mine would be:
story: 5.00
Square really hit us hard with this game. It was a slap in the head with a baseball bat when they released this remarkable work of art. The Final Fantasy series has been an extravagant video game milestone to the entire industry. Square seems to out-due themselves with every release of a new game, with such a vast audience and a large anticipation for every new Final Fantasy to be released, Square really needs to keep higher standards in order to surprise us with their extraordinary RPG video game masterpieces.
Game play:
The entire game play of the game is incredible. Like most of the previous Final Fantasy games, Final Fantasy X offers a few of the same options and medieval settings that give the game a wonderful taste of the classics. Of course there are several new intriguing features and options to the game to make it completely original and very hard to put down the controller. The game is lightly complex with the sphere board level system, mazing temples, and questionable decisions.
But the game itself is very easy to operate and learn quickly. The battles flow smoothly along with a beautiful story line that keeps you on your feet. Square seemed to construct a perfect blend of every important RPG aspect while making this game, which will make this game forever great.
Score: 97%
The anticipation for the graphics of the game was very high, especially since the game was released on the Sony Playstation 2. It may be hard to believe, but Final Fantasy X simply has the best and most detailed graphics compared to any other game released to date. The FMV scenes scattered throughout the entire game are astonishing and will cause your mouth to drop. There are virtually no loading times, and you will have a hard time deciding if you are watching a FMV or reading the game dialogue scenes.
Probably the most enticing aspect of the graphics in the game is the dialogue held between the life-filled characters. This makes the story amazingly better compared to all the previous Final Fantasys released in the past, which seemed to just bore us by reading the dull acts. The characters given the ability to talk and interact really gives the player a since of an attachment with the character.
Score: 97%
All right, so far there are really no flaws in the game. This may seem surprising, but the game really didn't have many letdowns. From the beginning of the game you automatically know that the evil force 'sin' is going to be the overall enemy to defeat, this leads us to the storyline of the game. From the first point of the game to the very last, the game sort of takes a linear approach with the plot.
This isn't a bad thing, but can lead to a very predictable game. Although there are several twists and turns to the story, you are still not that shocked when the actions take place. This isn't true for all the events, believe me, there are some serious mind blowers that will lurk up on you. The story really has depth and includes every character perfectly to give the game an unbelievable passion to play and find out what is going to happen next.
Score: 90%
Wow, simply wow, the game really leaves no improvement for the extraordinary music produced by the superior Nobou Uematsu. The entire Final Fantasy series' music is more than just a constant background music that flows with the game; it is a fine art and puts a whole new definition to video game music. Final Fantasy X has an endless amount of tracks that seem to fit perfectly with the scene and the events taking place to help give the player a more realization of what is going on and feel more in to the game.
Score: 94%
Battle System:
This is probably the single most noticeable improvement of the game. The battle system is structured by a 'sphere board' that characters can move around as long as they have AP to use. After each battle characters obtain AP, these are then used to move the character a certain amount of spaces around the sphere board. This allows you to give full customization to each character in the game. This means there is really no ending to the game.
You can make characters faster, stronger, more HP, even have Tidus learn Black Magic. This sure as hell beats the simple level up system used in the previous Final Fantasys and many other RPGs out there. Also, during battle, you have the ability to switch characters while fighting. This is insane and very new to any other Role-Playing Game, which makes the game extremely fun and can turn a random battle into a pleasurable, tactical, and strategic battle of fun.
Score: 95%
If you don't have the game right now, you need to go get it. It is highly ranked everywhere and has very very little flaws to upset any player. Don't hesitate on buying it, buy it now.
mine would be:
story: 5.00
Story : 5.00
Music : 5.00
Difficulty : 3.00
Graphics: 5.00
Gameplay: 3.00
Well I really d Like this game I guess I will add in my own tidbits.
The story is just epic. The story did have some things that were predictable, and some that weren't, but the plot twists made a very moving story. Though the one thing that did bother me was its length, it was a tad on the short side for a Final Fantasy, only being about 15 hours long or so, but it doesn't deduct from its enjoyment.
