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  1. #1
    TFF's Resident Messenger Metal Gear Solid 2 Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Metal Gear Solid 2

    Please note that this is a review originally published in 2008. Since I first wrote this review, my copy of the game has ceased to function.

    Metal Gear Solid 2 is action-shooter game that is different than other Metal Gear games. Instead of being the legendary hero Solid Snake, you get to be both Snake and Raiden, a man with no past and future. The game has three actual modes to play in, Tanker, Plant, and Tanker-Plant. I chose to do Tanker-Plant because it is the complete game. Sure you can do each chapter separately, but I wanted the full game experience.

    The first chapter, Tanker, you play as Solid Snake. His mission is to obtain photographic evidence of a U.S. military version of Metal Gear. Little does he know that things would not go smoothly. He finds out that Ocelot has gotten a new arm, thanks to Snake's "brother" Liquid. In the end, the tanker sinks and Snake is allegedly dead.

    The Plant chapter is where you play as Raiden. His mission is to eliminate all of the terrorists that have kidnapped the President. Along the way, he finds out the truth about the Plant. It is actually a cover-upstory made by the Patriots, twelve men who control the country. The Plant is said to clean the water from the sunken Tanker, but really it holds Metal Gear RAY, and Arsenal Gear, which is a structure that filters out information from getting to the public.

    Raiden's enemies include Dead Cell, elite fighters led by Solid Snake himself. Raiden discovers that the Dead Cell Solid Snake is actually Solidus Snake, who is the former President of the United States, George Sears. The real Solid Snake is acting as Lieutenant J.G. Pliskin, one of the Seal Team 10 members.

    This game doesn't really involve as much killing as it's older brother Metal Gear Solid. Raiden's role is to sneak around mostly. He does kill two members of Dead Cell and Solidus Snake himself, but he doesn't actually destroy Arsenal Gear. I was very disappointed that the world couldn't be completely saved.

    At first, I liked the game, but as it went on, I grew to hate it. Raiden's Codec contacts weren't even people, they were computer images used to manipulate Raiden into doing everything the Patriots wanted.

    My favorite part of the whole game is the skateboarding missions. It's something completely different from the actual missions. I guess the game makers were worried that MGS2 wouldn't live up to previous standards set by MGS that they had to resort to little games like that to get an audience. It must've worked because I bought the game.

    My least favorite part was when GW, the information control center, was getting the virus. It was quite scary when Colonel Campbell started losing his face to reveal a skeleton and started speaking from the past. Also, I didn't like that Emma had to die. She was my favorite character in th whole game.

    Overall, I give the game 4 out of 10 points. I basically did not like it. I did not have any expectations for this game, because I did not want to be biased. This allows for a clear judgement of everything. The best thing about this game were the Bonus features. The VR missions, skateboarding, and the books written by Nastasha Romanenko (a character from MGS) are a good read.

    I ended up getting a Panther rating. I guess because I save as often as I can. I recommend this game to those who want to play as someone other than Solid Snake. I also recommend it to anyone who wants to throw away money instead of buying a better game.

    I apologize for any spelling mistakes that may be in this review. It is currently 57 degrees right now, and my desk is next to a window. My hands are a little stiff, and I tend to hit multiple keys at once.

    If you know a game that you think I should play and review, I am always open to suggestions. Just VM/PM me. Chances are that I either have the game, or can get it.
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  2. #2
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Metal Gear Solid 2 Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Metal Gear Solid 2

    While I was also highly disappointed with Son's of Liberty giving it a 4/10 is bit harsh in my opinion. Aside story, and certain characters, both which are bizarre even for Metal Gear standards, Son's of Liberty still has an excellent gameplay, brilliant soundtrack, tons of extra content and well done voice overs and humor. Gameplay itself expanded vastly over first installment, not just that, it also introduced certain elements which are used not just in franchise but entire stealth genre as well.

    As for your review, no offense mate, but I think it's poorly done. You failed to justify your own score by not pointing any major flaws besides that you hate it, pointing out a twist that majority found out to be rather interesting, and that it has too much stealth for a stealth game which is kinda weird. There's also barely anything about it's gameplay, characters and music. And please, don't take this as a hate comment as it's not.

