Black Materia: The Remixes | Random (Mega Ran)

Here we are: Black Materia: The remixes.
Last year I made a FF7 rap album, called Black Materia.

People liked, it, people hated it.
I listened to the people who asked that I add characters that I omitted, like Cait Sith (feat. Adam Warrock), Yuffie (see the first single "Ninja Girl") Vincent (feat. RoQy TyRaiD of Writer's Guild) and many more.

I even listened to the people who said certain songs were too short, so there's more of pretty much everything. Check out these preview videos, and even feel free to preorder. See you guys at PAX, or hopefully before, I'm starting a pretty big tour next month. More on that here.

Black Materia: The Remixes Trailer #1

Black Materia: The Remixes Trailer #2

Free download of "Ninja Girl"

Pre-order link
If that's not enough, my partner K-Murdock is dropping "Hero Muzik," a tribute to what many people (even me deep down) consider to be the best FF, Final Fantasy 6 (3 US). He'll be releasing instrumental versions of each character theme. check those out!

Hero Muzik Vol. 1 | Neosonic Productions

thanks for listening and let me know what ya think!!