I'm on my second playthrough on FFTA2 right now and my first playthrough really helped me realise the differences from this one and FFTA. In FFTA all I had to do was create a Viera Assassin with concentrate and reflex. add the those boots that make her teleport and the ribbon that bestows ReRaise and she was all I needed to whipe out entire enemy clans.
Now though I can't seem to make uber powerful characters like that anymore.... this game is more, *cringe* balanced!
So I'm a little lost :/ .
My main character is heading towards Ninja for Double Sword and I'll outfit him with counter, but that doesn't help me with the A Abilities.
I'm still fairly sure I'm going with Assassin on my Viera, but what about the second A Ability? What would go good? Before I did Summoner but IDK this time, though I might go with Red Mage.
My Moogle's second A Ability will probably be Time Mage but for the first I'm not sure. I had Moogle Knight or Fusilier/Gunner (whatever you want to call it) in mind but I'm open to anything.
My Nu Mou has no direction at all. I have no idea what I want to do with him except I was thinking I'd keep White Magic on him since he seems to be good with that. Though Red mages are really good at healing via Double Cast so I might just turn him into a Magic Powerhouse *shrugs*.
Right now my Bangaa is a Dragoon..... I like Dragoons I'm thinking I'll stick with that. I was thinking about Bishop for the second though to give him a little distance because he has a little trouble getting in close <_< .
My other Human has no direction either. I don't want him to become a clone of my main character so I've been trying alot of stuff. I considered Blue Mage but I always thought they were kind of rubbish. Otherwise I'm completely lost on this one. Also had White Mage in mind though, seems to work well with Paladin, but that's what I usually do so I wanted to try something different.
Oh and are the Seeq and Gria races worth having on a clan? Should I maybe trade out for one or even both of them? Might be worth trading my second Human for one, but IDK?
Anyway, any comments would be appreciated

. Thank you in advance.