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Thread: Alternate Dissidia Cast

  1. #1
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Alternate Dissidia Cast

    If you had to pick alternative characters to represent each installment of Final Fantasy in Dissidia to the chosen main characters, who would you pick?

    FF1: um.... Red Wizard? Because they look cool? *no personalities*
    FF2: I don't know the first thing about any of these characters, but let's say Leon. Because he seems cool. he seems.... COOOllll....
    FF3: Ninjars. The class I used to take out the Dark Cloud at the end of the game.
    FF4: Edge. Cuz he's a pimp.
    FF5: Again, limited experience. I'd pick that princess chick though. Female it up. (there was a princess, right?)
    FF6: Locke Cole: the BEST character in ANY Final Fantasy.
    FF7: Cid Highwind. Because drink the goddamned tea.
    FF8: Quistis Trepe. More female.
    FF9: Freya Crescent. My favorite dragoon.
    FF10: Auron. The badass.
    FF11: I don't give a ****.
    FF12: Balthier, because he's the leading man.
    FF13: Sazh, because he was the best character. Even if that isn't saying much in that game.

    Yeah. Anyhoo....

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  2. #2
    Registered User Alternate Dissidia Cast
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    Basch (FF XII) so there can be a proper rivalry with the Chaos warrior (Gabranth).

    Shadow (FF VI) because Cosmos' team needs more antihero types. Cool ones, with ninjar abilities.

    I agree about Auron, because goddamn that guy was so badass.

    Palom AND Porom (FF IV). AT THE SAME TIME. Maybe they could play kind of like the Ice Climbers in Brawl. *shrug*

    Vivi (FF IX) to make up for that pitiful characterization in KHII.

    That's all I got.
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  3. #3
    don't put your foot in there guy SOLDIER #819's Avatar
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    FFI - Pirates
    FFII - Pirates
    FFIII - Pirates
    FFIV - Edward
    FFV - Pirates
    FFVI - Umaro
    FFVII - Cait Sith
    FFIX - The knight who yells FUUUUUURRYYYYYY
    FFX - Wakka
    FFXI - Forest Hare
    FFXII - The Rat in the Sewer
    FFXIII - Shivatron
    FFXIV - The fish I spent 5 hours trying to catch
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda
    just turn off your PS3 or 360 go to your dust tomb and say you'll give birth to 1500 people a day for the 1000 that'll be killed until the doors to hades open and you can pull out ar tonelico and turn on that glorous PS2 and be bathed in its radiant warm glow

  4. #4
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    That's an interesting list-I particularly like all the pirates, and of course Cait Sith-but why Umaro? He never talks, has no personality. Why not someone awesome like Locke Cole? Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  5. #5
    don't put your foot in there guy SOLDIER #819's Avatar
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    Locke is the lowest form of human fecal matter and you know it. Pretends he's cool when he isn't. Creates unnecessary party drama by being a bitch to Celes. Preserves girlfriend's dead body and leaves it to an old man underground. Abandons party and the world for the non-chance of saving aforementioned maggot-filled gf.

    Horrible character.
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda
    just turn off your PS3 or 360 go to your dust tomb and say you'll give birth to 1500 people a day for the 1000 that'll be killed until the doors to hades open and you can pull out ar tonelico and turn on that glorous PS2 and be bathed in its radiant warm glow

  6. #6
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SOLDIER #819 View Post
    Locke is the lowest form of human fecal matter and you know it. Pretends he's cool when he isn't. Creates unnecessary party drama by being a bitch to Celes. Preserves girlfriend's dead body. Abandons party and the world for the non-chance of saving aforementioned maggot-filled gf.

    Horrible character.
    Whaaaaaat?! How dare you, sir! Locke Cole is not a horrible character! Locke Cole is the BEST character. He isn't pretending to be anything; he is what he is. That's all him. I'll give you that episode with Celes, but that seemed more like a wallbanger to me than an actual legitimate character moment. He preserves his girlfriend's dead body, yes that's creepy, but it's because he's so IN LOVE with her, and he felt guilty about what happened to her. It's a large part of his character in that he tries to protect the two main female characters he meets. He's there for the team when he knows that they're all alive again; everyone went their own way at the end of the world anyway. And if he successfully brought said girlfriend back, she probably wouldn't be filled with maggots.

