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  1. #1
    TFF's Resident Messenger Mortal Kombat Trilogy Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Mortal Kombat Trilogy

    This game is one of the oldest game franchises, as well as one of the most profitable. This game came out in 1996. I actually played back when it first came out at a friend's house. I don't even remember what friend it was.

    Anyway, a few years ago, a mail order company I bought CDs and DVDs from had this game for sale at $3.50 with free shipping. I grabbed the last copy the had. It is still in "Like New" condition, because it is one of those games I play only when super bored.

    But enough reminiscing, on to the game.

    Mortal Kombat Trilogy is a rare game that does not feature the use of a Memory Card. This is really bad for someone like me, I am not good at fighting games. I like being able to save my progress, instead of having to start at the beginning every time I play.

    There are 32 characters that you choose to play as, including 4 Classic characters. I don't remember much of the movie, so I don't know who they are. I usually play as someone with an easy Special Move. Or someone that looks neat (Jade, Katana, Sub-Zero, or Rayden)

    Now, you choose from the basic "story" mode, two player battles, or an 8-Player Tournament. I tend to play the story-mode, that why I can see many characters. The effects are brilliant for a game of this age. It's nothing like how Mortal Kombat and other similar titles are nowadays, but it is not painful to look at.

    In Story mode, there are four difficulty levels to choose from: NOVICE, WARRIOR, MASTER, and CHAMPION. As I am not well-versed in fighting games, I like to choose NOVICE, but I have completed the game at each level. Once you choose your "destiny", you will travel up a totem pole fighting the other characters.

    This game is famous for not only having its own movie and video game franchise, but by its Ovekills. The amount of time it took me to master the button combination in order the Brutality is astounding. I prefer to just kick someone or give them an uppercut to end the match.

    The backgrounds that they use during battles have a great use of color, and there is a wide variety of areas to fight in. This may be a game where you can only either go left or right, but it still nice all the same.

    Overall, this game is...okay. I am not a fighting game master, but I like the simplicity of the game. I would have to give this game 6.5 out of 10 points. It has characters that I grew up watching in the movies, and has basic button configurations. Some special moves are especially difficult to master, but that's what makes the game a challenge.

    I don't know if they have this game playable as a downloadable game for any console, but I would consider getting it, just for the possibility of being able to save my progress. This game would score better with me if that was one of the capabilities.

    This game is also one of the first to ever receive a "M" rating from the ESRB. It says that it features "Realistic Violence and Reaslistic Blood and Gore" Those features are normal for "T" rated games anymore.

    If you know of a game that you would like me review, please offer me your suggestions by sending me a PM or VM. Chances are, I have the game, or can get it.
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  2. #2
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Mortal Kombat Trilogy

    Buy Mortal Kombat for 360/PS3. It's the new timeline for MK and it plays out I II and III in the new one.

    Also Kitana* and Raiden*.

    I never liked the older MKs, actually I didn't like any except III and the new one.
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  3. #3
    TFF's Resident Messenger Mortal Kombat Trilogy Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: Mortal Kombat Trilogy

    Quote Originally Posted by Loaf View Post
    Also Kitana* and Raiden*.
    I will give you Kitana (I was typing too fast, and didn't notice the mistake), but the manual and in-game text call him Rayden.

    "Rayden As Earth's sworn protector, Rayden finds himself banished in the merger between Earth and Outworld. When the Elder Gods refuse to assist him in aiding the Earth, he is forced to take matters into his own hands. He transforms himself into a mortal warrior to fight alongside his human comrades - this time risking his place in the pantheon of gods and giving up his own immortality."
    -Taken from the character description in the manual.
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  4. #4
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Mortal Kombat Trilogy

    The Arcade versions of the game it's spelled Raiden. Since at the time of the first Mortal Kombat they had his name changed to Rayden because of copyright issues from another game out called Raiden? Also some dude named Raiden in Fatal Fury if I remember.
    Home consoles are always wrong.
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