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  1. #1
    Boss Jr.

    FFTA2 Clan Help

    I'm on my second playthrough on FFTA2 right now and my first playthrough really helped me realise the differences from this one and FFTA. In FFTA all I had to do was create a Viera Assassin with concentrate and reflex. add the those boots that make her teleport and the ribbon that bestows ReRaise and she was all I needed to whipe out entire enemy clans.

    Now though I can't seem to make uber powerful characters like that anymore.... this game is more, *cringe* balanced!

    So I'm a little lost :/ .

    My main character is heading towards Ninja for Double Sword and I'll outfit him with counter, but that doesn't help me with the A Abilities.

    I'm still fairly sure I'm going with Assassin on my Viera, but what about the second A Ability? What would go good? Before I did Summoner but IDK this time, though I might go with Red Mage.

    My Moogle's second A Ability will probably be Time Mage but for the first I'm not sure. I had Moogle Knight or Fusilier/Gunner (whatever you want to call it) in mind but I'm open to anything.

    My Nu Mou has no direction at all. I have no idea what I want to do with him except I was thinking I'd keep White Magic on him since he seems to be good with that. Though Red mages are really good at healing via Double Cast so I might just turn him into a Magic Powerhouse *shrugs*.

    Right now my Bangaa is a Dragoon..... I like Dragoons I'm thinking I'll stick with that. I was thinking about Bishop for the second though to give him a little distance because he has a little trouble getting in close <_< .

    My other Human has no direction either. I don't want him to become a clone of my main character so I've been trying alot of stuff. I considered Blue Mage but I always thought they were kind of rubbish. Otherwise I'm completely lost on this one. Also had White Mage in mind though, seems to work well with Paladin, but that's what I usually do so I wanted to try something different.

    Oh and are the Seeq and Gria races worth having on a clan? Should I maybe trade out for one or even both of them? Might be worth trading my second Human for one, but IDK?

    Anyway, any comments would be appreciated . Thank you in advance.

  2. #2
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 FFTA2 Clan Help T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    Re: FFTA2 Clan Help

    Quote Originally Posted by Boss Jr. View Post
    I'm on my second playthrough on FFTA2 right now and my first playthrough really helped me realise the differences from this one and FFTA. In FFTA all I had to do was create a Viera Assassin with concentrate and reflex. add the those boots that make her teleport and the ribbon that bestows ReRaise and she was all I needed to whipe out entire enemy clans.

    Now though I can't seem to make uber powerful characters like that anymore.... this game is more, *cringe* balanced!

    So I'm a little lost :/ .

    My main character is heading towards Ninja for Double Sword and I'll outfit him with counter, but that doesn't help me with the A Abilities.

    I'm still fairly sure I'm going with Assassin on my Viera, but what about the second A Ability? What would go good? Before I did Summoner but IDK this time, though I might go with Red Mage.

    My Moogle's second A Ability will probably be Time Mage but for the first I'm not sure. I had Moogle Knight or Fusilier/Gunner (whatever you want to call it) in mind but I'm open to anything.

    My Nu Mou has no direction at all. I have no idea what I want to do with him except I was thinking I'd keep White Magic on him since he seems to be good with that. Though Red mages are really good at healing via Double Cast so I might just turn him into a Magic Powerhouse *shrugs*.

    Right now my Bangaa is a Dragoon..... I like Dragoons I'm thinking I'll stick with that. I was thinking about Bishop for the second though to give him a little distance because he has a little trouble getting in close <_< .

    My other Human has no direction either. I don't want him to become a clone of my main character so I've been trying alot of stuff. I considered Blue Mage but I always thought they were kind of rubbish. Otherwise I'm completely lost on this one. Also had White Mage in mind though, seems to work well with Paladin, but that's what I usually do so I wanted to try something different.

    Oh and are the Seeq and Gria races worth having on a clan? Should I maybe trade out for one or even both of them? Might be worth trading my second Human for one, but IDK?

    Anyway, any comments would be appreciated . Thank you in advance.
    Lemme take this bit by bit, though it seems you're going for a pretty competitive team.