    You don't know what yer talkin' 'bout. You should eat maggoty bread! Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  7. #7
    Resident Saint Seiya fanboy Alternate Dissidia Cast Leon's Avatar
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    FFII - Leon or Minwu. Seriously. Minwu would own everyone.
    FFIV - I second placing Edward representing FFIV. We already have a Summoner so Rydia is out. Not so sure about Rosa. Having a musician would be pretty sweet, and who better than that spoony bard? xD
    FFV - I would say either Galuf or Faris. Galuf would make more sense if placed in a previous war since....well, we all know.
    FFVII - I'm not its biggest fan, but I've grown to like Vincent.
    FFVIII - After playing the game twice, mind if I say.....ZELL?! Oh, yeah! I can already imagine the Duel EX Burst.
    FFIX - Vivi, Amarant, or Steiner. Another Black mage wouldn't hurt and neither would another Monk (Dissidia already has two). But hearing Steiner clank with each step would probably own both choice by a landslide xD
    FFX - I would say Wakka but Tidus already throws blitzballs so Auron would be the best and most logical choice, given his connection to the FFX cast in Dissidia.

    Still haven't read up on anything after FFX so I'll stop here.
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  8. #8
    FF1- Black Mage
    FF2 - Minwu, or whatever his name was he seemed pretty legit and would be a funneh character
    FF3 - Black Mage
    FF4 - Edge would be an excellent choice but I think Yang with his moustache could throw down hardcore. Wait what about Tellah? He could have some sweet spoony bard lines when he wins a match.
    FF5 - Faris - and all her class changes could be vaguely ambiguous so people aren't sure if she is a chick or not
    FF6 Setzer or Edgar - I think a gambling system could be cool to incorporate where you bet gil to increase attack or something. Also Edgar's machinery would be fun to play with. Not to mention a Gerad skin swap haha
    FF7 - Cid Highwind forsure
    FF8 - Quistis. I mean who doesn't want a teacher with a whip beating down punks?
    FF9 - Freya as well
    FF10 - Auron - Every other character in the game has way too much personality
    FF11 - Dark Knight class or something. With that big scythe
    FF12 - Fran There should be more Viera in every FF...just saying.

    wait there are other FFs past 12....psssh yeah right.

  9. #9
    Spoony Bard
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    Quote Originally Posted by SOLDIER #819 View Post
    Locke is the lowest form of human fecal matter and you know it. Pretends he's cool when he isn't. Creates unnecessary party drama by being a bitch to Celes. Preserves girlfriend's dead body and leaves it to an old man underground. Abandons party and the world for the non-chance of saving aforementioned maggot-filled gf.

    Horrible character.
    Hold on.

    Hold the **** on.

    I cannot let this pass without a response. You chose Umaro over Locke? In Final Fantasy VI, Locke is the lowest form of human life when Gau clearly exists? Really?


    That feral teenager you pick up on the Veldt is better!? That simpleton obsessed with shiny things, monster abilities and veldts!? And Locke is the equivalent of scum? He's far less cooler than he thinks he is, but he's still better than that. Honestly. He steals some valuable stuff from enemies! Ribbons! Armors! Genji stuff! In some versions of the game, MORE GENJI STUFF! What does Gau do?

    "Mr. Thou, Mr. Thou! Thou! Thou! Thou! Thou!"
    (some time passes)
    ""I'm Gau! I'm your friend! Let's travel together!"

    Granted, even though he can be useful with the right combination of equipment/relics/rages, I choose to ignore Gau's existence when plot advancement allows. Sometimes I forget to retrieve him from the World of Ruin Veldt, instead pretending the end of the world put him out of his misery. To paraphrase a quote from The Office, if I had a gun with two bullets and I was stuck in a room with Cait Sith, Quina and Gau, I would shoot Gau twice.

    And I'm not even going to get into Locke's theme v.s. Gau's theme. Not even close!

    To the task at hand:

    Answer Key:
    "...Cid!" = no experience or memory of the game
    "...Pirates!" = derisively mocking SOLDIER #819

    FF1: Red Mage or Astos, the evil king of dark elves.
    FF2: ...Cid!
    FF3: ...Pirates!
    FF4: Rydia or Rubicante.
    FF5: Krile/Galuf (non-Pirates!). But really, the best character is already represented: Gilgamesh.
    FF6: Edgar. Absolutely no contest unless Ultros is acceptable.
    FF7: ...Cid! Cid Highwind. As long as he uses his cigarette to light dynamite at some point.
    FF8: I guess Quistis, but a cactaur would have a more diverse and believable personality than anyone from this game.
    FF9: Beatrix.
    FF10: Kimahri.
    FF11: ...Pirates!
    FF12: Balthier.
    FF13: ...Cid!
    Hero façade. Villain at heart.

