This game is one that I do not usually like to play. I don't normally play games with a lot of human violence. I like violence when it is toward monsters. I don't even remember how or when I got this game. Maybe it was a birthday or Christmas present. Anyway, the game features the legendary fighter Jax, a man with arms of steel. In this game, Jax is on a mission to find and kill Kano, his arch enemy.
Jax journeys from San Francisco to China, to the Outworld, where he faces and defeats the Black Dragons. Simply, he punches and kicks his way to victory. Occasionally he uses weapons from machine guns to shotguns to rocket and grenade launchers.
My favorite part of this was when I was in the tower levels. It was brightly lit, and took an office feel to it. Also, fighting Jarek (one of the Bosses) was simple. All I had to do was let him get tired of throwing his knives. My least favorite part were the Outworld levels, because it is almost completely dark the entire time. That is PlayStation games for you, some of them have no concept of lighting in their games.
Overall, I give this game 6 out of 10. I gave it 6 because I feel it tried its bet in keeping my attention. I was able to complete the entire game in about four hours. I recommend this game to gamers who want to revel in how much graphics have improved in the last ten years. Also, this game is good for those people who like games with plenty of violence.
This game is rated M (Mature) for probably the following reasons. I don't havethe manual or the original case.
Blood and Gore
The Blood is animated, it doesn't look real. But when you kill an enemy with a special move or big weapon, the body explodes. That is most likely why it is rated M.
(NOTE: For those of you who were expecting the "The Legend of Spyro: the Eternal Night" review, I am sorry. I can't seem to find my copies of it. I didn't have a working computer when I wrote it, so I don't have any backup copies of it.)
Social Group Endorsements, TFF Awards, and Other Accomplishments (Updated December 26, 2013):