I am partical to Uematsu I must admit. His music is remarkable, it fits the mood and it just overall adds to the mood of the scene. I like "To Zanarkand" and "This is Your Story" myself but one song called "Otherworld" introduces a music genre not ever seen in a Final Fantasy: Metal. The song (also fits mood and has a tad of irony in it name) just opened the game beautifully. It made the introduction of Auron look badass and made the apperance of the antagonist much more meaningful.
Difficulty: 3.5
The main story itself wasn't so difficult. Just going through the story isn't difficult but it takes more then a novice to get through it. Now the sidequests however are rather easy to insanely difficult depending on which one you choose to complete.
They were state of the art at the time it was created. From the breathtaking FMVs to the full motion faces during gameplay(a new thing) the graphics were the best I've seen from a game of its era.
This game has hours of great gameplay. The battle scenes are very interesting. You hear the character talk during them, adding realism. The battle system itself was very unique. It is an ingenius way of leveling your characters, as well and an organized way. Though at first when you see the Sphere Grid it will confusing you, but after you play the game for a few hours, you will understand it. The one thing I was very fond of in this system was the ability to switch characters during battle. It adds tons of new strategic plans and enables you to take full advantage of the characters abilities. The mini-games themselves may leave you hooked for hours(esspecially blitzball), which makes more gameplay possiblities(I've played games just to play blitzball).
All in all this game is a must buy. If you don't own this game, I suggest you do something about it because this is a game no gamer wants to be without.
FFX was OK. But I got annyoned with what I feel, was a bunch of cut-scences.
wow this game seems absoloutley flawless....
though i do much agree on fuzz's reveiew i decided to add my own
gameplay 97%
this has to be one of the better changes in the game. the game play is absolutley adictive. it dosent get to hard through out the game but it still has its share of hard boss fights(yunalesca,1st and 3rd seymour). well the sphere grid is my favorite change in the game. its sorta weird at first but it takes you people to new heights letting them learn certain abbitilities that are usually not meant for that character ( my auron new auto life by the time i fought sin) even after beating the game theres still plaenty of sidequest for. i found alot games within the game such as, getting the ultima weapons, maxing out your charcters, and the monster arena hours of fun in the game ive racked up 400 hours
graphics 96%
wow well this one is a no brainer. it seemes with every final fantasy they become more unbelievable and now with the pss2 it seems twice as good.
music 98%
wow nobou eumatsu really out did himself this time. the music was amazing and playing the game only made it more enjoyable for me. hearing a certain song brings me back to an emotional cutscene in the game.
story 99%
wow...............wow.........wow.......cant get mush better than this. ABSOLUTLEY THE GREATEST STORY EVER TOLD. i know i might be over reacting but they really blew me away this thing. first off it is completely original it seems that they pulled almost every thing to do with our world. every thing is completeley new every other final fantasy has been somewhat sci fi*cough* ff7 or in a more middle aged socitey. the stroy really made me addicted to the game and i found my self playing to 3:00 am just to unveil more of the beautiful story line. the voice overs reslly added a new dimension to the game and gave each character there own personallity. and at thend i actually found my self crying....
which makes it for me my favorite final fantasy for all time hands down. i give it an overall of a 98%
great game.. just wish i would have been harder and maybe a little more open. turn system was fun and the music is top notch.
Ashe: You're sky pirates, aren't you? Then steal me!
* Vaan: Let go of me!
* Balthier: Keep this up and I will!
Squall: I dreamt I was a moron...
*Judge Gabranth: Lady Ashe! Your father's
murderer is here!
This game was cool I dont think there was anything wrong with it...except how easy it was...the story is good, the music is good, graphics and cut-scenes were all good
You know, its about time I changed my dumb old sig
He pwns you!!!!
FMVs where def good, but i thought there as way to many of them to often, i felt like i was driving in a big city, stop, go, stop, go, etc...
Ashe: You're sky pirates, aren't you? Then steal me!
* Vaan: Let go of me!
* Balthier: Keep this up and I will!
Squall: I dreamt I was a moron...
*Judge Gabranth: Lady Ashe! Your father's
murderer is here!
