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  1. #1
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Game Magazines Xanatos's Avatar
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    Game Magazines

    OK, does anyone buy these anymore, I mean with internet and all those gaming sites there's no need for them, right? Though, I must admit I still buy one particular magazine, what can I say, I've grown fond of it over the years. It's not really a gaming magazine, it's more PC oriented, though they dedicate few pages to games. I really enjoy reading it, especially the game reviews, somehow I find them to be more than fair and realistic on that part, unlike many other magazines and sites I've seen, not to mention that my favorite columnist always leaves few words in that particular magazine.

    Well, I'm sure those who don't have habit of buying game magazines at least visit some sites on the net for some information they need regarding games, now, I have a question for those. Do you have any particular site you visit, and what do you think about their reviews, is there maybe something you particularly like about that site?

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  2. #2
    Crash Boom Bang Game Magazines Lily's Avatar
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    Re: Game Magazines

    I haven't bought any for years. I still have a massive pile of old PS1/2 magazines in a cupboard somewhere, but I don't really bother anymore. Though, tbf, I don't even bother looking online either. I think it's more a lack of interest in finding new games to play in general these days... though, I think my first point of call would be the internet these days, unless a magazine really caught my eye, they are practically the same price as games these days...

  3. #3
    Registered User Game Magazines
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    Re: Game Magazines

    If I'm walking through the magazine isle, and I see a particular 'zine that catches my attention, I'll pick it up, but other than that, nope. I check the net for any of my gaming news. I still sort of wish I had a sub to Nintendo Power, because I have fond memories of that magazine.

    I visit and for some of my gaming info. A quick Google search for whatever game I'm looking for is also a nice option as well. I usually do that for when I want to see info about new games that are coming out or just general gaming news, so I don't really read reviews from there. I check Metacritic for that. I like it, because it takes all the reviews from a wide array of different sources and averages them together, so it evens out and you get an idea of what to expect. It also displays the reviews on the site as well, so I don't have to search around for the article.
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  4. #4
    .............. Game Magazines smurphy's Avatar
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    Re: Game Magazines

    I grew up reading the official uk ps1/ps2 magazines but the internet has made them redundant. The reason I never buy the magazines that cover multiple consoles(the likes of "Edge" in the uk) is that I find the writers are Nintendo fanboys who every so often like to have a litetary group masturbatory session over the new mario/ zelda/donkey kong et cetera. Not that i am saying the likes of ign arent ninty fanboys but at least online i can pick and choose what to read.
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  5. #5
    The Persistent Flourish Game Magazines Alice's Avatar
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    Re: Game Magazines

    Hmm, I used to read a fair bit of the official PS1 magazines. I vaguely remember something about Squall, but that is just about it. And indeed, the internet has made it unnecessary for me, but that doesn't mean I'm not interested any more in reading from a magazine.

    Now that I have seen this topic, I am itching to read one of those again.. Damn.

  6. #6

    Re: Game Magazines

    I buy Edge or gamesTM sometimes but nothing else. I thought I'd pick up the official 360 magazine for a change the other week and it's priced at almost £7, sod that.
    Yes there's a demo disc with it but there was nothing new on it at all.

  7. #7
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Game Magazines

    I get the magazine that comes with the ebgames Edge card.
    I found it to be a surprisingly good publication with interesting feature articles (some of which I hadn't seen online) and some of the reviews were spot on.

    Apart from that, not really. The net alone has more information than I could take on.
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  8. #8
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Game Magazines

    I used to subscribe to PSM Magazine and Nintendo Power. I still got Nintendo Power even when the issues were all about Game Cubes and I didn't have one. Same with PSM, when PS3 came out it changed and I never got a PS3, but it was cool to read up on the updates, but I stopped subscribing to them a long long time around 2004.
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  9. #9
    The Lone Dagger Game Magazines Xithor's Avatar
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    Re: Game Magazines

    I used to have a subscription to Playstation Magazine back in the day but I've let my subscription run out a long while ago but I still enjoy reading the magazine so some time in the future if I can afford it once again I might get another subscription.

    I am guilty of reading them in the stores though when I see them lol

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  10. #10
    The Mad God Game Magazines Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: Game Magazines

    I still subscribe to GI. As long as they keep entertaining me, I'll continue to do so.
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  11. #11
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Game Magazines

    I buy Official Playstation Magazine UK. I've grown up reading it since they reviewed PS1 games, and I've always enjoyed the humour that can be found in it. Also, it reviews PS3, PS2 and PSP games, as well as films (well, Blu-ray), music, and pieces of latest Sony hardware and developments. They have also included small guides or cheats in certain issues, which have come in handy - there's been help with the Hunt missions in FFXII, and English lesson answers for Canis Canem Edit.