  10. #10
    don't put your foot in there guy SOLDIER #819's Avatar
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    I am willing to replace Umaro with Ultros. Anything else is absolutely unacceptable.
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda
    just turn off your PS3 or 360 go to your dust tomb and say you'll give birth to 1500 people a day for the 1000 that'll be killed until the doors to hades open and you can pull out ar tonelico and turn on that glorous PS2 and be bathed in its radiant warm glow

  11. #11
    I want to play a game. Alternate Dissidia Cast Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Umaro can throw allies for massive damage. Locke lacks the coolness.

    My list is what follows after these words and colon:

    FF: Black Mage
    FF II: Paul
    FF III: Geomancer
    FF IV: Rydia
    FF V: Faris
    FF VI: Umaro
    FF VII: Barret
    FF VIII: Selphie
    FF IX: Quina
    FF X: Auron
    FF XI: Aldo
    FFXII: Zargabaath (obviously)
    FFXIII: Cid
    FF XIV: Nael van Darnus

    Main series FFs Beaten - FF: 4x, FFII: 3x, FFIII: 3x, FFIV: 3x, FFV: 3x, FFVI: 4x, FFVII: 5x, FFVIII: 5x, FFIX: 3x, FFX: 4x, FFXII: 3x, FFXIII: 2x, FFXV: 2x

  12. #12
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Alternate Dissidia Cast Xanatos's Avatar
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    FF I - character that can switch it's jobs
    FF II - Maria
    FF III - Ninja/Sage
    FF IV - Edge, plus Rubicante as his counter part
    FF V - don't really care
    FF VI - Locke
    FF VII - Vincent
    FF VIII - Quistis, Dissidia needs a hot girl with glasses, leather outfit and a whip
    FF IX - Quina, Blue Mages are so underrated
    FF X - Auron
    FF XII - Basch, since Gabranth's already there, perhaps even Balthier and Cid

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  13. #13
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zargabaath View Post
    Umaro can throw allies for massive damage. Locke lacks the coolness.
    You too, Zargs?! You sir? YOU SIR! *knife hands* YOU SIR! How could you do this to me? Locke it up!

    I agree about Gau. If I were to make an anti-list, he'd probably be on there. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  14. #14
    I want to play a game. Alternate Dissidia Cast Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Telegraph View Post
    You too, Zargs?! You sir? YOU SIR! *knife hands* YOU SIR! How could you do this to me? Locke it up!

    I agree about Gau. If I were to make an anti-list, he'd probably be on there. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

    Don't get me wrong. Locke is a good character. A favorite of mine in FF VI. But until he can throw allies and himself he can't touch that yeti. Umaro's concept is just funny.

    Main series FFs Beaten - FF: 4x, FFII: 3x, FFIII: 3x, FFIV: 3x, FFV: 3x, FFVI: 4x, FFVII: 5x, FFVIII: 5x, FFIX: 3x, FFX: 4x, FFXII: 3x, FFXIII: 2x, FFXV: 2x

  15. #15
    Everyone needs a savior Alternate Dissidia Cast the_savior21's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SOLDIER #819 View Post
    FFI - Pirates
    FFII - Pirates
    FFIII - Pirates
    FFIV - Edward
    FFV - Pirates
    FFVI - Umaro
    FFVII - Cait Sith
    FFIX - The knight who yells FUUUUUURRYYYYYY
    FFX - Wakka
    FFXI - Forest Hare
    FFXII - The Rat in the Sewer
    FFXIII - Shivatron
    FFXIV - The fish I spent 5 hours trying to catch
    I like all the pirates and umaro buut

    FFIV-Locke Cole
    FFVIII-ZELL he seems like (as he is in FFVIII) the perfect counter to squalls dullness and it seems like he would fit the style of the game very well.
    FFIX-Amarant i just think he looks like a total badass all the time
    FFX-I dont think wakka would fit the game i think Auron would be a good choice but i think that Kimahri would be better
    FFXII-Balthier every other game has their leader why not XII
    FFXIII-Snow is who i would pick or maybe vannille because i love her weapon
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    Most Played FF = FFVIII
    FF7-12, FF8-28, FF9-12, FFX-23

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  16. #16
    Consistently Average Alternate Dissidia Cast Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Here's my take on things:

