I just got my Wii today so I thought I might as well write a review about the game that comes with the console. Which by the way is great and get an overall score of 8.5/10. I will write this review by writing a mini review about each of the 5 minigames. All of the games only use the Wiimote except for boxing which uses the Nunchuku as well.
This game is probably going to be the most popular, it is fun and the wiimote works like a dream. The greatest thing is how realisticly the Wiimote works. Although no matter how you swing you'll still hit the ball, the way you swing accurately makes the ball go in any number of directions. You can try and hit slammers or you can hit the ball up to make spinners. In fact most of the ways you can hit the ball in real life are very realisticly converted to the game. This game is probably the 2nd most physically exhausting.
The only thing you control is your rachet and your character moves on his own towards where ever the ball is, this works well to and you never really need to worry about him not being in the best position. You are able to play one on one or two on two. You can even play 3 players be having one player control both people on a 2 on 2 game.
Again this game feels so natural when you line up to take the hit. There are a couple of bugs that appear if you don't hold the Wiimote exactly right but once you get the hang of it, it won't be long before you start scoring birdies. In fact that is the only issue I have with this game, it is way easier then in real life, much easier. It is also a lot easier then other console golf games I've played too. Unfortinately the game itself is really short and only consists of about 5 courses. But because of how much this game impressed me I really want an exclusive golf game to be released because it would be almost enough to replace going out and playing golf for real.
This really is better then going to play bowling at your local ally. No entrance fee, you can play as many games as you like, You don't have to put on the shoes, you can bring your own food and drinks and the physics of the game are nearly indistinguisable from real life play. In fact when me and 2 mates played our scores were eeriely close to the scores we got last time we went to the bowling ally. With me getting splits nearly every round and coming last because it realistically emulated how much I really suck at bowling. I will never go to the bowling alley again unless someone pays me in for free, it's really that good. The Wiimote is most difficult to get the hang of in this game however. With it you pretty much make the exact actions you would in real life. You start off holding it at your face and then you swing back and forward and then you release the ball by letting go of the B button.
Very disapointing compared to the other games. Mainly because the way you move the wiimote has no effect whatsoever on how you bat or how you bowl. Bowling just consists of 3 different bowling manuvers which are selected by pressing A, B or both at once and no matter what you do with the Wiimote it dosn't effect your throw at all. In Batting the only thing the wiimote does it makes the bat swing, but you can't aim down or up you can only swing straight and the only thing that effects where the ball goes is your timing and which type of bowl the bowler did. So compared to the other games it has very little diversity and it will be the quickest one that you get bored of.
This one is incredible, in my opinion the best game on wii sports. This is because you use the Nunchuku as well as the Wiimote and you use the both of them to punch with either arm, and the punch depends a lot of how you jab with the wiimote, for example what I've found so far is you can do an uppercut motion to punch low, jap to punch staight and you can attempt and overhead hook. In addition you hold both of the controllers near your head to guard yourself from being hit and you can tilt the controller to make your boxer lean to the left or right, doding their punches and you can then make punches in those positions. Because of this you can emulate real boxing by leaning your own body to the left and right and the boxer pretty much mimics you exactly. The only problem is that it's quite hard to see what is going on in the 3rd person view. Even though your boxer is transperant it's hard to see your opponent to react to his attacks. They could have fixed this problem simply by having it in first person perspective. This is also the most exhausing to play, because of the amount of physical movement involved.
There are also a couple of other features on the game that I haven't tried out yet for single player play. This game emulates these sports so well that many of them are as exhausting to play, so couch potatos probably won't like this game, but then again maybe this game provides a fun way for them to finally get some exercise.
Unfortinately the overall size of the game is quite small, as in if you compare this to games bought separately from the console it's like a demo in size. Hopefully there will be a commercially released version that will expand on all the games already offered, like 18 hole courses of golf, better Wiimote control in baseball and additional options and features in the other games. It gets a good rating from me despite it's small size.
8.5/10 overall
If you want to ask any specific question about the game, post them and I'll answer as best I can.