Hehee.. I love listening to upbeat tunes, and some of my favorites actually do come from video games. I wonder if that mostly has to do with the feeling I get from playing them? Well, whatever the case is, there's a few songs that I like that are pretty cheery. I'll only put the ones that I can think of from the top of my head though:
First up, the title theme to The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. It's got a great beat to it, and a cheery little melody as well. It's fun to listen to.
Secondly, there's The Sunleth Waterscape from FF XIII. This is my most listened-to track in the FF XIII soundtrack. I like it a lot. The lyrics don't make a lot of sense, and are pretty cheesy, but I think that's half the fun! I dig music like that.
Finally, I like Monochrome Dreams from Kingdom Hearts II. It's the kind of song that you can whistle and tap your foot to, or maybe that's just me.
There's definitely more, but that's all I'll mention.