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Thread: Gaming-flavoured wall decorations

  1. #1
    Gaming-flavoured wall decorations Ponk's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Adelaide, Australia

    Question Gaming-flavoured wall decorations

    So I recently did a 'spring clean' which involved swapping out a bunch of furniture in addition to throwing out maybe six month's worth of accumulated junk. I now have twice as much wall space, and need something to occupy it. I already have these big 1-foot square canvas prints of friends and pets and stuff so I wanna do more of that type of thing, but slightly different.

    Here's the challenge: I want to do a giant canvas print, A3 size or probably even bigger, that's just an enormosized sprite image/game image. Mostly because the problem with big canvas is image quality, and vector images or vectored sprites don't have to worry about upsize quality. I'm not sure what to go with though! As a bunch of fellow gamers, who also have a history ith the Final Fantasy series I present the question to you. Who/what to go with?

    My top two at the moment are:
    - Mario, probably mid-jump on a coloured background
    - One of the vector style images (or one I build myself from references) from the Katamari games - I'm imagining a landscape canvas with the prince pushing a giant katamari that takes up most of the frame. Nice and colourful, pastelly or at least bright.

    Any other suggestions? I welcome all comers. As for FF/Square Enix characters, who would you say is the most distinct or interesting in the Sprite Age?

  2. #2
    This sounds like a great idea, i'd personally pick the Mario one whilst he is mid-air jumping, whatever you do, please show pictures of your work. Good luck, my friend!

    I think I'm beginning to understand. An answer from the Planet, the Promised Land...I think I can meet her...there.

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