Everyone on Elm Street remembers the year 1984, a year that was the start of many many more years of meaningless killings and insanity. Before, this "evil man" would take kids from their healthy loving homes to his evil dark hot boiler room to brutally take away there young souls, eventually the police caught this maniac but to the "evil mans" extreme good luck he managed to escape imprisonment so the local citizens of Elm Street took justice into their own hands. One night, they all gathered outside the "evil mans" house armed with molotov cocktails getting ready to burn this freak, the cocktails were threw and eventually the "evil man" would burn into ashes forever to never come back until now, 1984.....

Nancy Tompson, a normal american teenager enjoying her life with boyfriend Glen. Still at school, Nancy has a lot going for her as she's a bright spark in most of her classes.

But one morning, Nancy would be walking to school with her friend Tina, Tina would tell Nancy the story of her nightmare she had the previous night, she described him as wearing a dusty glove with knife fingers, he wore a brown hat and wore a striped dirty shirt. After hearing this, Nancy realised Tina described the same guy Nancy dreamed about once before. Things were getting weird.

From that moment on, Elm Street would never be safe from the evil force that is known as...Freddy Krueger!

The story of A Nightmare On Elm Street is really good as its so different to your usual horror flick and has something most other horror movies dont...a villain that actually speaks, Freddy Krueger speaks quite a lot in this film often saying memorable quotes(whereas in Halloween and Friday The 13th for examples, the villain never ever speaks). The other good thing about the story is the way anything can happen in the dreams Freddy pulls the victims in, I wont go too far into the dreams as it may spoil it but lets say the dreams are the best parts of the film.

As for the characters, as you may know Nancy is the main character in this film, she definitely shows you the image of a typical teenager living through her normal life and all off a sudden it goes totally upside down. Another memorable character is Rod, a leather wearing, knife wielding badass although Tina does still fall for his handsom looks, this leads to something very unfortunate happening to Rod, I wont spoil it though. Also, A Nightmare On Elm Street is Johnny Depps first ever film to be in, he plays the role of Nancy's girlfriend, he's a easy going jock type kind of guy. There are also other characters who dont play such a big roll such as Marge Thompson, Donald Thompson, Donna Woodrum and others.

As for the music, it almost fits perfectly with every scene and moment in the film but its not 5/5 stuff as sometimes it can be pretty bad but in general it has great scary music. As the opening credits are shown, the Nightmare On Elm Street soundtrack is played which is really creepy and sticks in your mind as it stands out a lot in a good way.

The Special Effects used are really great for the time, remember we're talking about the 1980's here folks. There is one really bad effect used at the end where Nancy's Mom(Marge) is pulled through a door, its terrible but apart from that all the effects are stunning. Freddy's face has the most gore on in this film out of all the others, it's very slimey and generally horrible which is always a good thing in horror movies. The first killing is very memorable mainly because of the special effects used, there incredible for this time in horror movies, the blood looks really really real and tons of it is used. Great scene.

As you may or may not know, Wes Craven is the director of this movie. He has made other films before the Nightmare On Elm Street series such as The Hills Have Eyes, Together, Swamp Thing, The Last House on the Left and others. He directs the film really well as he knows what characters should do and react when they see Freddy, it works very well. Craven also uses the classic horror movie by making the music die down and having Freddy popping up really fast along with sharp music, this is always a good thing because it'll make you jump the first time you see this movie.

A Nightmare On Elm Street is a movie any horror movie fan should watch, it has one of the BIGGEST horror icons ever starring as the main character. What else could you want?