Oh gee, everyone's giving it such high reviews,
I would have to say after playing other games in the series or other games by the same creators, (Square soft, Square Enix), Compare to the rest, its more advanced, but not as deep. It has a sort of superficial touch to it, revolving the game more around human based characters or different race as a pose to different species (though most have been like this). But behind all the bright colors and loud and cheerful music there is a much darker side to this game, where the main theme seems to revolve around death, the bringer or death, Sin probably one of the most complex characters in the game, as
Spoiler: he is later on found to be the father of the main character and guardian or the female protagonist, Yuna's, father.
The Sound
As most Final Fantasy's the soundtrack is worth turning down the sound and turning up the CD player or listening to an Mp3 player of iPod. The only song I really liked was Auron's theme, and Otherworld playing at the start and end of this game. Though the voicing was decent, as this was the first Final Fantasy to have voice-overs, and the voice's suited their characters.
The Graphics
As aw-inspiring as the FMV's were, the cut-scenes weren't nearly as impressive as their media counterparts. Though at this early stage the lips weren't really as synced with the voicing as one would expect, only in the FMV's. Another disappointing this was the length of the cut-scenes, these were painful, and you did not have the ability to skip.
As for the backgrounds, some were a majestic site, that you wish you could travel to one day. Move beautiful visual came for you when you have the ability to summon with some slow and beautiful backdrops.
The Gameplay
The Gameplay became a bit tideous at times with the pain of, if you could not defeat a boss after numerous tries you would have to run around a specific area would hours, with the screen cracking everytime you get into a random battle. Otherwise when you were heading really well, and knew what to do the game play became really intense and drew you in immensely.
The Story
The story became too complex as it progressed, too many things happen at once, too many points of views come together at one stage.
The Characters
Each character unique, every different personality, a different dress style, and a different sense of righteousness. All of them with the one desire, to protect Yuna from harm. The voices really helped me to understand each character, with them being suited quite well.
Overall: 8.6/10
A reasonably decent game for players looking to start playing RPG's and there's certainly and abundance of this game flowing.
<a href="http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i279/_DaRkNeoN_/newsig-dual-1.png" target="_blank"><img src="http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i279/_DaRkNeoN_/newsig-dual-1.png" border="0" alt="Reznov Sig"></a>
Final Fantasy X was by far one of the best in the series.
Sound 6
graphics 8
gameplay 8
story 7
characters 9 ( I liked the variety.)
overall I give the game 8/10
I'm sorry but you can't be serious, I understand it's your opinion, but I find that hard to believe, if you have numerous reference's to FFVII in your name and location, how can you say 10 was the best? Why don't you have something like "Dream Zanarkand" or something FFX related if you through it was best hrmm?
<a href="http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i279/_DaRkNeoN_/newsig-dual-1.png" target="_blank"><img src="http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i279/_DaRkNeoN_/newsig-dual-1.png" border="0" alt="Reznov Sig"></a>
My Review of
Well, this was a next-generation thing for everyone.
Some music (just my taste, anyways) is really bad (like, 3 songs, actually). The rest is great. I mean download this thing on your iPod at any cost great. The Piano Collection versions of the song are a great addition to the gaem, so get it if you are a BIG fan.
My Percentage Score: 90%
Graphics: Well, this one is a bit tricky. The regular graphics were revolutionary at the time, so I guess they were ag good as it could get. The cutscenes were a great demonstration of the Playstation 2's hard drive. Although not impressinve now, it was great then.
My Percentage Score: 90%
The battle system is a lot beter now. It used to be time based in a trivial sort of way, making you make descisions in a split second or you may be doomed. Now, the battle system is turn-based, perfect for anyone who wants to savor the goodness of battle and strategicly mane a battle plan. Another thing worth making a note of is the Sphere Grid. It's progression system with Sphere Levels really gives people sommething to think about. The Cloister of Trials are mind bending and complex. This game will have you playng long after you beat it.
My Percentage Score: 95%
Story: Now, what is a Roleplaying Game without some storyline? The storyline of Final Fantasy X is a great big hunk of many stories intertwined with each other. Some suddenly pause for a bit, while others are ongoing. This new installment of Final Fantasy is a great story that many wouldn't mind listening to.
My Percentage Score: 95%
Overall: This Final Fantasy game is the first of its kind, and not to be the last. It is a must for any Roleplaying gamer anywhere.
