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Thread: Thoughts On FFT-A?

  1. #1


    I got mine sometime 2-4 years ago (GBA game) and it kept me pretty busy. I hated the skill learning system and thought there were many flaws like if you move and click confirm, you can go back unless you attack. The Games story was a little poor, special characters gained were nothing special, and i hated the jobs the had. Why make a monk a lizard guy? why make a judge? I went to k'b' toys or whatever and tried to get it but it was $30 so i went to gamestop and bought a used for $12. i rate it 8/10

    your thoughts are..?

    -Excuse the double/2x post. I'm only accessible on the site on my psp and the psp has character limits-
    Last edited by Andromeda; 10-15-2009 at 07:36 PM.

  2. #2
    Registered User Thoughts On FFT-A? smithhanson's Avatar
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    I thought it was pretty good. I've played it through to the end and the only things that bothered me were the laws. For instance, you'd be about to fight a bunch of "animals" and "Dmg 2 Animal" would be forbidden.

    I think they did a good job working out the bugs when they released FFTA2 though.

  3. #3
    heh, i like the "Crystal Defenders" square enix published on the PSN and xbox live arcade. it incorporates the jobs of fft series.
    Please Excuse my double post. My Sony PSP2000 has a typing limit.

  4. #4
    Death Before Dishonor Thoughts On FFT-A? Josh_R's Avatar
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    I thought it was a great game I probably put about 400 hours on every file I made, thought he laws did get ridiculous at times such as Dmg 2 Animals like smithhanson mentioned but if you had the right law cards then you had no worries...

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  5. #5
    Rabanastran Thoughts On FFT-A? Belugn's Avatar
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    The first Tactics Advance is fun, but as you say, full of flaws. Like the judge in battle. I remember being so frustrated whenever it was his turn, because all he ever did was...well..move. It filled no reason whatsoever, except for being in your way with his big fat chocobo. ... And some of the characters bothered me, like how Ritz doesn't want to go home because in this Ivalice she doesn't have to dye her hair anymore, YAY! Not. And there were just something about the equipment/checking abillities system that was so messy.

    Lots of those flaws were fixed in TA2 however! That game runs so much smoother, and even if it too lacks in the actual story department, it's really entertaining. And no more silly judge running around in your way on a big fat chocobo...*grumble*

  6. #6
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Thoughts On FFT-A? Xanatos's Avatar
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    This game was fun but only a couple of hours from the start, after that it becomes to repetitive and tedious. Menu and everything related to it was unorganized, checking equipment and ability's is the best example of it and learning ability's was just so annoying. Some of the laws were just unnecessary and ridiculous. The only positive thing that I can think about this game is the story although it's not the best I've seen.

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

  7. #7
    Rabanastran Thoughts On FFT-A? Belugn's Avatar
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    Yeah it did get repetitive, didn't it? FFTA had a lot of potential, and a lot of that potential was brought out in FFTA2, though it too at times did get a little monotonous. There were some new ways of questing to it though.

    What I really like about both games it how it's still rather traditional in a way, and that you can collect a rather big team of different species. In TA though, it was a whole lot rarer to stumble upon new clan members than in TA2. Don't know if it was a good or bad thing. I was such a nitpick when it came to new members though, I always wanted them to have the prettiest of names, and I remember being 12 years old and RAGING over the persistant "Homer" who always wanted to join my clan under different species everytime, no matter how many times I rejected him... xD

    Homer wants to join your clan!
    the unit left crying.

    Repeat ten times. I was ice cold when it came to names. Now I don't care. Still my favourite game boy advance game however, it's the only one I've kept all these years.

  8. #8
    Registered User Thoughts On FFT-A? Toxo's Avatar
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    Re: Thoughts On FFT-A?

    Quote Originally Posted by Belugn View Post
    I was ice cold when it came to names. Now I don't care. Still my favourite game boy advance game however, it's the only one I've kept all these years.
    I still am. x'''D Though I'm not so picky with male names as with female names. I have the game on my PC, so I can always quicksave after the battle and quickload billion times when a new character wants to join and repeat until I get a name to my liking. At one point I had two Vieras, one named Sonja and other named Sonia. x''''D I found it too cool to pass.

    Lali-hoe, I mean, ho!

  9. #9

    Re: Thoughts On FFT-A?

    I think they did a good job working out the bugs when they released FFTA2 though.
    I think so too. The second game felt like they fixed all the things I would have from the first. I really loved the first one though, a lot of fun hours would go by playing and I didn't even realize!

  10. #10
    Rabanastran Thoughts On FFT-A? Belugn's Avatar
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    Re: Thoughts On FFT-A?

    Quote Originally Posted by Toxo View Post
    I still am. x'''D Though I'm not so picky with male names as with female names. I have the game on my PC, so I can always quicksave after the battle and quickload billion times when a new character wants to join and repeat until I get a name to my liking. At one point I had two Vieras, one named Sonja and other named Sonia. x''''D I found it too cool to pass.
    Haha I was JUST like that. XD I found a Viera on FFTA2 called Bjonse and thought it was really cool. Then my friend ruined it by saying "Beyonce"? I guess it's still sort of cool though...
    And a Bangaa named Bloodranz how freaking cool isn't that?

    I wish the bangaa could come in all the different colours that exist in FFXII. -want a black and green one so badly...-

    Something I've never understood however, is that...I'm not really sure if that's what it's called, because in all honesty I've never aquired it. But Marche and Luso's master sword.
    What is that. I don't even. It looks like a huge weird contraption made out of plastic.
    "I don't think I have what it takes to make a good action game. I think I'm better at telling a story."
    Hironobu Sakaguchi

  11. #11
    Registered User Thoughts On FFT-A? smithhanson's Avatar
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    Re: Thoughts On FFT-A?

    I agree with Belugn about some of the character flaws, and Ritz always bothered me as well... At least Marche, Doned, and Mewt had a reason to stay; Marche was good at sports and was no longer the wimpy "new kid", Mewt had a mother and no longer got picked on either, and Doned was out of his wheelchair and no longer sickly... Though it still ticks me off how Marche is always seen as the villain in the game - He's right, they can't stay in the new Ivalice, no matter how wonderful it is, because it's escapism... And I always hated Ritz for practically trying to fight Marche to the death just so she wouldn't have to dye her hair anymore, like what is that?

  12. #12
    Registered User Thoughts On FFT-A? Toxo's Avatar
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    Re: Thoughts On FFT-A?

    Quote Originally Posted by smithhanson View Post
    And I always hated Ritz for practically trying to fight Marche to the death just so she wouldn't have to dye her hair anymore, like what is that?
    I almost agree with you there, but as she's a child and doesn't yet have a mature view on such things, I think her reason for stay isn't that far fetched. She's too wrapped up in her own problems and emotions to think of the outcome, I think.

    Lali-hoe, I mean, ho!

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