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  1. #1
    Elloewen annoying characters ultimatekupo's Avatar
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    annoying characters

    I was going through some posts on a different game when I got the idea to start a post about the most useless characters in ff. You know, the ones that make you wanna throw your controller at the screen? Mine so happen to be Basch from FFXII and that annoying little blondie from FFIV... The pathetic musical guy. <insert name here> They always drove me up a tree. Sorry if I chose to pick on your beloved favorite character. I don't understand WHY people like Basch. It is beyond me.
    "There is a special providence in the fall of a sparrow" -Shakespeare

  2. #2
    The Lone Dagger annoying characters Xithor's Avatar
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    Re: annoying characters

    I have liked a lot of the Final Fantasy characters throughout all the games but there is one character that bugs me from the mos recent installment and it might be one that gets mentioned a lot. Vanille!!! Lol her voice was just so...ugh I don't know how to explain what it was about her, might've been her voice, maybe it was just her character that annoyed me but I just did not like her at all.

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  3. #3
    黒い翼の天使 annoying characters yuki's Avatar
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    Re: annoying characters

    yeah i got to agree vanille had abad sound & mainly in ff the most annoying characters were,the two clowns in 9 ,kimari &brother ff10 thoese are who iremember now

  4. #4
    The Lone Dagger annoying characters Xithor's Avatar
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    Re: annoying characters

    Quote Originally Posted by yuki View Post
    yeah i got to agree vanille had abad sound & mainly in ff the most annoying characters were,the two clowns in 9 ,kimari &brother ff10 thoese are who iremember now
    Ah you didn't like Zorn and Thorn? I thought they were hilarious. Gotta agree with Brother though, he got really annoying in X-2, just the worst dialogue ever.

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  5. #5
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: annoying characters

    Vaan, and at times Tidus.

    I don't think any FF character has annoyed me as much as these two though I imagine much of it would be the constant exposure to them.

    Some of the non-main characters others have mentioned finding annoying in the past are among my faves.
    victoria aut mors

  6. #6
    The Persistent Flourish annoying characters Alice's Avatar
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    Re: annoying characters

    Steiner used to annoy the hell out of me in cutscenes. That was just in Disk 1 though...I think. He got better for me after that, in any case.

    Although, he was a great character for battles.

  7. #7
    Rune Knight annoying characters Trodorne's Avatar
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    Re: annoying characters

    Cloud, Zack, and Sephiroth from VII, the entire teen cast from VIII, Kuja from IX, Locke and Celes from VI, Kain From IV, Tidus and Wakka from X, The elvish royal family in XI, Vaan, Balthier for trying to pretend he is han solo from XII, Lightning,Snow,Hope, Vanille from XIII

  8. #8
    Crash Boom Bang annoying characters Lily's Avatar
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    Re: annoying characters

    Quote Originally Posted by ultimatekupo View Post
    that annoying little blondie from FFIV... The pathetic musical guy. <insert name here> .
    Edward /rage

    I hated that sap, honestly, sappy AND useless, I think I hate him more than any other character, the whiney arse - he needed a bloody good thump and a bloody good talkin' to. Get a grip pal

    Eiko, she just kinda irritates me abit, she's too much of a boisterous child, and I don't like children - evidently, my dislike of children carries over to video games...

    there's others that peck head at times, Vaan, Tidus etc, but those are the two that really grate on me the most

  9. #9
    I want to play a game. annoying characters Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: annoying characters

    I'll third Vanille and not because of her voice - that didn't bother me. It was her character and how they developed that was annoying in my perspective. I'll also add another character from Final Fantasy XIII - Hope. Someone really needed to lay the hammer of reality on his pubescent self. I found the Hope x Snow arc poorly done and prolonged.

    I found Gau a bit annoying because of when he would rejoin the party in the Veldt and go through his whole shpiel; I did not find it enjoyable to go through that everytime he came back.

    I'm surprised nobody has mentioned this "lovely" ninja - Yuffie Kisaragi. Did I want to kill her when she stole my materia; if there was an option to not take her back after that Wutai scenario I would have chosen that option.

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  10. #10
    Memento Rhapso annoying characters Rhaps's Avatar
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    Re: annoying characters

    Quote Originally Posted by Zargabaath View Post

    I'm surprised nobody has mentioned this "lovely" ninja - Yuffie Kisaragi. Did I want to kill her when she stole my materia; if there was an option to not take her back after that Wutai scenario I would have chosen that option.
    +5 agree
    To be frank, her in general annoys me. Not just the fact that she stole all the materia, but. . . her. . . *shudder*
    Not to mention in Crisis Core, all of her side missions placed you in mortal danger for her to take the wondrous treasure that should be there and leave you with your sixty-fourth "Thunder" materia. Oh, and "accidentally" summoning Bahamut ZERO to fight you was pretty annoying. At least you got to keep that materia. . .

