Im replaying FFX and i forgot how awesome the intro was. The music the graphics everything.
But i have to say i like FFX-2 has a great intro as well
Im replaying FFX and i forgot how awesome the intro was. The music the graphics everything.
But i have to say i like FFX-2 has a great intro as well
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I liked intro of FF VIII the most although I didn't have the chance to see intros of few FF games. I liked this intro because you see the grand battle between two great rivals Seifer and Squall immediately at the beginning also the surrounding music was excellent.
FF VI for SNES had surprisingly great intro, I really like it. When those two Magitek Armor are walking on snow you have a felling like it's 3D animation although it's not.
Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity
all of the NES FFs started out humorous in my opinion. The first one decided to throw you in the middle of the forest for no rhyme or reason. The second one put you in a battle you can not win, and the kicker is FFIII, which has all four quadruplets fall into a hole where they randomly find a crystal. Talk about plot progession lol.
FF4 was one of my more favorite beginning scenes, which showed this badass Dark Knight leading his troops around in an airship, pillaging some weak pansy magic town for their crystal, then flying back to their castle to drink mead and chase women, lol. FF5's was kinda bland to be honest, yeah a meteor hit and all but it seemed kinda average. Same with FF6, but it was kinda better because it had a bunch of Gundams walking around destroying stuff and killing people, which was cool.
Now on to the PSX games! FF7 definitely had the most pumped up beginning scenes, as it starts with some mysterious girl walking around with a flower basket, then the next scene shows some rebels kicking ass and blowing stuff up, much like the taliban. FF8 was ok, but the music made everything sound homoerotic, especially during the battle. FF9, I can't remember how that started exactly but I wasn't too fond of it.
FFX was another cool starting intro. Some cheesy metal music, a good ol Blitzball game going on, and a bunch of people dying and running in fear. FF12's was just kinda confusing at best, and I didn't like it.
†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™
hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
The best intros for me are the...
FFX - 'coz it's reaLLy cooL and exciting, the first time I saw/pLayed it.. I'm eager to start the game and controL Tidus.. though I don't reaLLy Like bLitzbaLL the animation was reaLLy cooL and somewhat beautifuL.. the circLe of water and the peopLe inside pLaying bLitzbaLL is great to watch!
FFX-2 - This is reaLLy great too.. I'm a fan of the song that Yuna/faker (LebLanc) sang at the intro.. (It was "Emotion by: Jade") and the one that Rikku said "Y.R.P" is great too.. Paine's entrance was reaLLy cooL and it made me an idea on what kind of a person she is, since she's a new addition on the game.. :-)
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Ok so it was confusing but my favorite still is Final Fantasy XII's opening.
I just love watching Basch kick everyones A$$.Plus he runs someone over with a chocobo witch is somthing I have always wanted to see.
The opening for Final Fantasy VIII was pretty epic too, Loved watching Seifer and Squall beat the crap out of each other. I enjoyed watching squall get beat too.![]()
FF IX all the way baby ^.^
It's so awsome!!!
JillXWesker & MeruXDart FTW!
Final Fantasy VIII for me... it shows you a battle between to mystery guys... a girl who is obviously a key part to the story... Evil looking sorceress... Yeah, it really is captivating. The FMV sequence is truly beautiful, and smooth running. The music also is fantastic and I love it so much...
Other than FFVIII I would go for FFVII. It really sets the scene and mood - and I really can't wait to play it again!
Following the path for truth...
and ending the dream.
My fav would be FFVIII's intro.I have always loved it,the fight,Rinoa,and Edea.In second FFX-2's would come,cuz I actually liked the music.
My TFF Family:
* My Awesome Older Brother, Judge Magistrate :]
* Illusion :]
* Cait Sith :]
* My Sweet,Caring,Older Sister angelmarie190515 :]
* My FF Twin, nickness89 :]
* My Favorite Australian Cousin, NikkiLinkle :]
* My Long Lost Cousin, Hero without a Name :]
***98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.
That's an easy question: I just have to remember those I really CAN remember. And those aren't many. xD"
So let's begin with VI - the two Magitecks on the snow. I kinda liked it, although it wasn't something interesting. I think the music got me into the game xD" There were quite many scenes that were better than the intro, but at least I didn't dislike it. x3"
I remember VIII - first Rinoa on this field and then Seifer VS Squall. I didn't really like it, the fight was quite awesome when I first saw it but when I saw it a second time it was a bit boring. Plus, somehow I didn't really get why the argument between Squall and Seifer was so important. (Haven't played the game through but so far it isn't interesting anymore. xD")
I think I remember IX - I almost fell asleep when I watched it for the first time. Sorry sorry, but I was very tired and I thought it would wake me up and.. ah well, I shouldn't say any more xD" Well, all this theater was quite nice, but it was also a bit boring, nothing dynamic, nothing awesome. .,."
