So I've attempted to make another FF AMV my other two videos didn't really turn out that well but I still like them. They were done to FFVII: Advent Children this time I've done it to FFX so I hope you like it. Let me know what you think as in time I plan to make more.
Youtube - FFX, X2 - Yuna & Tidus (Halo)
Youtube - Final Fantasy Intro
I decided to make intro's for my videos and so I thought I'd make an FF one since that's what I'm making now.
Date added June 18 2009.
Imeem - Final Fantasy - In My Arms
I had to add this to a different account coz Youtube said it was copyright which was very strange since I have a song from the same artist on there. Anyway this video took me two days to make never before has a video taken me two days to make.
Date added June 23 2009.