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

  3. #3
    TFF's Resident Messenger Metal Gear Solid 2 Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: Metal Gear Solid 2

    First, let me thank you for taking the time to read my most recent review. While I appreciate the comments, might I make a suggestion. Instead of bashing a critics review, why not post your own review of the game. I realize that using the term "bashing" may be a little extreme to use in this case, I feel it is appropriate, as that is what you did.

    But truthfully, I am not surprised that my review has received such feedback. It comes with the job, I suppose. Whenever a critic makes a review that scores a selection lower than normal, it is normal to receive feedback such as this. Though some of my counterparts on the Internet have scored this higher than I did, I feel my scoring is just.

    Though I do not like to reveal my system for rating a game (as it differs depending on the genre), I will go into some detail on why this particular game did not sit well with me.

    First off, I felt that the storyline completely sucked. It was a novel idea for the political people in the game to manipulate the main character into performing nearly identical tasks as the main character did in the first game. And for what? To test out whether the weapon could defend against it. This story was Metal Gear Solid all over again. Yeah, there were different names of characters, but if I wanted the same story I would just play the same game.

    Secondly, the extra stuff is the best part of the game. That is not good no matter what it is. Let's put in this way:

    "Imagine you are a food critic. The best restaurant with a history of making some of the best dishes in the world gives you a plate of horse manure. They decorate it with dressings and garnish it, offer a nice side salad and wonderful beverages, make it all nice and presentable. In the end, it is still horse manure. Though they have scored well in the past with outstanding dishes, are you going to eat the horse manure with a smile on your face and ask for secods?"

    The extra stuff should NEVER overshadow the main dish. I had more enjoyment reading Nastasha's book than playing this game.

    Finally, I review these games for playability. I recommend games that can be played numerous times and still be fun to play. I review games that are not new to put a "still fun to play after so long" feel on it. As for the technical aspect, remember that this game was made in 2003, five years before I first played it. I compare the technical stuff with those of other games of the time. Nothing stood out for me. Graphics were okay, controller configuration and usage was okay, music was okay, all other technical and gameplay aspects were okay.

    Just in that last paragraph, this game would have only received a score of 5 out of ten. Adding the failed storyline lowered the score to 3. I ended up giving it a 4 out of 10 because the extra stuff is more entertaining than the actual game.

    Remember, this is just one opinion of the game. There is a simple solution to this. Write you OWN opinion. I want my readers to ultimately decide on their own to buy or rent a copy of a game I write about.

    And one side note, I send my reviews to the makers of the game before I even think to publish them in the newspaper I work for. This review was no different. Though the makers were slightly disappointed in such a low score, they appreciated my honesty and ultimately allowed me to publish it. I do not publish unless I have permission from all parties involved. That is more than I can say for some of my counterparts.

    Again, I thank you for reading my review.
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  4. #4
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Metal Gear Solid 2 Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Metal Gear Solid 2

    Let's say I'm considering on buying Metal Gear Solid 2 Son's of Liberty but still not quite sure, I decide to look what others have to say and your review happens to be the first one I read. Based on your score Metal Gear Solid 2 seems to be a terrible game, thus not really a wise purchase. Thing is, I'm having trouble seeing what's so terrible about it as there's nothing about it's gameplay, nothing on characters, music, voice acting, replay value, bugs, glitches... except for "I hate it" and "there's too much stealth in a stealth game" which again is kinda weird.

    And apparently, if you decide to point out some elements this review lacks, which would be all of them, you're bashing this review and you should write your own even though I placed this where people can leave their opinion on it.

    As for your second post where you should have given me concrete reasons as to why this game deserves 4/10, you added bad storyline. Now, to sum this all up

    - bad storyline
    - I hate it
    - too much stealth for a stealth game

    equals 4/10, perhaps there are more reasons but you failed to write them down. Two posts and still nothing on gameplay, presentation, possible bugs and glitches, replay value, voice acting... but I guess you're right, extra content is what people are eager to read about in review.

    You're welcome, and please don't be afraid to take criticism, it might do you more good than you think.

    EDIT: You also reveal two major, probably main plot twists of Son's of Liberty, without any warning whatsoever. Who does that to his audience, that's just plain cruel.
    Last edited by Xanatos; 11-06-2011 at 06:43 AM.

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

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