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Thread: Do you think...

  1. #1
    All is One.One is All. Do you think... Firefly's Avatar
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    Do you think...

    Do you think Lulu and Wakka make a good couple?

    Personally,I say yes,cuz well Lulu can probaly make him fix his hair-do!
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  2. #2
    Erm... no. XD"
    I don't think they're a good couple. Wakka is just a bit... how do I say that without offending people..? xD" Ah well, I think he's a bit retarded. <.<" He only has Blitzball in his head (and his brother, of course). I don't think he'd really be able to be a good partner. And he showed that in X-2.
    Lulu deserves a better man, if you ask me. :/

  3. #3
    Registered User Do you think... Yesha's Avatar
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    Mmmm.. I do approve this coupLe.. LuLu is so matured girL, and Wakka is funny.. I think they're a good coupLe they can do baLance their personaLity.. and gives each other the thing they Lack.. ALso they're both caring person..

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  4. #4
    Praetor of New Yevon Do you think... Icemaush's Avatar
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    I think they do. I agree with the above post, both personalities balance each other out. Lulu's seriousness would calm down Wakka's craziness and his humour would cheer Lulu up. Plus they've been through so much together so, yeah, I think they're perfect for each other.

  5. #5
    Registered User Do you think...
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    I thought that it was weird that these two got together. I think that Lulu got with Wakka because of that whole situation with Chappu, but that would be messed up if she did. I really don't see the romantic link between Lulu and Wakka and honestly I think the game creators did it to please fans of Wakka/Lulu pairings.
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  6. #6
    I want to play a game. Do you think... Zargabaath's Avatar
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    They really didn't show the two grow close in FFX; I guess that happened in the 2 years between FFX & FFX-2. When I think about I could see Lulu falling for Wakka and Wakka wanting to be with Lulu. It could be said that she saw a little of Chappu in Wakka and grew to like the rest of him.

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  7. #7
    Dan the man Do you think...
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    Re: Do you think...

    Quote Originally Posted by Firefly View Post
    Do you think Lulu and Wakka make a good couple?

    Personally,I say yes,cuz well Lulu can probaly make him fix his hair-do!
    I mean sure they are so different because of the opposing personalitys...but that only lasts for so long until they get old and hate each other...we all know the drill im sure......besides i think a match made in heaven would be auron and lulu...i know they didnt really show any signs to each other...but when you look at their personalitys.....are they really going to?...I think they fit well.

  8. #8
    Registered User Do you think... Zidane77's Avatar
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    Re: Do you think...

    I thought that it was weird that these two got together. I think that Lulu got with Wakka because of that whole situation with Chappu, but that would be messed up if she did. I really don't see the romantic link between Lulu and Wakka and honestly I think the game creators did it to please fans of Wakka/Lulu pairings.
    I totally agree, i thought it was pretty weird too for the same reason and i didn't see anything special between them either.
    But something else maybe happened between X and X-2.
    They also don't appear much in X-2..
    Last edited by Zidane77; 10-15-2010 at 04:56 AM.

  9. #9

    Re: Do you think...

    Yes I think so but when I saw they were a couple for the first time and that Lulu was up the duff I was shocked!!! But overall good couple however what an awful name Wakka chose for his kid, but I did like the baby having Wakka's trademark quiff!!!


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