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Thread: Just how old is Yuna, anyway?

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  1. #1

    Just how old is Yuna, anyway?

    I know it's rude to ask about a girls age but hear me out. My memory may be a little rusty on this so if it has failed me on any of the following points let me know.

    1. Yuna is High Summoner Braska's daughter.
    2. Braska defeated sin during his last appearance.
    3. As per the norm, he was killed in the process.
    4. The game begins at the conclusion of the resulting Calm.
    5. The Calm is a 100 year period of peace.

    So...think about all that for a sec.

    Because either my memory fails me, I epically suck at math (EPICALLY!! That's a word!), or Yuna is over a hundred years old.

    I always knew there was something off about her. Always going around apologizing to people.

    Now we know what she was really sorry about.


    Or something to that effect.

    So what do we think? Am I crazy or am I on to something?

    Oh, and yeah. I'm back. Again. Yay!
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  2. #2
    I don't think you're crazy. But I think I can help you out a bit.

    As far as I remember, it was told that Auron was away for 10 years. So Braska has defeated Sin 10 years ago. Yuna was a child and had to be brought to Besaid my Kimarhi. She lived there for 10 years, then became a summoner, etc.

    I don't remember that the Calm had to be 100 years of peace. When do they mention that? Oo If they really said that... then they've made a huge mistake in this game. And that would be very very interesting. ^^

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  3. #3
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    According to the player's manual for FFX, it says that Yuna is seventeen. So, as a result, I think she might be seventeen years old, but I'm not for certain. As for the whole Calm situation, I don't think it has to be exactly 100 years from what I can remember, or because of the whole situation of Jecht teleporting Tidus into the future and ****ing up all sense of time and plot foundation in general, one can really not know for certain.
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    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  4. #4
    Registered User Just how old is Yuna, anyway? Locke4God's Avatar
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    Yeah I'm wondering where the idea of a 100 year calm is coming from. I just don't remember that, but help me out if that was said somewhere. From what I can tell Sin comes back relatively quickly. It had only been 10 years since Braska had beaten it and it was already back. I don't think it ever really says how long Sin had been back for but it seems as though it had been back for at least a little bit of time.

  5. #5
    All is One.One is All. Just how old is Yuna, anyway? Firefly's Avatar
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    Yea,Yuna is like 17 I believe.Well thats all I got.LOL yall said the rest.
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  6. #6
    Registered User Just how old is Yuna, anyway? Yesha's Avatar
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    Yes.. Yuna is seventeen years oLd.. I do remember that.. Sin aLways comes back after 10 years defeating it.. I hope I'm not mistaken.. so.. it's impossibLe for the CaLm to have 100 years of peace..

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  7. #7
    Yuna was 17 in FFX, because In FFX-2 ,2 years had passed since the events of FFX, where now she is 19. Just as Rikku was 15 in X and in X-2 is 17...I think....

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  8. #8
    Registered User Just how old is Yuna, anyway? Locke4God's Avatar
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    Want proof that Sin comes back nearly immediately? Auron said he rode Sin to Zanarkand to watch over Tidus, and Tidus admitted to knowing Auron for nearly 10 years. Braska of course had killed Sin just 10 years earlier and so the Calm must only last a year or so at most. Since Auron rode Sin to Zanarkand 10 years ago, Sin has been reactivated in Spira for nearly a Decade by the time Tidus reaches Besaid.

  9. #9
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    There is no set time limit in FFX that states how long Sin stays inactive. It never makes mention of how long or how fast he reappers in the world of Spira.

    The only real information you receive is that he originated 1,000 years before the setting of X. If you want a mean average you could always count up the number of Aeons and devide it into 1,000 but that is not an accurate account of when he appears.

    But looking at the limited number of Fayths in the game it would appear that the Calm can go for long periods of time or short. Possibly this could be determined by the Final Aeons actual strength and abilities.

    I don't think I need to get into age, Rocky has put it pretty simply.
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  10. #10
    レイール★レイヴン Just how old is Yuna, anyway? SacredAngel13's Avatar
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    yea right, Yuna is seventeen..
    hmm..i never thought bout how old is she.. because i believe that she is 17 lol~
    i ever read it somewhere [i forget where lol~]



  11. #11
    Registered User Just how old is Yuna, anyway? Locke4God's Avatar
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    True, Sin could come back later for some calms, But

    At the time of FFX, Sin had come back nearly 10 years before Yuna's pilgramage, sometime shortly after Braska defeated him, because Auron rode the reborn Sin to Zanarkand to watch over Tidus for nearly 10 years.

  12. #12
    a daydreamer Just how old is Yuna, anyway? aerospark08's Avatar
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    yuna is 17 yeers old xD

  13. #13
    Because either my memory fails me, I epically suck at math (EPICALLY!! That's a word!), or Yuna is over a hundred years old.
    lolwut? Your memory fails you AND you suck at math.
    Calms last a variable amount of time, the one after Braska defeating Sin only lasted half a year.
    Though, none ever lasted 100 years.

    From what I can tell Sin comes back relatively quickly. It had only been 10 years since Braska had beaten it and it was already back.
    It had been 10 years, but the calm only lasted half a year. That's why Sin is such a major issue during the game, it's been on the loose for 9.5 years already.

    After Braska & Jecht died, Auron attacked Yunalesca and got mortally wounded. He then entrusted Yuna to Kimahri, who had been exiled from Gagazet and lost his purpose to live, now finding a new one. After that Auron went to one of the hotels or whatever they were that you find along the way and died. After that he rode Sin to DZ and watched over Tidus until the time was right to have him end the cycle.

  14. #14
    DAYUM I LEAVE FOR 3 YEARS AND THIS PLACE DIES Just how old is Yuna, anyway? Ethan Blitzball King's Avatar
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    On your profile page>_>

    Re: Just how old is Yuna, anyway?

    i thought the calm w3as only 10 years wow because shes only 17 in this one and 19 in part 2


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