    Hume Ninja: I presume this is your main character, right? Ninja is pretty much self-sufficient, but you can use Fighter to cover your physical attacks. Thief takes advantage of the Speed bonus of the Ninja, but it's not going to be used always. Paladin could cover any defensive needs, but most of what you need is Reflexes or Strikeback and call it a day. Parivir as a secondary A-Ability works well with Katanas and covers the close-range distance with strong elemental attacks. Ninja/Fighter is another option, but recall that Dual Wield doesn't apply with the Fighter's A-Abilities; the latter is mostly for higher damage with the two weapons and some ranged capability)

    Viera Assassin: There are two methods for her. The first method is taking advantage of abilities that use the Greatbow: Fencer and Sniper are usually good options to take advantage of the Assassin's use of Greatbows. Assassin/Sniper is a strong combo, since it adds ranged Poison, Doubleshot, and Vanish as class abilities that synergize with Assassin. Fencer, on the other hand, has another method of dealing Poison damage (Swarmstrike), an attack that lowers Speed (that way, your Assassin can debuff the enemy before going for the kill), Nightingale for when using a Katana, amongst the few abilities that are considerably good. Using Katanas isn't a good option for Assassins, in any case: most of your Assassin A-Abilities don't require a weapon at all. Haven't tested it yet, but Spellblade may be a reasonable option to combine with Assassin (not sure if it mingles with Greatbows, though), except that the Spellblade abilities and the Assassin abilities do tend to overlap a bit.

    Moogle: If you're going to use Fusilier, make it your primary class: most of the class abilities are Cannon-only. Fusilier/Gunner, Fusilier/Mog Knight and Gunner/Mog Knight are strong classes: the first combines healing with elemental damage and debuffing (especially Stopshot which is really, really good), the second and the third allow for some attacks to use the cannon/gun range (specifically: Mog Attack, Mog Rush, Ultima Charge) while providing some buffing to defense. Juggler is a bit harder to combine, but it's also a superb class: it has both Dagger for dealing damage and Disabling, Ring for high chances of Stopping an enemy, and Smile for free Quickens. However, Juggler is a tad hard to combine, since most of its abilities are "self-contained" (not like, say, Mog Knight which has abilities that depend on range and thus are good when set with long range classes). Try to experiment, in any case. One advice is when using Chocobo Knight: Chocobo Knights only allow one or two of the A-Abilities, so it depends on whether you want to go mounted or on foot. They have a stupendous Speed rate, so if you wish to train one both Mog Knight and Juggler are strong options.

    Nu Mou: they'll be magical powerhouses with any class except Beastmaster. Having said that, your goal should be to reach Alchemist or Sage, and using any other class as a secondary A-Ability. Alchemist allows you to use items, while Sage has better defenses and weapons. Illusionist is a strong A-Ability for Nu Mou, particularly if you have Geomancy as your S-Ability. Arcanist is a tad difficult to play since it has a weird set of abilities (Dark elemental spells, Gravity elemental spells and Death spells); Scholar on the other hand is a bit situational. Alchemist/Black Mage, Sage/White Mage are good choices; I find Arcanist/Time Mage and Scholar/Time Mage other good options. However, you should have at least one Alchemist or Sage Nu Mou, since those are the highlights of Nu Mou classes.

    Bangaa: Dragoon and Bishop don't mix a lot. Dragoon is pretty hard to mix, since it uses Spears (one of the better Bangaa weapons) and has most of the elemental abilities, so it overlaps with Gladiator. Dragoon/Defender and Dragoon/Templar are much better options: with Defender, you can use Aura/Meltdown and then go kamikaze, using Lancet to recover HP whenever necessary. Dragoon/Templar is another good choice because Templar mixes with everything. In fact, in most occasions Templar/Dragoon is a better choice; then again, Templar is a classs that blends with pretty much everything. Bishop is best used along with Templar, or in rare cases as a secondary set up to the gambler class (Gambler? Scoundrel? Away from the game, but you might get the point). If you decide to go with Bishop instead, you can have the Templar as a secondary class ability. In case you haven't noticed: the Templar skill list is just THAT good.

    Other Hume: If you're planning on a Paladin, there are about four or five options with them. One is Paladin/Devout, which allows Cura, Raise, three attack spells, Magick Frenzy, a MP recovery spell and more MP/Magic Defense along with high Defense, better armor, Saint Cross (for when surrounded) and Holy Blade (for when you just have to deal a lot of damage). Paladin/Devout is unusually complete. The other is: Paladin/Fighter (Fighter for the offensive and Paladin for the defensive); Parivir/Paladin (similar to the Paladin/Fighter setup but a bit more extreme: less defensive capabilities but you can attack with Fire, Ice, Lightning and Holy elements and deal a suitable amount of damage); Hunter/Paladin (not very recommendable, but you can at least use Ultima Shot and Holy Blade from a distance). Blue Mage may seem undesirable but it depends on how many skills you can gain from them: White Wind and Whisper make the Blue Mage a better healer than the White Mage, Dragon Force and Mighty Guard make for a better buffer than the Green Mage, and Guard-Off, Night and similar abilities make for decent debuffing. They do need a solid secondary A-Ability, which makes Blue Mage/Devout a solid combination.

