I did it a few times.
It amuses me that you can get JP and EXP by making mistakes like BOLTing yourself.
I did it a few times.
It amuses me that you can get JP and EXP by making mistakes like BOLTing yourself.
Yeah I remember when I was trying to train cloud I did not want him to die fighting normal monsters so what I did was have him follow a monk and beat the heck out of him. Problem was, I had Hamedo(First Strike) equip and when cloud went to attack him my monk turns on him and got a critical doing like 400 damage and cloud instantly died...
I eventually stoped doing that beacuse Im kinda afraid a simialr situation will happen...
Actually I did this a few times, mainly to master job classes. I found it very amusing that you could actually gain more JP and EXP from attacking yourself instead of the monsters on screen.
On a couple power play throughs I have used this to my advantage to gain an excess of JP and EXP to make a few levels easier.
Soldier: "We suck but we're better then you"
We will fight, we will be strong
Together we're marching on
United, we move as one
Our finest hour has just begun
Philmore - Our Finest Hour
Crao Porr Cock8! Need I say more!?My awards:
Aw hellz yeah dude, I used to do this all the time in all kinds of stages of the game. I have a sick setup most of the time while I do it as well, like I get all the monsters dead, save for one. I have him blinded/frogged/etc, some bad status effect that renders him useless does the trick. (Beowulf's move that has the enemy lose a lot of brave at once is BOSS for this strat, as you can turn your enemy into a helpless chicken until they get back up to 10 brave, which makes the exp/jp building easy) Once that starts, I get the chicken boxed in by my team, and everyone starts hacking away. Having a Monk is pretty important as well, since he or she can chakra everyone back up to health each turn, which lets the slaughtering of each other continue until whenever I get bored of leveling myself up.
But yeah, the JP scroll glitch used to do the trick as well back in the day, unfortunately it was fixed for the PSP version, otherwise that could of cut out about 20+ hours of game play,.
†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™
hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
I don't use it as much in this game as I do in FFTA, but it's very easy (and fun) to do. It's ironic, though, because you're hitting yourself, but you're getting stronger by doing so... I mostly just use the skills like Focus/Accumulate that target yourself for a good enhancement to get EXP and JP.
Curiosity Conquers, So Click:
That's mostly because of how the game handles EXP and JP. Since the variables for XP and JP are based on the difference between levels, someone with a higher level than yours grants more XP and JP than someone with a lower level. Since when you attack yourself, you effectively consider it as attacking someone of your own level, you are treated as having a base amount of XP and JP. This is a system based on how most tactical RPGs work things out.
I'd say it's a bit more odd when you attempt Jump while invisible.
Delivering scathing wit as a Rogue using Sneak Attack.
Pester me on the Giant in the Playground Forums if you really need me.
The Final Boss Theorem:
'Tis a shame I can only place names now...:
Nomu-baka, this is FAR from over...:
No. But I did kill my other 3 members on FF3 so Luneth could lvl up.![]()
Call me Silver.
That is one of the best strats to level up quickly. You get in a battle where the very last enemy is in critical and runs off. Since EXP and JP is given when you perform an action, it's one of the most perfect strategies.
I have done this too. All to get EXP...LOLIts quite fun...Fast lvl ups By using a Weak guy, hitting one of my strongest guys, then lvling up alot.
I'd do this all the time. I'd make Ramza a monk with regenerate as his counter so he would just regen when he was getting all beat up on. Also, in the first chapter I make sure to kill Delita and Algus (Argath) as quickly as possible in every battle, even in the psp version where I don't get any points for doing it. Mostly because I hate them, also because they suck and waste my potions sometimes (I'm looking at you Algus). And I take away their weapons and armor when I first get the chance.
I use this method all the time to acquire JP to master the classes. What I do is find a flat area for my monk or someone with the chakra ability to able to heal the whole squad at once. Make a t formation with the monk in the middle and kill off all monsters except for one. The squire's throw stone ability is a good one to use or the one ability that raises the characters strength by one point.
Sometimes I go overboard and get my characters overpowered before finishing the first chapter. Plowing through the first half of the game with ninjas, samurias and lancers make the game kinda easy.
I just beat FFT: The War of the Lions last year but my memory is murky on whether I did this or not. I know I would render one enemy useless and train on that, healing the enemy when necessary. I think I even raised a few enemies from the dead to train off of. I'm pretty sure I did hit my allies to gain exp and jp but not that much.
Main series FFs Beaten - FF: 4x, FFII: 3x, FFIII: 3x, FFIV: 3x, FFV: 3x, FFVI: 4x, FFVII: 5x, FFVIII: 5x, FFIX: 3x, FFX: 4x, FFXII: 3x, FFXIII: 2x, FFXV: 2x
ahaha yes... valuble jp!
Been gone a long while but im back now and not as annoying. promise
Of course I did. As soon as I figured that strategy out I started using it.
I surround one remainig enemy and start hitting until I'm leveled up enough.
Never killed my own character, though.
Yeah its a very good strategy but I still remember the days when I had to just sit still and use accumulate over and over again...
Thats just plain sucks.
now forgive me if I get my memories wrong...as it has been *years* since I played this game. (Maybe I should go back and do a play through?) Anyways, I would do whatever I needed to do to ensure that there were no wasted turns. If the enemy was out of range, or it just didn't need a full on beat down, or whatever the case may be, I ensured that on every turn a team member got their action on so that they could get EXP & JP.
Gotta get those stats up!
Saving the World since there was a World to Save.
I have done this many times and on similar games. I have used this tactics for the Shining Force games. Even if I am in a big battle I will still get my team casting pointless spells and actions to gain experience.
corner an enemy...stab stab...smack...cure....stab, bolt...cure....and so on. i realized that it could be done by mistake.
black mage - *thunder*
me- aw shit, it hit ramza, wait? JP? *repeats*
"With each passing day, the world finds new and exciting ways to kill a man." - Balthier
final fantasy xiii-2
pokemon fire red
not really, but what i did was power breaking a poor opponent until it's damage was a measly 1, then cornering the poor guy.Using potions, accumulate,yell and haste at everyone. Also be sure to invite someone over in the Deep Dungeon to make leveling up as exciting as hell.![]()
I mean, if you're too far away from the enemies, you kind of HAVE to attack your own people. Have Ramza chase the baddies, and have your other characters throw stones at one another and whatnot. haha.
I only did this when I was trying to learn a new move quickly like swiftness or arcane strengh. as for leveling-up, ijust did regular training
All the time, well sometimes. Usually to earn the Teleport ability from time mages.
I would start a battle make all my characters time mages then have someone who can disable the enemy in some way (Arm-aim, Steal weapon, Steal heart etc) then crowd the remaining enemy in the corner while letting my time mages wale on each other with weak little weapons and occasionally heal themselves while keeping the enemy preoccupied (sometimes healing it too)
Doing this to learn teleport early makes some of those tedious fights like the one against Gafgaron and Wiegraf/Velius a bit more bearable since height/obstacles (like the gate) are null and to a lesser extent distance (for quick getaways and getting behind the enemy)
Playstaion ID: Setzer_All-in
- "Phoenix Downs are your friends. But remember Cloud they don't always work. I'm looking at yooou Aeris"
-"Immortal maybe... but not invincible!" -Prince (of Persia)
I used to do this shit all of the time.
When I got Orlandu, Beowulf, Worker 8, Cloud, Reis, and etc.. I did it alot. I did it to get there moves so I could rape the shit out of opponents.