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  11. #11
    Registered User annoying characters kupo's Avatar
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    Re: annoying characters

    the only 2 that really stick out are the meg ryan twins - vaan and tidus. vaan cause he was useless and and ask stupid questions
    as for tidus, i wanted to smack him upside the head with his own blitzball for being an cocky, complaining, annoying guy.

    @zargabaath - yuffie in crisis core was more annoying than in VII IMO. probably cause she was younger.
    Last edited by kupo; 07-15-2010 at 07:26 PM.

    "With each passing day, the world finds new and exciting ways to kill a man." - Balthier

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  12. #12
    Elloewen annoying characters ultimatekupo's Avatar
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    Re: annoying characters

    Quote Originally Posted by Lily View Post
    Edward /rage

    I hated that sap, honestly, sappy AND useless, I think I hate him more than any other character, the whiney arse - he needed a bloody good thump and a bloody good talkin' to. Get a grip pal
    /em dances with joy! someone agrees with me ^^
    "There is a special providence in the fall of a sparrow" -Shakespeare

  13. #13
    Registered User annoying characters
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    Re: annoying characters

    The only character that I can say just really annoyed me was that Tobli guy from FF X-2. I can't even tell what the heck he's supposed to be! His outfit makes him look like a duck...and he gets waaaaay too excited about everything! Oh, and I hated trying to sell off his damn tickets.

    All the other characters that I can think of don't annoy me as much as that dude.
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  14. #14
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: annoying characters

    I didn't care much for Yuffie either. Didn't care for her antagonistic personality towards seemingly everyone-talking about messing with RedXIII at one point on the Air Ship, and most her interactions with Cloud-and her wanting to steal materia from your party.

    Also didn't care much for Lightning and Hope at the beginning of FFXIII, and their seemingly unfair antagonism towards Snow-who was my favorite character-and with Lightning, towards everyone else, too. Then again, I also found Snow to be annoying several times throughout the game with his idiot hero roll and some of his senseless decisions... Actually, that's a common theme for a lot of Final Fantasy characters. "We gotta play to type, and because of that, make really strange decisions and comments!" In Dissidia, Cecil-a character who should've been one of the most seasoned veteran fighters in the game-acting confused and depending strongly on other characters' advice, most of all Tidus... that was kinda annoying.

    Can't really think of any others right now. Didn't actually Mind Edward too much. Crazy, considering I can very much understand why nearly everyone else does. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  15. #15

    Re: annoying characters

    Annoying Characters? hmm...........let me see,i'm going with Exdeath!
    You shall all perish in the Void...
    The void...powers me!!
    Ok first off why don't he say this. "You shall Perish in were you stand!"
    and insted of the void powering him,why not "Red powers me!!"
    dangit Exdeath,k,chill out with your stupid Void!Now we see why Exdeath has no life...

  16. #16
    Registered User annoying characters NeoAquarius12's Avatar
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    Re: annoying characters

    haha. I like Yuffie!

    As for annoying characters, I'll be the first to nominate Zell from FFVIII. Mostly just the way he dresses though. That seems shallow, but it just gave me a bad taste.

    Vaan, I agree is not that geat of a character. I mean, he's the main character... but the star of the game is Balthier. You play a side character who has no real business helping these others out. And you got on this weird back brace jacket that only serves to make you look like a man-lover.

  17. #17

    Re: annoying characters

    There were many of them, actually. ^^""

    First of all, Edward of course. I can't even say why I found him that useless, but he was just annoying and he was so damn weak, I couldn't use him at all. And I generally don't like characters going around and shouting one name only. <<"

    Then, Gau. Sometimes he just got on my nerves. But when I was in good mood I didn't mind him. xD" So I wouldn't say he was sooo~ useless... he was "just" useless. xP

    I'll probably have many enemies now, but... almost everyone in FFVII.
    Sephiroth - good damn it, he just stood there, "looking good" (I still don't get why many girls think he looks good, sorry ^^"), making nothing, just saying a few words and then disappears. Got on my nerves. DO something, boy! You're supposed to be evil! (No, burning one little village isn't enough to be evil ^^")
    Cloud - I'm terribly sorry, but... finding himself was an interesting idea... if he didn't become an emo half-way through the game. That's just ARGH. I remember the 30 minutes I spent in his memories, just having to see all that. I was simply bored. I didn't want him in my party, but sadly, that wasn't possible ._."
    Cait Sith - So. annoying. and. useless. x.x I didn't even now how to fight with this... thing. XD"

    For the same reasons I dislike Cloud, I found Squall pretty annoying. And Rinoa of course. ("Be my boyfriiiiend~~~, love meeee~~~" ARGH)
    When I first played the game I found Selphie pretty annoying as well, but in my second play-through she was one of my favorites. xD"

    Then, Yuna in X-2. ONLY in X-2! In X I liked her, she was a shy and sweet girl, trying to act like a woman and wanting to save the world. In X-2, she was a... wait, no swearing. <.<" Her self-confidence was rather annoying and all this "Hihihi, we're a group of three girls, flirting through Spira <3 <3" was so damn annoying... >_< That's why I didn't like Paine either. She seems to be the "mysterious girl" at the beginning and then she dances like Rikku and is chatting like a school girl. O_o (And I liked Rikku, actually XD)

    Then, of course, Balthier. I generally dislike characters who want to be the main protagonist THAT much that they have to say that they're heroes every ten seconds. "Heroes never die! I'm the hero!" ARGH. But I found only this annoying. The rest of the time - when he was silent XD - he was okay.