    Seeq and Gria: the best class in the game is a Seeq Ranger with Mirror Item, using Phoenix Downs as instant-kill abilities. Seeq Lanista are also pretty good, mixing HP draining, MP draining and some buffing abilities. Gria are less evident in that case, but a Ravager with Raptor A-Abilities is a force to be reckoned. Gria Hunter is mostly like a Hume Hunter (complete with Ultima Shot) and the Geomancer is sort of like a Ninja in terms of what it does; very situational as well. You can spend your entire game ignoring Gria if you like, but at least a Seeq Ranger is recommended.

    Other recommendations: if you want items, you should have a Bangaa with the gambler class and a Seeq Viking. They can steal weapons, helmets, armor and items; couple with a Hume or Moogle Thief and you can steal pretty much anything of interest from anyone. Viera Red Mage/Summoner is a strong combination, since Summons can be Doublecast; Red Mage/Shaman (Elementalist?) is also a reasonable combo since the latter's A-Ability can also be Doublecast. Luso is best as a Paladin: not because it's my favorite class (in any game, to boot), but because Paladin, as seen above, mingles with pretty much anything. A Bangaa Templar or two are also great options, and a Bangaa Master/White Monk is an investment you won't mind doing.

    @"Balancing": I'd say the contrary. Some of the well-known combos (Viera Assassin + Concentrate) are gone, as well as lesser known combos (Bishop w/Healing Rod + Templar's Soul Sphere = MP battery), but some classes sadly remain (Morpher is gone, but the Gadgeteer/Tinker remains, and that is a really pointless class IMO). Hume and Bangaa got the jackpot in new classes: Viera has a good status/buffing class (Green Mage) and a pointless class (Spellblade); Nu Mou dropped Morpher but the spell-based classes are a bit meh (Arcanist is kinda cool, Scholar is bizarre); Moogles got the shorter end of the stick (Chocobo Knight is a kick to the nads, Fusilier/Flintlock is better but you must be in the class for the A-Abilities to work at all), while Hume classes are jaw-dropping (Parivir is awesome and Devout is perhaps one of the best classes of Humes, period) and Bangaas got two of three wonderful classes (Master and White Monk are meant for each other, Cannoneer requires you to stay in the class and doesn't mingle well but mixed with Warrior you have a brutally good stat-decreasing class and the gambler class [Trickster?] makes the Bangaa have both a ranged attack, loads of status effects, high speed and decent Magic Attack).
    Delivering scathing wit as a Rogue using Sneak Attack.

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  3. #3
    The Mad God FFTA2 Clan Help Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: FFTA2 Clan Help

    If you're jsut looking for the most broken character you can get, get a Bangaa, teach him Ultima blade or whichever Ultima move it was that Banagaa learn... then switch him to a Trickster. Ultima damage with the highest range of any weapon in the game, and it ignores most obstacles. Rain death on everything before it's anywhere near attack range, it's fun.
    For Our Lord Sheogorath, without Whom all Thought would be linear and all Feeling would be fleeting. Blessed are the Madmen, for they hold the keys to secret knowledge. Blessed are the Phobic, always wary of that which would do them harm. Blessed are the Obsessed, for their courses are clear. Blessed are the Addicts, may they quench the thirst that never ebbs. Blessed are the Murderous, for they have found beauty in the grotesque. Blessed are the Firelovers, for their hearts are always warm. Blessed are the Artists, for in their hands the impossible is made real. Blessed are the Musicians, for in their ears they hear the music of the soul. Blessed are the Sleepless, as they bask in wakeful dreaming. Blessed are the Paranoid, ever-watchful for our enemies. Blessed are the Visionaries, for their eyes see what might be. Blessed are the Painlovers, for in their suffering, we grow stronger. Blessed is the Madgod, who tricks us when we are foolish, punishes us when we are wrong, tortures us when we are unmindful, and loves us in our imperfection.