My Percentage Score: 95%
The storyline is just amazing. The storyline did last creative-ness in some area's and you could just predict what was going to happen, but the Storyline is just fantastic, i really enjoyed it. The story is quite short, which was a disapointment. But as i progressed though the story, i really enjoyed it.
Since, this was the first FF i had ever bought, i didn't know how to compare the Music towards the other Final Fantasy Games.
But i had to admit the music was Brilliant, my favourite sound track would be "To Zanarkand". All the music included in the game really does set the scene.
Difficulty: 3.0
It was hard to give this rating for the difficulty, because when i first bought FFX i'd haven't played any previous Final Fantasy Games. So it was quite hard, but after playing though the game a couple of times, and also playing other FF games. It was fairly easy.
The Graphics for this game, are brilliant compared to the previous FF, this was the first FF on the PS2 with Voices. The cut-scenes are Fantastic for graphics- Top notch.
This game has fantastic game play, I could seriously spend hours, playing constitly, everything is brilliant, during the battle, the characters made little remarks.
The battle system is a very good way of levelling up your character via the sphere grid, first time I was it, my jaw dropped I was like ‘WHAT THE F***’ but after playing the game alit longer you will get to know it.
If you buy this game you will defiantly have to play blitz ball, it’s the best mini game Final fantasy have ever released in a game, Easily.
So If you don’t own this game, I recommend you buy it.
Favourite FF Characters - Tidus, Wakka, Red.Favourite FF Game : FFX
TIDUS EX ZANARKAND ABES!Tidus 'Captain of the Besaid Aurochs'!
10 Years of Blitzball
2 Wins
1 Trophy
XboxLive: Tidus Spira - Add me if you want
Tidus - "Don't break any bones, old man!"
I agree with the overall consensus on aspects such as gamepaly, music, etc, but this is by far the most difficult FF title! Penance... holy crap. The only superboss I haven't topped (though i will, dammit). X is a great game, and difficulty is the main reason. Yes, the story is a walk in the park, but it should be to keep the series mainstream and accessible to players of different types. Sidequests can be present for 1337 players, so Penance won't get in the way of seeing what happens when the Aeons stop dreaming...![]()
Ah, Final Fantasy X, my first ever Final Fantasy. I indeed loved it. But to go into more detail...
Story - 5
That's right, FIVE. I thought the story was exceptional. I'll admit the first or second time the ending got to me. (Don't deny it. You felt it, too!)
The story took many twists and turns and I was never really sure how it would all come together until the very end. All in all, it's a damn good story.
Difficulty - 3
Typical for most games, the difficulty of enemies and whatnot are usually nothing to worry abou. However, in this game, this seemed to remain true well and throughout the game. Of course, there was a few instances of difficulty or head-bashing, controller-smashing, wallet-emptying, or sanity-breaking (Such as classic evils like... Seymour Flux, Yunalesca, and the always fun, Shinryu battles.) Despite this, it remains a solid difficulty, so noobs will still have trouble.
Gameplay - 4 1/2
The battle system was unique for this game. A combination of taking however much time you want to make a decision, and an improved ATB-like system, where characters have individual turns. It was a boon to be able to switch characters in and out, effectively allowing you to level up everyone at once, and that's helpful. It allows for more advanced strategies. My favorite aspect is the Sphere Grid. While in the end, characters will be nearly identical in terms of stats, magic, and abilties, the road there is filled wth possibilities. A little hard to grasp at first, but after a while, even a noob could figure it out.
Graphics - 5
I don't usually judge a game by its graphics, however this game really raised the bar in comparison to the previous title. By looking at the characters' face, you can see their emotions, as if they were acting like real people, it was interesting to see.
Overall - 9 1/2!
I'm going through a bit of a The World Ends With You phase right now.Click THERE:
the music from this game was amazing! the story line was good, but there was to many cut scenes in this game thats the only thing i would of changed about that game
This game is great. It's nice and long. It's also pretty chalenging. I like that too.
