You know, I was playing FFIV: The After Years earlier and I am on the final chapter. You get to fight 4 of the main bosses in each game of FFI-VI. I got to thinking that if they had included 4 bosses from each game in the later FFs, who would those bosses be? I think it could've worked, making these bosses into a drawn 2D version. Would've been cool to see.
FFVII: Jenova; Ultima Weapon; Ruby Weapon; Emerald Weapon
FFVIII: Not sure. I only played through about 3/4 of the game and from what I did play, I really don't remember it too well.
FFIX: Black Waltz #3; Hades; Ark; Ozma
FFX: Haven't played.
FFXII: Shadowseer; Ba'Gamnan (along with his lackeys); Gabranth; Yiazmat;
With FFXII, Shadowseer and Gabranth I really just put there since I had a little trouble thinking of significant bosses, but Ba'Gamnan and his crew I think would've been cool and Yiazmat is an obvious one.
FFXIII: I'd have to play it again to remember more of it.
Who would you choose?