  4. #4
    Boss Jr.

    Re: FFTA2 Clan Help

    See, now that's what I'm talking about..... (duh, forgot the term for it).

    Is there a broken character for each race? The Concentrating Viera Assassin Made the game easy to the extent of being pointless.

    That's the only combo I knew about and now it's gone :'( . I didn't know about any other combos.

    So lets start there (^_^)! What are some of the combos (new or old) that are in FFTA2 that just make a clan broken?
    Last edited by Boss Jr.; 06-08-2010 at 04:31 PM.

  5. #5
    The Mad God FFTA2 Clan Help Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: FFTA2 Clan Help

    I usually try not to get too broken, otherwise it's not as much fun, However I do have 6 Bangaa Tricksters who know Ultima Blade. So as needed, I add them in to cause mass destruction.

    My normal party consists of...

    Main character as a dual wielding Paravir with Paladin secondary abilities
    Adel as a Heritor with Paravir secondary abilities
    Frimelda as a Dual wielding Paladin with Paravir secondary abilities
    Bangaa Dragoon with Templar abilities
    Gria Ravager, I THINK I gave her geomancer abilities, I forget <.<
    Viera Assassin with Elementalist secondary abilities

    I don't much like mages.
    For Our Lord Sheogorath, without Whom all Thought would be linear and all Feeling would be fleeting. Blessed are the Madmen, for they hold the keys to secret knowledge. Blessed are the Phobic, always wary of that which would do them harm. Blessed are the Obsessed, for their courses are clear. Blessed are the Addicts, may they quench the thirst that never ebbs. Blessed are the Murderous, for they have found beauty in the grotesque. Blessed are the Firelovers, for their hearts are always warm. Blessed are the Artists, for in their hands the impossible is made real. Blessed are the Musicians, for in their ears they hear the music of the soul. Blessed are the Sleepless, as they bask in wakeful dreaming. Blessed are the Paranoid, ever-watchful for our enemies. Blessed are the Visionaries, for their eyes see what might be. Blessed are the Painlovers, for in their suffering, we grow stronger. Blessed is the Madgod, who tricks us when we are foolish, punishes us when we are wrong, tortures us when we are unmindful, and loves us in our imperfection.

  6. #6
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 FFTA2 Clan Help T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    Re: FFTA2 Clan Help

    Hmm...if the idea is to go straight into the unfun, then there are several tactics that go well with it. Generally, I prefer style over substance (classes that hold synergy over broken combos, as I find those tasteless), but as requested...

    Hume: Dual Wield + Magick Frenzy. That implies going as a Devout on the secondary A-Ability style and a strong class with powerful weapons on the other side. Usually, the trick consists of Parivir, Fighter or Paladin, with the strongest weapons and Dual Wield, and then using one of the Devout's spells through Magick Frenzy: the enemy receives the brunt of the spell (weak) but each target affected will also receive the effect of two attacks (depending on the chosen class, from strong to obscene).

    Bangaa: Templar A-Ability. The Templar is the best class to mix with virtually anything because of its set of abilities. Astra is a superb protection for status effects, Haste is awesome for enhancing the speed of Bangaa and Cheer/Concentrate/whatever it's called now to increase damage. Furthermore, they work well with spears.

    Bangaa: Aura + Meltdown. One of the classics. Get to a class with high HP, cast Aura to get Regen and Reraise, pump your HP to the highest and set up Bulwark/Expert Guard so that you don't get hit. When you find one or more enemies, go kamikaze with Meltdown: the character will get killed, but you'll deal damage equal to your current HP, so quite probably everything else will get killed. With Reraise, you get revived afterwards. The combo existed in FFTA and was much better; currently it takes some MP, but it's far better than some Ultima X setups because it deals the same damage (and at times more) with greater reliability.

    Moogle: Stopshot + range. You know how Stop works, right? Well, this doesn't only deals damage, but also paralyzes your opponent. Not entirely reliable, but when it happens you can make sure that the enemy is completely out of the battle.

    Moogle: Chocobo Knight + Juggler + Smile. Chocobo Knight is not so good, except that supposedly has the best Speed growth of the entire game. So, you take a very low-level Moogle, and change him to Chocobo Knight ASAP. Then, you train him from low level to max level, and then change him to Juggler. The end result is having the highest Speed rating of the entire game, which you can couple with Smile to basically deny the enemy even a chance to act: your character will get around 3-10 turns of action, which you can give out at-will to allies to use THEIR own actions. Note: this last one is prone to controversy, on whether it is truly effective, not very effective or blatant cheating. By no means should you mention this on Gamefaqs, on grounds of being possibly called a troll. You're forewarned.

