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Thread: What's Your Favorite Game Opening ?

  1. #1
    "my destiny evades me" What's Your Favorite Game Opening ? magewarrior's Avatar
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    What's Your Favorite Game Opening ?

    I know it's hard to choose, because there are so many good ones out there, but if you had to choose just one, what would be your favorite game opening and why.


    Suikoden III ~ Exceeding Love (aka Transcending Love)

    Reason: one of the longest and best game intros in the Suikoden franchise to date and one of my favorites too. The anime and cgi (flying life size bugs?) blends together amazingly with the music playing in the background. In-fact just watching the opening again reminds me how great this game was. And still is IMO

  2. #2
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み What's Your Favorite Game Opening ? ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: What's Your Favorite Game Opening ?

    If we are talking about CGI game intros, it's Final Fantasy VIII everytime. I remember resetting the PS over and over just to see it again. It's just so epic.

    If we are talking about openings in general, it's Fallout 3. I love the opening sequence. In fact the opening 2 hours of that whole game make it worth starting over.

  3. #3
    Consistently Average What's Your Favorite Game Opening ? Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: What's Your Favorite Game Opening ?

    For pure nostaligia it would definately have to be Pokemon Blue. Everything about it, the music, the animation, I love it. Big part of my childhood right there folks.

    That aside one of my more recent(ish) favourites is the movie belonging to Tekken 5. The opening fight between Kazuya and Heihatchi against the Jack invasion is just awesome (sorry to those who haven't played and what I just said went over your head). Whenever I feel like i'm done with the game after playing it for a while I just restart the Ps2 and watch the movie all over again and then I get straight back into the action.
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  4. #4
    Queen What's Your Favorite Game Opening ? Crescent's Avatar
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    Re: What's Your Favorite Game Opening ?

    FFVII. Words fail. Its more what you feel. The FFVII opening to me felt very magical..I still get that same feeling when I watch/play it still to this day. This opening sequence was some of the best camera work I've seen in a video game. The camera follows Aeris out of the alleyway and down the block a piece, panning back to establish the neighborhood then pulling up and out of Sector 8 to give you an awesome aerial shot of Midgar; reactors venting drive plasma and search lights tracking around the ShinRa Building. Then its back down onto the train platform where you're tossed right into the action. The musical score is the icing on the cake. Powerful, mysterious yet daunting haha, I got the distinct vibe that I was in for one hell of an adventure...Never been so fkng accurate about anything else in my life.

    My other favourite game openings:
    Soul Edge, Parasite Eve, Metal Gear Solid, Dissidia Duodecim012, Chrono Cross, Abe's Odyssey, Kingdom Hearts 1&2, Thousand Arms, Wild Arms..there are more but Im out for now Ha.

  5. #5
    Certified tech, come at me! What's Your Favorite Game Opening ? SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Re: What's Your Favorite Game Opening ?

    Oh crap, I hate answering these questions because I have so many to choose from. There is one game intro that sticks with me to this day, the game that I personally favor in the way of openings would have to be Secret of Mana. That game had a beautiful intro especially for something made in 1993.
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  6. #6

    Re: What's Your Favorite Game Opening ?

    The Grandia opening always fills me with a kind of epic (in the true sense of the word) anticipation and excitement. But then, so does the whole game, so.

  7. #7
    Registered User What's Your Favorite Game Opening ? Melsaphim's Avatar
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    Re: What's Your Favorite Game Opening ?

    Quote Originally Posted by X-Meteo View Post
    The Grandia opening always fills me with a kind of epic (in the true sense of the word) anticipation and excitement. But then, so does the whole game, so.
    I must agree with you there Grandia is a game i can go back to time and time again and it still manages to always make me happy. a truly awesome game.

    My favourite/s from more recent games include Lost odyssey, mass effect 3 and many others really But my absolute favourites of all time are FFVII and FFVIII those games sucked me in for hundreds of hours between them and those openings let me know it wasnt going to be wasted time

  8. #8

    Re: What's Your Favorite Game Opening ?

    My favorite opening scenes is ffx where you see tidus just sitting their all relaxed and taking a few minutes till he openes his eye and otherworld starts that is a awsome opening scene. My second favorite opening scene is ffx-2 where you see pain dragging one of the guards of and rikku steps in and say y.r.p and then when the main fanally starts you see yuna from ffx walking across the stage and turning into a songstress and she starts singing real emotion. My third favorite opening scene is ff13 i mean wow you see this amazing place called grand pulse the scenes are just amazing on that game. My forth favorite opening scene is ff13-2 wheir you see lighting in her new outfit and she starts fighting this guy don't know who he is cause i haven't played it yet. I have to say thought the tecnical demonstation for the ps3 was mind blowing i mean the opening scene to one of the most epic ff games of all time rended in HD was ff7 remake they teesed us about that and to make us think that their was goin to be an ff7 remake but that will never happen. another two good opening scenes are ff7 an ff8 they also had me on them on their for hours they are awesome games.

  9. #9
    Registered User What's Your Favorite Game Opening ? EmperorLeo's Avatar
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    Re: What's Your Favorite Game Opening ?

    This one is a tough one. If I'd have a gun to my head, it would probably be Shadow of the Colossus. It's just so beautiful and it fills me with wonder and amazement. I really like the little jump in the first minute or so. it gives the sensation that this is a real person facing true danger. It makes me want to play it every time I see it.

    Xenogear's intro is also up there too. Especially the, "I am Alpha and Omega. I am the beginning and the end." and the "We shall be as gods." Terrifying. Every time I see that intro, it leaves me feeling so powerless, especially when you consider the size of the ship they're on while its happening.

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