This is my favorite game in the entire series.It has a great story line,cool characters,and some preety easy and challenging fights.This game was a complete success!The ending was sad,but expected.Overall the best Final Fantasy game to me.
story : 99
music : 98
gameplay : 99
graphics : 95
difficulity : 80
i really love FF-X![]()
Final Fantasy X was one of the best FF games that is made. Although other Final Fantasy games were amazing also. FFX had an incredible plot. It was hard to figure out. Yet when you thought that you had it would take another turn. It overall kept me interested. It was also long. I like that in a game because I want it to keep me intersted. If it ends to fast you can't really set up a good stratagy or any kind of battle tactic. The Music was also amazing and gave the particular scene or moment in the game the extra emotion and drama. The charicters were very good too. I like Tidus overall because he made the story pretty much. He even quoted it. The other charicters were creative and appealed to many diffirent people in many diffirent ways. I like the fact that there was also romance in the game. Which the romance was kinda forbidden. But that it what made right for the game. The battle system was good but not the best. I liked the attack and recive routine but it got a little old after a while. It is good for people who need to plan out there attacks. I also liked the fiends. They put alot of thought into some of them. They made them specificly to go along with each place that you visited on your journey through spira. it was also challenging to find all the items and weapons. Which made the game longer and better. The bosses were also challenging. But I love a good challenge.
Game play:
The entire game play of the game is great. Like most of the previous Final Fantasy games, Final Fantasy X offers the same type of battle system, which I was glad for, because I feared that they would start to change things up once they switched to PS2.
But the game itself is very easy to control and learn quickly. Score: 98% I didn't like the fact however, that there was no traditional world map. I felt that there was less freedom than previous FFs. It would have been nice if the cities were bigger, or they had added more, since we did not get the liberty to roam as freely. I enjoy exploring big cities and talking to random people, you get their mini life stories. ( FFIX did a great job in this)
score: 89%
Since the game was the first Final Fantasy on PS2, the graphics were amazing. Even now the game still looks really good, but are a little stiffThe scenery however is fantastic. I love all the greenery and sound effects in Besaid Island. The Monsters/feinds in this game I also think look the best. The enemies were well thought out whan they were constructed. This game seems to have the best made up, non traditional FF Fiends.
Score: 97%
The story was interesting and not too complicated, but playing through the first time there are a few new twists. However till this day there are some minor things I still don't understand fully.( just little things) It was good but I feel that some parts should have been explained a little more. An example would be the whole Yu Yevon thing. At the end it was kind of rushed and not explained fully. He just kind of was. The only extra input you get is from Maechen, the scholar later in the game after talking to him multiple times on Mt Gagazet.
Score: 95%
Smply fantastic, the music really gives the correct feel for the environment. I love the music and often listen to it at Luca Theater. I like that the music was not too crazy ans some of the songs were simpleand enjoyable. My favorites are : Besaid, Tdus's Theme, To Zanarkand( love piano) Via Purifico, Prelude( best version ever in FF history)
Score: 98%
Battle System:
I actually liked the Sphere grid. People don't understand that, That is the level system. Instead of leveling up multiple stats with each "level up" at once, you basically level up stats individually as you like. Because of this I felt that all off the work you put into training your characters extra really payed of.
Score: 100%
Overall: I would rate this game a 97.9% one of my favorites along with FFIX and FFVII.
Last edited by GypsyElder; 12-17-2009 at 03:19 PM.
on my list ten is number 5 I felt it could have been better and it isnt as good as people say it is...
yeah i loved ffx but what realy amaized was that ffx & ff7 were actualy connected that wat made me re play the game again
I give it perfect ratings across the board except for the difficulty. It's pretty easy. I'm going to have to come back and make a more thorough review. This is just so I can remember to do it.
The Questions Asked:
Who and what have you been?
Who and what are you?
Who and what will you be?
I wouldn't give it a "perfect score". Voice acting wasn't well done (which was expected since it was the first of the series with voice acting.) There were some little nick nacks that were really annoying. Difficulty shouldn't matter though, it's an RPG. Its not supposed to be hard.
This is my most hated final fantasy right next to 8. It just had terrible main characters, Yuna was annoying as hell, Tidus was actually ok. Wakka got on my nerves some times but for the most part, everyone was cool besides Yuna, who just sucked the life out of the game for me. She was always in peril or distress and she was such a wimp about everything. It drove me crazy I wanted to rip her face off myself.