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Thread: The Boy Fayth was Tidus?

  1. #1
    Registered User The Boy Fayth was Tidus? Locke4God's Avatar
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    The Boy Fayth was Tidus?

    I have this theory that the young boy who appears in Zanarkand at the opening of the game, is actually the formerly human version of Tidus himself.

    I'm talking about the boy who is later revealed as a Fayth, and is the one who appears occassionally esspecially after Tidus passess out at the Wall of Fayth near the end and then talks to him in the dream world.

    The fact that his face was covered just made me wonder if he wasn't Tidus, and that the Tidus we know, was actually a dream version of himself, dreamed by the boy.

    Am I crazy?

  2. #2
    レイール★レイヴン The Boy Fayth was Tidus? SacredAngel13's Avatar
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    hmm...i think that boy is not Tidus [not at all]..
    you are right, Tidus is Fayths dream.. so it's impossible if Fayth is a Fayth's dream..
    get what i mean?

    anyway, where did you get that theory?



  3. #3
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    You are crazy. Since the fayth was created before Tidus was born.

  4. #4
    The Quiet One The Boy Fayth was Tidus? Andromeda's Avatar
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    That boy if I remember correctly is the Fayth for Bahamut. Being that the Fayth were having the dream, it would be easy to go inside it. And I would imagine that it would be easy to recreate themselves in the dream if they so wished to do. While there is no evidence to say that the Tidus is a recreation of the boy, there is no evidence to say he isn't either. I can imagine it being possible.

    Though I would find it a little unlikely to be the case. More than likely Tidus has no solid relation to the boy aside from the fact that Jecht got pulled into the real world. And so the Fayth were introduced to Jecht and thus took advantage of the situation to make use of Tidus.

    I see where you're going, but its a long shot.
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  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    That boy if I remember correctly is the Fayth for Bahamut. Being that the Fayth were having the dream, it would be easy to go inside it. And I would imagine that it would be easy to recreate themselves in the dream if they so wished to do. While there is no evidence to say that the Tidus is a recreation of the boy, there is no evidence to say he isn't either. I can imagine it being possible.

    Though I would find it a little unlikely to be the case. More than likely Tidus has no solid relation to the boy aside from the fact that Jecht got pulled into the real world. And so the Fayth were introduced to Jecht and thus took advantage of the situation to make use of Tidus.

    I see where you're going, but its a long shot.
    HMMM. When I first played the game I thought it was him, but once you play i't is made clear that the boy is the Fayth is that of Bahamut, thats why I killed that theory.So I agree with Andromeda.

    also a little side thing, way later in the game you are able to see all of the Fayth of the summons If you go back and do the cloister of trials again, they give Tidus some words of wisdom and a few spheres.Probabably knew that already though.

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  6. #6
    Registered User The Boy Fayth was Tidus? Locke4God's Avatar
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    Interesting thoughts guys, but I wanted to clarify what I meant.

    I'm not saying Tidus is one in the same with that Fayth. Picture it like this. You go to sleep tonight and have a dream about yourself. That's what I'm saying the Fayth did. He dreamt about himself, and that dream grew up to be Tidus, who himself is not the same as the Bahamut Fayth.

  7. #7
    The game developers won't go into that much detail. If they did, they would mention it in the game because otherwise that is wasted story that would be interesting enough to include, not to mention something like that would be a really cool twist.

  8. #8
    a daydreamer The Boy Fayth was Tidus? aerospark08's Avatar
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    that's not tidus at all..
    the fayth at zanarkand is a summoner 1000 years ago which defeated by sin that the bevelle's armor at the war between zanarkand and bevelle..
    he touched by sin in spira, have an immortal sleep and summoned tidus as their dream..
    they hope tidus can ended their dreams by defeat sin forever because tidus has a blood-link with jecht as a sin..
    so i think tidus not the fayth

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Locke4God View Post
    Am I crazy?
    Yes, you are.
    It's the Bahamut faith and looks nothing like Tidus.
    Also, in FFX-2 you see his real original, Shuyin.
    Also, no aeon has anything to do with the fayth that dreams it (Bahamut certainly doesn't look like his fayth.
    It's just likely that the DZ aeon consists of people that used to live in the real Zanarkand before it got destroyed.

