Jak and Daxter is a game made by Naughty Dog, the team made the excellent Crash Bandicoot seies. Naturally, with a reputation like that, no wonder I had high expectations for it. I actually got this game at a place called Barn Sale. This place has all kinds of stuff in it, but they take pride in their collection of new and used video games.
The premise of this game is Jak and Daxter's journey to find a way to change Daxter back to his original form. You see, Daxter fell into a big tub of ooze, called "Dark Eco". Along the way, they find that the sages, who are masters of all kinds of Eco, have been kidnapped by Gol and Maia (the bad guys). Gol is also the only person who can chang Daxter back.
My favorite part of the game was when I died. When you die (lose all life points), Daxter runs up to you and say some smart-aleck line. Sometimes, I would die just for the laughs. I also like how you never got a "Game Over" at all. This way, I never felt bad about using all of my lives. On the oher hand, when you want to stop playing, it helps to have a Game Over to forward to.
My least favorite part is when I hve to get all of the Power Cells in order to actually finish the game. I currently have ninety-two of them. I am pretty sure that it will just have a different ending to the game and show the same credits that I saw when I finished the main story.
Overall, I give this game 9 out of 10 points. I feel it is a great game to play no matter hw old you are. It also is a Platform/Action game so Crash, Spyro, Sonic, and Mario fans will also like this game a lot. It has good voice acting, except Jak doesn't say much. Like his Naughty Dog counterpart, Crash Bandicoot; the only noises that come out of Jak's mouth are grunts and moans. The game has awesome graphics considering it is a game from 2001.
Spoiler: Jak does have actual lines in other J&D games.
Like always, if there is a game that you think I should play and review; send me a VM or PM. I will gladly play anything for my readers.