I loved the beginning of X - there was so much action in there and the videos really looked cool. And of course Auron <3 Nothing more to say about that, just Auron <3 *fangirl desu* I liked the Blitzball game, it really looked interesting the first time I saw it (it wasn't anymore after playing it). FFX's intro got me into the world of FFX in an instant, that's why I really loved it. ^^
I wish I wouldn't remember X-2 - damn, that song was so awful, I really wished it would end soon .,." But it didn't - IT JUST DIDN'T ToT Okay, serious now, I really didn't like the song and I didn't like the fact that it was a few minutes long. And then some girls following some other girls... Dunno, just wasn't what I wanted to see after the great intro of FFX.
Best things come at last: XII - when I first saw the intro I was quite impressed. There was so much in it, I could barely handle all the information and I had to watch it again after playing the game. And I still think it's amazing. The fight was totally awesome and the wedding was, too. So many pictures, so many little stories, so much awesomeness! *_* Definitely my favorite. ^^
Intros I don't really remember: IV, V and VII. Somehow... I really forgot them. O.o"
9x-7i > 3(3x-7u)
Wow oooh this is gonna be hard.Uhmmm I have 3 favourite openings but final fantasy X,X-2 AND XII really blew me away.It's so hard to pick just one.Final Fantasy X-2 was the best,by far.I love how they started off with Yuna in concert and how you were able to control Rikku in the beginning.Final Fantasy X and XII were just as good but for some reason,Final Fantasy X-2 intro really found a way to impress me.
In my opinion.. Final fantasy 3 for the Nintendo Ds...![]()
Call me Silver.
FFXII had an epic intro. You get to see 2 people get married at this big ceremony and then you see the groom go into battle at another kingdom. Only to see that groom get shot by an arrow. Then you begin to play as one of the soldiers fighting in the war as a tutorial.
But one of my favorite would be FFII. The battle you could not win is just priceless.
For me it would have to be FF VIII, the song was great and it was simply put- amazing. Final Fantasy X's opening would be my second favourite, another cool song with some great action to go along with. I must say even though FF IX's did not have that much action and was more tranquil I liked it a lot, the song really complimented the movie.
Main series FFs Beaten - FF: 4x, FFII: 3x, FFIII: 3x, FFIV: 3x, FFV: 3x, FFVI: 4x, FFVII: 5x, FFVIII: 5x, FFIX: 3x, FFX: 4x, FFXII: 3x, FFXIII: 2x, FFXV: 2x
My favorite Final Fantasy game is VII but VIII's intro kicks its ass. The music and the fight scene sets the tone for the rest of the game. I liked VII because it reminded me of Blade Runner.
I think I've enjoyed all the intros to all the FF games I have played. I guess I'll list them out to make this post a little bit longer.
FFVII- My first FF. It was amazing how the game shifted from FMV to actual gameplay.
DoC- Didn't really care for the game, but the opening was good. Like all openings, this one really set up what was going to happen in the story (I guess that's what the function of the opening is, huh?)
Crisis Core- Very action-packed and it showed the players exactly what kind of character Zack would be.
FFVIII- Even though this isn't my favorite FF, I will say that this probably has one of the best openings. Very cool, especially for 1999.
FFIX- This one was good. I liked how you played the game a little before the actual title showed up on screen.
FFX- I must say that when I saw this opening scene, it reminded me of a rock video. Very action-packed scenes in this one.
FF X-2- An alright opening, albeit a tad confusing until you figure out what the heck just happened.
FF XII- GREAT OPENING! My God. This was epic. It goes from Ashe and Rasler's wedding to total chaos of war. This was a long one, too. Got to sit back and watch the action.
FF III- Yeah, I went out of order. Ha, sue me. Anyway, I like the FMV that plays before you even start the game. It looks really good, especially on the DS
As for my favorite, I say it's a three-way tie between Crisis Core, FF VIII, and FFXII. They are all good, these are just the ones that I think do it a little better.
Click at your own risk.:
Uuuugggghhh! I can't decide lol. Instead I'll list them out:
FF1 and 2s (origins)
FF4 original and DS
Crisis Core FF7
Currently Playing:
I would have to say VIII and X were the best, especially when you find out what they were doing in the beginning of X.
Spoiler: It's the scene when they think it's going to be the last time they get to hang out with Yuna. So sad when you really think she's about to go perform the final summoning.
VIII bar none. well X had a pretty good intro, but i'm going to stick with VIII