    Sure, internet is also a big help when you need some guidance or cheats, but at the time, a lot of it was phony. The internet might be very quick when a whiff of news arises, but you can usually trust what is mentioned in an edited magazine.

    Eh... maybe I like the magazine in the same way I like Spoony - humour sells, as well as trustworthy opinions. ^^;

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  12. #12
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Re: Game Magazines

    I have a subscription to Game Informer for the same reason Silver does, for the GameStop Edge card. That and I do like some of the articles they have. I actually don't use the internet to keep up on gaming news so GI is where I get most of my basic gaming information. The internet is for when something really catches my interest that I haven't heard about before.

    I used to subscribe to Nintendo Power back in the day, and I had a short-lived fondness for Playstation Magazine. I did subscribe to EGM for a few years. Right now GI is the only one I keep up on.

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  13. #13

    Re: Game Magazines

    I used to get PSM magazine all the time, I still have all of them just sitting in a dower lol
    I still look through them sometimes just because. Sometimes I find old games I never played so I go look for them to try.

    I remember we got Game Informer for a while too but I didn't like them too much.

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  14. #14
    Registered User Game Magazines Dimi's Avatar
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    Re: Game Magazines

    The only game magazine that I'm currently subscribed to is Game Informer. Like other people had mentioned, I got that with the Gamestop Edge card too. I think the subscription is good for a year or something.

    Anyone know whatever happened to that Tips & Tricks magazine? I'm not sure if the magazine discontinued. I remember they used to have a Final Fantasy section in their magazine each month. That was actually pretty cool. Other then that, I just look up online for information.

  15. #15

    Re: Game Magazines

    Quote Originally Posted by Dimi
    The only game magazine that I'm currently subscribed to is Game Informer. Like other people had mentioned, I got that with the Gamestop Edge card too. I think the subscription is good for a year or something.
    That's just about it.

    I still like to squat and read the game magazines when I'm at the supermarket or when I'm at a book store, but Game Informer is the only one I get, and that's just because of the membership.

  16. #16
    Registered User Game Magazines
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    Re: Game Magazines

    Yeah, i am on a subscription to PSM3 (a playstation 3 magazine). Yes there is the internet which has re-veiws on practically every game, but i have found the style of the reveiws in this magazine suits me and gives me something to do when travelling (don't have laptop), plus i find (more with the preveiws) it has better information then most reveiws online...

    I don't tend to read that many game reviews online these days, as i have found alot of false information + there are many "players reveiws" which are mostly rambles or arguments with each other. There are sometimes those which are really good and far better then magazines, but these aren't common.

    basically - found reviews in a style i like and stuck with it (been reading this magazine for around 9 years now.

  17. #17
    "How are you sure we're alive?" Game Magazines Spartan of Zanarkand's Avatar
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    Re: Game Magazines

    I do GameInformer and Electronic Gaming Magazine
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  18. #18
    アズテオル Game Magazines Azuteor's Avatar
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    Re: Game Magazines

    I usually don't buy video game magazines anymore and when I do, I would buy Game Informer or EGM if I find that they have information on a game I'm anticipating or whenever I'm bored.

    I like checking out Destructoid and Kotaku for it's ease of access and blog format.

  19. #19
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Game Magazines ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: Game Magazines

    I used to buy loads of magazines when internet didn't not exist in our household. I still have a large pile of magazines from years ago, such as Powerstation, Play, Playstation Max etc. Nowadays, I don't buy any. Magazines cost too much nowadays, like over £5 for one. That ridiculous in my opinion, even if you do get free stuff.

    I surf the web now for info. I mainly go on IGN and Kotaku. The only magazine I do buy with some games info is NEO, but as it is primarily an anime/manga mag, you can imagine that it only has info on Japanese games.

    As for reviews, I never, ever read reviews anymore. It seems funny, but I tend to like the games that these reviewers say are bad. It seems that nowadays, reviewers are very, very biased, and will drool over shooting games such as Call Of Duty and Halo, and dismiss almost everything else.

  20. #20
    Controlling With Fear Game Magazines Unlucky Rufus's Avatar
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    Re: Game Magazines

    I used to read GameInformer, but they started to sell out a bit so i stopped my subscription.

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