    FF1 : Red Mage who would turn into the Red Wizard when he does his EX Burst thing.
    FF2 : Leon or Minwu I can't really think of anyone else.
    FF3 : Ignis who could alternate between the Knight, Viking, Dark Knight and Ninja because they are the coolest jobs of that game.
    FF4 : My favourite character Yang who would be able to do some sweet jump kicks.
    FF5 : IDK Gulaf as a Necromancer maybe? Just to add something different to the mix.
    FF6 : Shadow who could pair up with Ninja Ignis and carve shit up.
    FF7 : Vincent could have his own Dirge of Cerberus like battles.
    FF8 : Zell becuase monks are cool.
    FF9 : Vivi (I'm already getting tired of doing this).
    FF10 : Auron becuase he's pretty badass and there could be some sort of conflict between him and Ject or something.
    FF12 : Basche because he's a bit like Auron and can be a proper counterpart to Gabranth. Although I do like Zargabaath too so he could have a similar role to the one Golbez had in the first game.
    Currently Playing:
    Pillars of Eternity (PC)

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  17. #17
    Queen Alternate Dissidia Cast Crescent's Avatar
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    FFIV- Rydia & Edge
    FFVII- Zack, Vincent, Cid, Weiss The Immaculate, Genesis, Angeal, Barret
    FFVIII- Quistis
    FFIX- Beatrix, Freya, Quina
    FFX- Auron, Lulu, Kimahri, Rikku
    FFXII- Balthier, Fran
    (FF Type-0- Nine, Sice, King, Ace, Kurasame, Emina(heh))
    FFXIII- Adamantoise

    EDIT: Really couldnt single out just ONE character for a few

  18. #18
    Final Fantasy 1- Black Mage

    Final Fantasy 2- Maria

    Final Fantasy 3-The DS main character.

    Final Fantasy 4- Rydia of Mist.

    Final Fantasy 5- Gaulf

    Final Fantasy 6- Locke

    Final Fantasy 7- Zack

    Final Fantasy 8- Rinoa

    Final Fantasy 9- Vivi

    Final Fantasy 10- Auron

    Final Fantasy 12- Balthier

    Final Fantasy 13- Snow

  19. #19
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 Alternate Dissidia Cast T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    Oh, a word game on a non-Word Game forum! Hoo boy! ...Then again, it can also count as speculation for further Dissidia sequels (if there are gonna be any), can be on any place, actually.

    That said, let's join the fun, shall we?

    FF I: hard one, but I'd probably say...Red Mage. His evolution would be Red Wizard, and he might get some of the class features from latter settings (aka, Doublecast and Chainspell).
    FF II: Either Leon (a main character, at times an antagonist and at times a protagonist) or Minwu (the first and ultimate White Mage, dwarfing even Rosa in power)
    FF III: Desch. 'Nuff said.
    FF IV: Darn, why this has to be so tough? How about a full Lunarian like FuSoYa for a change? Or Tellah, with unpredictable magic a la Kefka, but his EX Mode is "I remember everything!" and he gets deadly serious, casting Meteor as his EX Burst attack
    FF V: Zeza. Or Lone Wolf. We need werewolves, darnit!
    FF VI: Aside from kindly requesting a fix to Terra's hair (1, 3 and DLC green-haired, 2nd can be blonde), I'd place Celes. Just because.
    FF VII: Cid Highwind.
    FF VIII: Seifer Almasy. Yeah: he's missing there, being a worthy antagonist, temporary NPC and overall needing his own spin-off to see if they can draw anything from FFVIII.
    FF IX: Adelbert Steiner. I have a soft spot for Rusty. That, or Beatrix. Mmm...oh, sorry honey, I wasn't thinking about (*says that while quaffing a Potion of Resist Fire 30/Greater Warmth Balm)
    FF X: I'll join the bandwagon for once, and say Auron as well. His lack of existence there is a total injustice.
    FF XI: Maat. Because no one is better suited for Dissidia than the guy who limits your level cap unless you face him in combat (or surprise him suitably).
    FF XII: Why not add Ba...'Gamnan to the list? It is an unfair, senseless injustice that Bangaa in the Ivalice alliance have no worthy representative other than a recurring minor villain. Justice for Bangaa!!!
    FF XIII: No comment.
    Other FF: Ramza Beoulve from Final Fantasy Tactics and Benjamin from Final Fantasy Mystic Quest as new characters. Ramza because he's one of the most recognizable heroes from a Final Fantasy spin-off (and it'd be hilarious to see Marche as his opponent...), and Benjamin because he's the complete opposite.
    Delivering scathing wit as a Rogue using Sneak Attack.

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    'Tis a shame I can only place names now...:
    Silver, Omnitense, Govinda, Aerif, Meier Link,
    (whatever is the name of) The Stig, Grizzly, Fishie,
    Craven, Spiral Architect, Flash AND Froggie.

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    Nomu-baka, this is FAR from over...:

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