whats your favorite
i think i would have to go with ff3
its the koolest
or ff4 boss battle song
Laguna Battle Theme is goo too haha
theres alot to name..
whats your favorite
i think i would have to go with ff3
its the koolest
or ff4 boss battle song
Laguna Battle Theme is goo too haha
theres alot to name..
Last edited by rydia123; 08-17-2009 at 02:25 PM.
Its a madhouse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A MADHOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YouTube - FINAL FANTASY Battle Medley (V,VI,VII,VIII,IX,X)
Pretty cool medley of FFV-FFX battle theme songs.
I love Laguna's battle theme from FFVIII. YouTube - Final Fantasy 8- the man with the machine gun theme
So upbeat and fast paced. Makes my heart race, perfect for fighting stuff.
President Rufus ShinraCelebrity Big brother: Coolio 3rd!!! ResultMy Top 5 Final Fantasy Characters: Cloud Tifa Locke Irvine Rikkucurrently playing: Lost odysseyXbox 360 gamertag: Andyarteta
My favourite battle song has to be the FFVII boss one, especially now i've heard people playing it on electric guitar haha... sounds so good when played right.
Something like this...
YouTube - Final Fantasy VII Boss Theme on guitar
i dont really try to find any ff songs outside of gameplay.
Been gone a long while but im back now and not as annoying. promise
FF IX theme is the best in my opinion
YouTube - Final Fantasy IX Music - Battle 1
I just love it. It's something i'd listen to even if i'm not playing the game.
I agree Final Fantasy IX random battle fight theme music is the best, and Final Fantasy VIII has the best boss theme music.
I give everyone permission to call me Endy, and by the way I got that nickname from FATE, sounds coolRPGs THAT I'VE BEATEN.....
FF IV boss theme is pretty cool
FFV battle on the bridge
FFVII A God Is Born battle theme
Yeah, FF IX battle theme is legit
FFVIII boss theme
One Winged Angel of course![]()
Last edited by ZantetsukenZack; 08-18-2009 at 12:37 PM.
I'm gonna get a lot of haters for this but the boss theme in FFVII, it was pure awesome... better than the game deserved...
And the Elemental boss battle themes in IV
Haha no haters here friend
I like hey they made it more in the genre of rock.
But not beetter then it deserved.
The game dersevered a lot lol
I think the song was perfect
For a perfect final fantasy
That song and the game is a awesome piece of art. : ]
They all are.
Another good one is decicive battle for ff5 and ff3 is good
And the last boss battle song for ff2 chaos I think he's name was.
Last edited by rydia123; 08-20-2009 at 05:23 PM.
Its a madhouse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A MADHOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my fav battle theme would be ff 8s boss
or if we are doing all game it would be the battle against that weird family in wild arms
Last edited by Andromeda; 08-31-2009 at 03:51 AM.
My favorite battle theme is probably the one from VI, I'm not sure why but it really stands out for me.
This INCREDIBLE banner was made by Kilala, thank you so much for making it for me!
Barret: What are you?
Red XIII: An informed question. But difficult to answer. I am what you see.
Honestly, there's quite a lot of battle themes that I like. I'm glad that there are so many that are really great, because if they weren't, then level-grinding would be really unbearable. I'm just going to mention FF VII though, since it's my favorite (and my very first) of the series, so it's special.
YouTube - Final Fantasy VII Music - Let the Battles Begin! (Battle Theme)
YouTube - Final Fantasy VII Music - Fight On! (Boss Battle)
Here's a cute remake of the boss theme from FFVII
YouTube - ??????FF7: Those Who Fight Further
And here's J-E-N-O-V-A played on guitar
YouTube - J-E-N-O-V-A Guitar Cover (Final Fantasy VII Soundtrack)
Can't forget One-Winged Angel, can we? There's been a lot of rearrangements of this song, but I like these two the best.
This one is from Advent Children:
YouTube - Final Fantasy VII Advent Children - One Winged Angel (Music)
And this one is the orchestrated version:
YouTube - Final Fantasy VII Music - One-Winged Angel ~Orchestra Version~
Click at your own risk.:
I love FF8 and FF10.
I also enjoy the sephiroth battle theme"One Winged Angel".
I have always liked the boss battle theme from Blue Dragon, Eternity. It is so OTT and overdone!![]()
FFVII-One Winged Angel, A God Is Born,J.E.N.O.V.A
FFVIII- Boss Battle Theme
FFIX- The battle theme of the fight on the stage, during the play.
FFV- Battle On The Bridge
FFIV- Boss Battle Theme
Grandia II- All Boss battle Themes, and normal Battle
FFVII-One Winged Angel, Birth of a God, J.E.N.O.V.A, Those who fight further (boss theme)
FFX-Challenge, Fighting
DMC-All of them
DMC2-All of them
DMC3-All of them
SC3-World Distortion, Time marches on, Lost Cathedral
My soul, corrupted by vengeance
Hath endured torment, to find the end of the journey
In my own salvation
And your eternal slumber
My junk:
Daz 3d! Awesome!
If we aren't talking boss themes (since I responded to that in a separate thread), then my favorite normal battle themes would have to be Final Fantasy IX's, Xenosaga Episode I's, and Persona 4 (so upbeat!).
But, I also really enjoyed in Final Fantasy X, when you were around the Zanarkand Ruins, and "Someday The Dream Will End" played in the background as the overworld theme and battle theme, it made it seem so surreal.
VII-One Winged Angel
X-Boss battle with Jeacht