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Thread: Doesn't Sin destory the dream Zanarkand?

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  1. #1

    Doesn't Sin destory the dream Zanarkand?

    Final Fantasy 10 was the one story I had trouble understanding and it did confuse me but from what I gather is this. Yevon created the dream Zanarkand and is the reason Sin torments Spira in order to preserve it, but at the start of the story Sin attacks the dream Zanarkand therefore destroying the whole purpose of Sin's existance.

    Excuse my ignorance. Played FF since the original but FF10 just confused me.

  2. #2
    Registered User Doesn't Sin destory the dream Zanarkand?
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    Re: Doesn't Sin destory the dream Zanarkand?

    I'm not 100% sure myself, but I have a speculation as to why it was destroyed. Uhhh... I guess I should put this in a spoiler tag? Best to be safe....

    Okay, so Jecht is the new Sin, right? And Sin has a knack for destroying Machina and civilazations. So I think that when Jecht came to the Dream Zanarkand to bring Tidus to Spira, his instinct to destroy took over and he wound up destroying the place. I don't think it was intentional.

    Also, I'm pretty sure that since Yu Yevon created DZ from the memories of the former inhabitants of the real Zanarkand, that he could fix/reverse the damage done to his beloved city.

    That's just my thought about it.
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  3. #3
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    Re: Doesn't Sin destory the dream Zanarkand?

    My guess is other then getting Auron and Tidus into Spira, he wanted to end it all since I guess he also knew about the whole thing with DZ and how he is a dream as well.
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  4. #4

    Re: Doesn't Sin destory the dream Zanarkand?

    Sin is actually a nightmare of the people from the dream Zanarkand, which happened to escape into the real world (Spira), but possesses the power to freely move in and out of both worlds. That is, until the dream Zanarkand is destroyed while Sin is in Spira. Sin becomes official at that point, and Tidus is The One. He's from the dream world, but awaked in the real world when Sin brings him Spira.

  5. #5
    DAYUM I LEAVE FOR 3 YEARS AND THIS PLACE DIES Doesn't Sin destory the dream Zanarkand? Ethan Blitzball King's Avatar
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    Re: Doesn't Sin destory the dream Zanarkand?

    i can't remember correctly but i think so
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  6. #6
    Finding this place a little dull... Doesn't Sin destory the dream Zanarkand? xTidus's Avatar
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    Re: Doesn't Sin destory the dream Zanarkand?

    I thought that what you are referring to as "Dream Zanarkand" was Zanarkand 1000 years ago according to Auron? Also out of the Jecht Spheres.

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  7. #7

    Re: Doesn't Sin destory the dream Zanarkand?

    Okay exclude my first post in this thread, it was a troll:

    Dream Zanarkand is the old Zanarkand, but it's preserved in order to always remember it. Auron is unsent. Tidus, Sin, and Jecht are all dreams from Dream Zanarkand. Yu Yevon created Dream Zanarkand and then Sin to make sure the people of Spira didn't find out about it. Sin had nothing to do with killing people for using machina. That's just what they thought.

  8. #8
    Finding this place a little dull... Doesn't Sin destory the dream Zanarkand? xTidus's Avatar
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    Re: Doesn't Sin destory the dream Zanarkand?

    Ahh! Nice. Thanks for the info. ^___^ I really mean it.

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    ViviMasterMage: "I'm eating your hair... Why?"
    xTidus: "You have problems..."
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  9. #9
    1DownShroom Doesn't Sin destory the dream Zanarkand? 1DownShroom's Avatar
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    Re: Doesn't Sin destory the dream Zanarkand?

    You fools this is DREAM Zanerkan (shut up) its a dream, anything can happen in a dream he just mentally rebuilt it.
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  10. #10
    Registered User Doesn't Sin destory the dream Zanarkand? randy666's Avatar
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    Re: Doesn't Sin destory the dream Zanarkand?

    what i think happens is that the people of dream zanarkand live in a repeated circle they wake up do this do that and never die, sin attacks dream zanarkand to free jecht whom also must have come from dream zanarkand right? if jecht came from dream zanarkand then either time in dream zanarkand is very slow or sin had attacked dream zanarkand before
    this is it the final boss now there is no turning back....

  11. #11

    Re: Doesn't Sin destory the dream Zanarkand?

    An interesting question but apart from that small bit the rest of the story makes perfect sense. However I am confused by the story in FF7 I have played the game multiple times and I still can't get my head round it so if you can't get FF10 how in the hell did you understand the story from FF7?

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