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    FF:Zero (RMXP) - Writer/Director Final Fantasy: Zero Petros's Avatar
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    Dec 2009
    New York

    Post Final Fantasy: Zero

    Final Fantasy: Zero is a non-profit fan made game designed by the fans for the fans using RPG Maker XP. It is simply intended as a tribute to all the great games of the series that have come before it as a reward for the fans and a thank you to Square-Enix.

    "I am what I am and nothing can change that. For me things have no colour, there is no clear definition between the black and the white, everything had just become a blurred shade of grey, a painful reminder of the truth that things are never as they seem..."
    - Keiros Aldermann

    Two thousand years have passed since the splitting of the continents. Since then, the continents formed into nations with their own opposing ideologies and beliefs. Every year there is a celebration called the Festival of Union that marks the anniversary since the other nations reunited but it is nothing more than a facade as there is no unity between the nations. In fact, the most powerful of these nations the Keiros Empire, is preparing to attack the rest of them. Ruled by the immortal Emperor Keiros Aldermann, who was born during the splitting, the Keiros Empire is home to Leon Kirk and Minos Aurellis, two working class citizens of the Empire whose lives are dramatically changed one day.

    Leon, who has been plagued by dreams of a burning city and a hooded man, awakens to a note from his closest friend Minos telling him to meet him in the sewers. Upon complying with this request Minos shows Leon that he has spontaneously learned the abilities of a Black Mage. Able to cast powerful spells, there appears to be no logical explanation for it and soon, they haven’t the time to find out why. When Leon and Minos get a pass to go into the castle during the Festival of Union, they meet the legendary beauty Princess Aemi Monroe, the daughter of the elected ‘King’ of the Langaran Federation and the Emperor’s first target. Using Aemi’s attempt to incite rebellion in the Empire as an excuse, Keiros sends the Royal Guard after her but Leon, who instantly has grown attracted to her, defends her and with the help of Minos’ black magic, they are thrust on an adventure as fugitives.

    On their journey they meet the brilliant but drunkard pirate Cid Bandersnatch, who helps them cross the oceans on his ship the ‘Rita-Marie’. But it’s not long before Keiros sends bounty hunter, Silos Varash, after them, a fearsome gunslinger who wants to take her back dead or alive. Fleeing across the globe, they are pursued by the Emperor, as they try to rally the nations of Gaia against the Empire to defend the planet. Soon the everyday citizens of Leon and Minos find themselves leading the rebellion, and commanding the armies that may be the last hope against the Empire.

    Welcome to Final Fantasy: Zero, a tale set across the massive world of Gaia, where an ordinary man finds himself in extraordinary circumstances. Where science and sorcery fight against each other and together, for freedom or oppression. Welcome to a world where one man can make a difference, that lasts forever

    Eternity, Finality, Change

    NOTE: The characters listed here are only characters seen in Chapter One.


    Leon acts as though he were an ordinary citizen and above all else he wants to lead a life like one, though deep down he knows this is impossible and when he is forced to become a fugitive from the Keiros Empire he realises that it’s a life he can never have. A natural-born leader, it is from here he becomes the leader of the party; spurred on by the classical fairytales he was read as a child, his desire for a normal life is overridden by his sense of destiny to be a hero. For several weeks he has had a recurring dream of a man shrouded by a hood speaking in riddles as Leon recounts the day he saved Minos’ life during a great fire.


    Cocky, arrogant, abrasive, a little selfish but lovable. Minos is Leon’s best friend; he grew up as an adopted child rebelling against his noble family he preferred to hang out in the slums and at the docks than go to fancy parties with his parents. Minos is Leon’s closest friend, and the one person he trusts due to his overwhelming paranoia of the government that kicks into overdrive when he wakes up one morning having spontaneously discovered the ability to cast black magic, which usually takes years to master. Brave and a little foolish, he’s not one to back away from a fight and on more than one occasion has had Leon drag him away from bar fights.


    A former student of the Tellarion magic school, Aemi is a White Mage and the daughter of the elected ‘King’ of the Langaran Federation, hence her title as ‘Princess’. A kind-hearted woman who deeply cares for others in need. Whilst much of the time she puts on a formal stance, she does not enjoy doing; she smiles and nods for the nobles but doesn't particularly care for them, to the point where she is sick of being treated as one of them. Considered to be one of the most beautiful women in all of Gaia, she catches Leon’s eye about five seconds after meeting each other.


    A young Dragoon who has just graduated from the Langaran Dragoon Dojo. Her hopes of joining the elite military of Langara fell apart when she discovered that Aemi was in danger. Lanya being the friend of Aemi chose to stick by her friend and act as an escort as they moved around the world fleeing from the Empire. The bond between Lanya and Aemi is one that allows her to be both friend and protector. Her morals are quite black and white with no room for any grey area. For her, there is friends and there are enemies, heroes and villains; it came from a part of her training as a Dragoon, which with the increase in military technology is become a more and more archaic form of combat of an old age.