    Lastly, I found Snow annoying. For the same reasons as I disliked Balthier. ^^" All that talking about being a hero was soo~ lame. Basically, Snow WAS Balthier... but with less brain. And less good-looking. And with much less background story. Sorry to all Snow fans ^^"

    As usual, this is just MY personal opinion and I hope I haven't bashed any character you liked. ^^"

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  18. #18
    Registered User annoying characters Zidane77's Avatar
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    Re: annoying characters

    I didn't like Basch that much so i understand what you're saying, but he came to be pretty important fighter for me and also he had a few scenes which were some okay but overall i didn't like him. Penelo i didn't like especially too.
    Vaan is probably one of the worst characters in the history of FF.

    FFXIII had a real good improvement in characters as i like almost all of them, except maybe Hope who is pretty boring most of the time though.

    Didn't like Amarant much in FFIX, didn't serve any purpose for the team and his trance sucked. Well he could throw stuff and could inflict good damage but a good replacement like Lani or Beatrix would've been better.

  19. #19
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth annoying characters Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: annoying characters

    Well now, let's get started:

    Majority of the characters from Final Fantasy IV and V, actually, that would be one of the main reasons why I'm not really fond of these two games. Cecil, Kain, Cid, Edward, Palom, Krile, Lenna, just to name "few".

    I'll have to skip Final Fantasy VI, while many of them were of no importance, none seamed to be annoying, also most of them proved to be more than useful in battle at one stage in the game.

    While his background, appearance, behavior, interaction with other characters and his place in the story were pale at most, one thing is undeniable, Caith Sith was more than useful in battle, so my opinion is mixed when it comes to this character. On the other hand Yuffie was so annoying I didn't gave her chance to prove herself in battle, which I don't do very often as I like to test every character. While I didn't find him annoying, his passive behavior, and his lack of interest to participate in the main story a little bit more made him uninteresting character in my opinion, no to mention that most of his accomplishments and his greatest virtues are just but mere speculations from his loyal fans, Sephiroth's not a bad character, far from it, just a boring one.

    Irvine and Selphie represent Final Fantasy VIII in this category, while not annoying I found them to be quite dull, on the other hand their stats and performance in battle depended solely on you.

    God, how I hate that brat, even tho Yuffie holds the tittle as the most annoying character in Final Fantasy franchise Eiko's close second.

    The only thing I found annoying about characters in Final Fantasy X were their voices, though only at times, well that, and Wakka's incomptability to do shit against any non flying opponent.

    The only thing that bugs me about the characters from Final Fantasy XII is that 50% of them (three characters) have nothing to do with the main story, and one of them is supposed to be the main character, a common folk just taging along.

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  20. #20
    Death Before Dishonor annoying characters Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: annoying characters

    I found many characters annoying at time.

    VII ~ Yuffie annoyed the shit out of me sometimes, and Cloud annoyed me quite often.

    X ~ Tidus always annoyed me. He was such a pud.

    XII ~ Vaan I don't need to say why it is obvious...fag!!!

    XIII ~ Hope because he was such a whiney ass.

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  21. #21
    Registered User annoying characters Sharpshooter's Avatar
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    Re: annoying characters

    Well don't blame the characters, Square Enix forced them to be that way!
    Lol jk jk
    I guess the one I personally found to be most annoying was Tidus.
    I mean, I don't hate the guy or anything, but he is sometimes a bit akward, Like that time he 'fake' laughed with Yuna...
    Same goes to Vaan for that matter
    But eh, I still love all my final fantasy characters in the end.
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  22. #22
    Scourge of Esthar annoying characters CrazedMonkey's Avatar
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    Re: annoying characters

    Vaan, Cait Sith, Cloud, Tidus, Zidane, Edge, and Sephiroth. Hate all of them with a passion. Vaan just had no real personality or likeable traits. Tidus was whiny little punk that need to be punched. Zidane just annoyed me to no end. Edge was the most worthless ninja ever, of all time. Cait Sith had no real use or likability. Cloud constantly switches between "I'm a badass" and "Why do i suck so much". And Sephiroth was little mama's boy that I couldn't even take seriously as a villian. Really! I should have been at least a little intimidated by this man, but instead I just kept thinking, "get cancer".
    Last edited by CrazedMonkey; 02-26-2011 at 11:23 AM.
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