    I'm not saying Tidus is one in the same with that Fayth. Picture it like this. You go to sleep tonight and have a dream about yourself. That's what I'm saying the Fayth did. He dreamt about himself, and that dream grew up to be Tidus, who himself is not the same as the Bahamut Fayth
    So, the fayth, being the stone that he is, goes to sleep at night and dreams yet another dream other than the one he is dreaming normally? lolwut?
    A) Fayth always dream, that's the entire point of them.
    B) the Bahamut fayth asks Tidus to let them sleep, i.e. let them rest eternally and when he does it, they become mere stones, dying for real.

    that's not tidus at all..
    the fayth at zanarkand is a summoner 1000 years ago which defeated by sin that the bevelle's armor at the war between zanarkand and bevelle..
    he touched by sin in spira, have an immortal sleep and summoned tidus as their dream..
    they hope tidus can ended their dreams by defeat sin forever because tidus has a blood-link with jecht as a sin..
    so i think tidus not the fayth
    Kinda, but you are missing some parts.
    During the war with Bevelle, all people in Zanarkand became fayth. Yu Yevon used gravity magic to create an armor from Pyreflies that should protect him while he summons DZ (Dream Zanarkand), i.e. an aeon encompassing an entire city, to preserve the city he and the other people living there loved so much.
    DZ is located out on the sea, where pretty much no one goes to, because of Sin and later the commandments of the Yu Yevon religion.
    Jecht went out to sea for Blitzball training and came into contact with Sin, who obviously tends to be close to DZ.
    He got carried to Bevelle (or wherever Braska met him) and then he became Sin, asking Auron to look out for Tidus.
    Auron then uses Sin (Jecht) to get Tidus back to inhabited lands to end Sin once and for all.
    Tidus and before him Jecht are just one of many cogs in the greater aeon of DZ.

  10. #10
    a daydreamer The Boy Fayth was Tidus? aerospark08's Avatar
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    yes, you're right
    i agree with u

  11. #11
    All is One.One is All. The Boy Fayth was Tidus? Firefly's Avatar
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    I have to agree with aerospark08 and Megidolaon.What they say actually makes sense.
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  12. #12
    DAYUM I LEAVE FOR 3 YEARS AND THIS PLACE DIES The Boy Fayth was Tidus? Ethan Blitzball King's Avatar
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    On your profile page>_>

    Re: The Boy Fayth was Tidus?

    wow i thought it was ject all along so its tidus????

  13. #13

    Re: The Boy Fayth was Tidus?

    When I first played the game i thought the Fayth would end up being Tidus, but as it happend i was wrong.

  14. #14
    Our Hopes and Expectations The Boy Fayth was Tidus? Ernest's Avatar
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    Re: The Boy Fayth was Tidus?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeremy View Post
    The game developers won't go into that much detail. If they did, they would mention it in the game because otherwise that is wasted story that would be interesting enough to include, not to mention something like that would be a really cool twist.
    That's what I was going to say. Square are fairly obvious.

    If it were a game like Metal Gear, then certainly, they do that stuff all the time. But most people who play Final Fantasy are aged between 12-18, and highly intricate plot twists like that are explained thoroughly.

    Also, it's not a plot twist that improves the story anyway, imo.

  15. #15
    Galbadian Gunner The Boy Fayth was Tidus? vicentederek's Avatar
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    Re: The Boy Fayth was Tidus?

    A dream of the Fayth. Destined to rid Spira of Sin.
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  16. #16

    Re: The Boy Fayth was Tidus?

    corrected post.... good theorys in here, i love it
    Last edited by Cruel Misery; 03-30-2010 at 04:15 PM.