    Viera: Doublecast + Summon + Blood Price. This is a two-parter: one involves taking two Summon spells and casting them back-to-back. The other consists on casting a single Summon spell, then casting a Cure or Unicorn spell on yourself to cast spells without MP cost whatsoever. So you can bleed yourself to death by ending the battle faster, or go safer and casting spells at absolutely no MP cost and virtually no HP cost. Bonus points with Regen.

    Seeq: Ranger + Mirror Item + Phoenix Down. Take a Ranger, move to enemy, use a Phoenix Down. If successful, enemy dies. Simple and easy, although it has a low success rate (something around 30%). Other items, such as a Item-Enhanced X-Potion are clearly more reliable, and the rare Elixirs are lethal.

    Any race except Seeq and Nu Mou + Ultima Shot/Blade/Charge/Masher + best range weapon. Basically, this means Hunter with Greatbow and Ultima Shot, Cannoneer or Trickster with Cannons/Cards and Ultima Blade, Gunners or Fusiliers with Guns (7 range)/Cannons and Ultima Charge, and Assassins with Greatbow and Ultima Masher. Power + Range = good. Too much MP: bad.

    Hunter/Paladin + Greatbow + Ultima Shot/Holy Blade. This one is different from the above, because Holy Blade deals twice the amount of Holy damage of a single attack: have a high damage weapon, mix it with an enemy weak to Holy, and you deal quadruple your attack worth of damage, at times more than Ultima Shot.

    Blue Mage's Matra Magic + any MP-damage ability. This one can be done with a single Hume with Matra Magic and the Soldier's A-Abilities, but it works best with a Bangaa and a Hume (preferably a Bangaa with Templar A-Ability and Rasp/Soul Sphere). Take MP to 0, use Matra Magic to switch HP and MP. With 0 MP, that means enemy is dead. Simple, or do I have to repeat it again?

    Again, I find the choice of "which are the broken combos in the game?" a bit tasteless (I feel it's kinda insulting to the beauty of the class system), but I provide what the poster needs. Hopefully that should be enough broken (or enough overpowered) to make the game a cinch.

    I'd also add some "get Fusilier with Mana Recharge (Sp?) or Cannoneer with Ether Shot", because most of these abilities (including the long range Ultima attacks) consume or require a lot of MP.
    Delivering scathing wit as a Rogue using Sneak Attack.

    Pester me on the Giant in the Playground Forums if you really need me.

    The Final Boss Theorem:
    The size of the ultimate form of the final boss is inversely proportional to it's chances of actually beating your party. If you agree with this, please copy and paste this valuable piece of info on your sig. AND, if you're evil and villainous...never settle for a big form when a smaller form is more kickass...

    'Tis a shame I can only place names now...:
    Silver, Omnitense, Govinda, Aerif, Meier Link,
    (whatever is the name of) The Stig, Grizzly, Fishie,
    Craven, Spiral Architect, Flash AND Froggie.

    Spaces still available. Join today!!

    Nomu-baka, this is FAR from over...:

  7. #7
    Boss Jr.

    Re: FFTA2 Clan Help

    Okay then, good to know.

    Mostly what I was going to do was load each character up with some healing or some other kind of magic as the second Ability and go powerhouse for the first so that I could fight until I had some decent magic and then back up and go the magic route. Also, I nearly got destroyed by a clan full of gunners early on so I though about going all distance abilities too.

    I did that in FFTA. Had A Hunter, An Assassin, A Gunner, 2 Illusionists and I don't remember what the Bangaa was but it worked out really well. I liked that team.

    Still not sure what I'm going to do but at least now I have a better idea of what some good options are.

    Thanks .
    Last edited by Boss Jr.; 06-08-2010 at 07:24 PM.

  8. #8

    Re: FFTA2 Clan Help

    A Viera powerhouse of my own design: Get yourself a Assassin, teach her Ultima Masher and Blood Price and equip her out with a greatbow. Viola!

    There's really nothing better in terms of raw destruction than this little class right here. Have Phoenix, or Unicorn in a Summon secondary, and you can have a field day!
    Last edited by WyldMagicks; 07-05-2010 at 07:28 PM.


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