in the game I could and Draw 100 Fires from a Bite Bug.
(edit: Well, the PC version has cheats built in for that purpose I suppose)

What do you guys think?