  17. #17
    Dragoon The Boy Fayth was Tidus? TigermusiQ's Avatar
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    Re: The Boy Fayth was Tidus?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ernest View Post
    That's what I was going to say. Square are fairly obvious.

    If it were a game like Metal Gear, then certainly, they do that stuff all the time. But most people who play Final Fantasy are aged between 12-18, and highly intricate plot twists like that are explained thoroughly.

    Also, it's not a plot twist that improves the story anyway, imo.
    Agreed, FF storylines are fairly simplistic Far to much for such in depth and ungrounded theorums). (FFVIII Spoiler)
    Except FFVIII when it makes out that Squall is Laguna's son, and even that is basically told to the viewer.


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  18. #18

    Re: The Boy Fayth was Tidus?

    Quote Originally Posted by TigermusiQ View Post
    Agreed, FF storylines are fairly simplistic Far to much for such in depth and ungrounded theorums). (FFVIII Spoiler)
    Except FFVIII when it makes out that Squall is Laguna's son, and even that is basically told to the viewer.

    i have to say i somewhat disagree... i found that the storylines in 7,8 and 9 were kind of complicated, ok it has been a few years since i played through them by they did have there own little twists. Like in 8 the fact that they all grew up together and the GF system had an effect on there memory... ok it was well explained in the gamne so you couldnt miss it but i dont think some random 13yr old (no offence to 13yr olds) would have understood it. FF7 tops it with complication, the part when Tifa goes into Clouds mind to help bring his mind back and the whole thing with Cloud thinking he was soldier and having some of Zacks memories.

  19. #19
    1DownShroom The Boy Fayth was Tidus? 1DownShroom's Avatar
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    Re: The Boy Fayth was Tidus?

    thats why we have these forums, to fill in holes or explain to relieve complications.
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  20. #20
    The Strongest Fusion The Boy Fayth was Tidus? Gogeta's Avatar
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    Re: The Boy Fayth was Tidus?

    I thought it was Bahamut as a kid, like his spirit of what Bahamut actually is and that he was alive before Zanarkand was destroyed? Thats what I think

  21. #21
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: The Boy Fayth was Tidus?

    Quote Originally Posted by Cruel Misery View Post
    i have to say i somewhat disagree... i found that the storylines in 7,8 and 9 were kind of complicated, ok it has been a few years since i played through them by they did have there own little twists. Like in 8 the fact that they all grew up together and the GF system had an effect on there memory... ok it was well explained in the gamne so you couldnt miss it but i dont think some random 13yr old (no offence to 13yr olds) would have understood it. FF7 tops it with complication, the part when Tifa goes into Clouds mind to help bring his mind back and the whole thing with Cloud thinking he was soldier and having some of Zacks memories.

    I thought that too, with the stories being a bit complicated....then I replayed them (VII and VIII, I know about IX) and honestly, those stories aren't that complicated. I played them and beat them back in Middle School, I recently beat them again...I understood everything, even the parts I thought I didn't know.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zolarp000 View Post
    I thought it was Bahamut as a kid, like his spirit of what Bahamut actually is and that he was alive before Zanarkand was destroyed? Thats what I think
    Don't need to think, that kid is Bahamut. That is what he looked like before becoming a Fayth.
    Last edited by loaf; 05-16-2010 at 11:23 AM.
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  22. #22
    From the ruins of Zanarkand The Boy Fayth was Tidus? Yuna's Avatar
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    Re: The Boy Fayth was Tidus?

    Nope, that's Bahamut, ambassador of all the Faiths of Spira !

  23. #23
    Shiro Ninja The Boy Fayth was Tidus? Snow Villiers's Avatar
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    Re: The Boy Fayth was Tidus?

    bahamut is the bad*** that protects everyone and is tired of all the complaining about sin this and sin that... he wants to finally be over this nightmare and sleep nicely for once, so he makes this DZ and a fake person (titus) so the real people will be brave enough to fight sin and give Spira peace...

    R.I.P. Bahamut!

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