    The immortal Emperor who founded the Keiros Empire nearly two-thousand years ago, people have tried to kill Keiros in the past with no success which in the eyes of his people and the other nations of Gaia makes him an even more fearful threat, for a man who cannot die is not likely one to give up such power he has accumulated. There seem to be two sides to Keiros, the front he puts on for his people and the version of himself alone or with close subjects, a depressed, lonely man who has watched everyone and everything he ever loved die. It is Keiros’ warrant for the arrest of Aemi that sets the heroes out on their journey, though soon they find themselves pitted against Keiros’ army as he begins to ignite a global war to seize power.


    Sestivan is an old man who lives north of the capital of the Keiros Empire, Keiros City. He was once the Head Wizard of the Mage School in the capital but after a falling out with the Emperor resigned from his post to live in the wilderness. There is an ‘Obi-Wan’ quality to the man as he seems a little bizarre, like he is not always being entirely truthful or leaving out the fine print in conversations. It is Sestivan who instantly recognises Minos as a black mage and later on helps the party down the path of summoning through the Orbs. From the abnormally low temperature of his house to the bizarre music playing in the background, Sestivan is an enigma wrapped in a puzzle tied around a mystery.


    A former soldier and now bounty hunter/mercenary. He fights for no flag or nation. Keiros hires Silos to go after Leon, Minos and Aemi and hunt them down. Twenty years prior to the start of the game he lost his right arm during a war.. Silver-grey hair, his aged hair is nothing let your guard down about, Silos is faster than most people half his age and more dangerous than most gun-slingers.


    Cid is a bald-by-choice pirate who lives in the 'secret' town of Pirate's Port. He is the owner of the Rita-Marie sailing vessel and has always taken a keen interest in the Anterran efforts to creating a flying ship from which he has his own ideas for. A technical engineer who lost his wife long ago, he became a raging alcoholic and a pirate. Always living in his father’s overbearing shadow, Herald Bandersnatch was the man who created the first airship but Cid and his father do not get along and haven't spoken since the death of Cid's wife. At times he is even louder than Minos, but where Minos is just cocky, Cid is just angry.


    Calling himself nothing but simply ‘The Memory’, he comes to Leon in his dreams and taunts him. Through a fiery blaze, he appears to be trying to show Leon something but it is impossible to tell what because of the cryptic way he speaks. However it soon becomes evident that he is far from just a dream when Leon begins seeing him in reality and soon, everyone can see him as he manifests in physical form.


    These are some screenshots taken from within the game.
    Note: Due to the limited number of images per post the rest of the images can be found at our website Final Fantasy: Zero - Home






    The Orb system was designed by Petros and scripted by DeMoNfIRe

    The Orb system is the method by which characters can equip ‘Summoning Orbs’ to enhance their stats through an ‘Orb Grid’. From these Orbs they can enhance stats like HP, Strength and Magic and learn magic skills that could not be learnt through their job.

    Ex: Leon as a Squire cannot learn Fire, however if he equips the Ifrit Orb into his grid, he learns how to summon Ifrit and the spell Fire

    Orbs also teach ‘Passive Abilities’, abilities which work by using up earned ‘AP’ to equip them. These include Antibody, which prevents the user from contracting the Poison status. Frost Guard, which reduces damage of Ice attacks by 20% or High Tide, which increases the rate of the Limit Break gauge.

    There is a video demo of the beta in the videos section at the bottom.


    The Triple Triad Script was created by SephirothSpawn based on the mini-game from Final Fantasy VIII

    The great Final Fantasy VIII game of Triple Triad Cards returns to the game once again thanks the SephirothSpawn, his great card designs include not only the Final Fantasy VIII cards but cards from Final Fantasy's VII-X and even X-2 cards. I have also implemented a few cards from this game too, mostly characters and summons though. The game runs the same and works by challenging someone by pressing a 'Z' on the keypad to challenge them. There is also a triple triad tournament arena in Anterra's Capital City of Rusonia.


    Many fangames or even completely original games often use music by Nobuo Uematsu, the composer of the Final Fantasy series. However Final Fantasy: Zero striving to be the best and we are intending to use a wholly original soundtrack composed by Landreth Baugh, Jeremy King, Richard J Duran and Kevin Penkin. But sticking to using some of the traditional FF Styled music such as the Prelude and Prologue themes.

    This is a link to the official Soundtrack on our Youtube channel.







    Petros L. Ioannou
    - Leon Corp 2005-2009
    Last edited by Petros; 01-08-2010 at 08:22 PM.

    Made with RPG Maker XP

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