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Thread: Better FFX?

  1. #1
    Can I be forgiven for what I am now Better FFX? xXCloudXx's Avatar
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    Better FFX?

    IF you were the creator of the FFX game would you leave it the same or would you change it? If you chose to change it explain what you would change.

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  2. #2
    a daydreamer Better FFX? aerospark08's Avatar
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    i will changes some..
    first i want to changes is the overdrive which start again if the char dead..
    especially for the aeon..
    it's really sucks..
    and then the way of sphere grid..
    that's not balance..
    why tidus's hp grid is just a little than auron..
    it's really imbalance

  3. #3
    I'd give Auron more lines to say. *j/k* ^^

    Nah, I think I wouldn't change anything. I loved the game as it was.

    Although.. wait! I'd definitely change the ending.
    No, I don't want to save Tidus, mind you! xD I'd probably let the game end when Tidus jumps and sees Jecht and Braska. That would've been the perfect ending for me. That speech of Yuna after this scene... well, I'd cut it out.

    I liked the whole game, so this would be the only thing. It isn't like the scene ruined the game or such, but I didn't like it. ^^"
    The rest - perfect. Nothing that annoyed me. x3~

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  4. #4
    Registered User Better FFX?
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    Hmm...I think that I wouldn't change anything that had to do with the story, since I don't think that I would be able to make it any better than it is. I would change some of the character designs a bit, though. I don't understand why Tidus has different lengths on the legs of his shorts! What's THAT about? Also, Yuna's shoes bother me. They don't compliment her outfit very good.

    I would put tape over Rikku's mouth. I don't mind looking at her, but I really don't want to hear anything that she has to say.

    I think that's all I would do differently to the game.
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  5. #5
    I'd give Kimahri a bigger sphere grid.
    I'd add more Aeons.
    I'd have someone shoot Wakka each time he defends Yevon.
    I'd make Rikku more powerful than she is, even with her mix ability she is weaker than the rest.
    I'd get rid of the cloister of trials - those were annoying and chore-ish.

    This is all i'd change.

  6. #6
    Rabanastran Better FFX? Belugn's Avatar
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    I'd make Khimari an actual blue mage, so that the fiend attacks he learns could be used through a general in-battle option, like use or magic. Ronso Lore?... or just Blue Magic maybe. Then just pimp him up with some new overdrives, and give him something more flashy on the sphere grid than just distil abilities. I'm not sure what though, ideas? xD

    And this is pretty radical but I would really love to have been able to travel the FFX world the same way as you travel FFXII. No set camera angles, and larger areas with lots to do and find, respawning treasure chests and all. I guess random encounters should still be in the game though, because I love the battle system. ..ok it's perhaps a little contradicting but whatever. Perhaps get to enter Bevelle and see how it looks where people actually live and stuff.

    More side quests? I know there already are a few like the celestial weapons, the monster arena and the hidden aeons, but other than that I really haven't found much else to do after beating the game.

    And do some adjustments on Tidus outfit..I love it, but somehow he looks too buff for it sometimes. It takes over and just looks big. The dissidia Tidus looks much better in that outfit than FFX Tidus do. Or just make the legs of his pants symmetrical, that would probably help a lot. His shoes are to die for though, I've wanted cool yellow shoes ever since I got that game ;__;

    Edit: OH and I would so take away the option to be able to name Tidus yourself. I mean WHY bother having that option when no one else can be renamed. And then we'd actually get to hear someone USE his name in game, that would kill off the confusion about how to pronounce his name. And. A whole game. Without Yuna even uttering the name of the man she loves. WHAT IS THAT. 8(
    Last edited by Belugn; 09-13-2009 at 02:35 AM.

  7. #7
    Registered User Better FFX? Diyala's Avatar
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    Nothing ...
    It is the best as it is
    the voices of some actors are really something admierable especially Tidus and Auran
    I like them when they start fighting about Tidus's coming to spera and blaming Auran
    I like the line when Tidus says:
    Hey..I'm not done talking to you don't you run away!!
    You are the one running!!

    Oh my God
    Auran was always looking like the wise man who has convincing answers even if they were shorter than what it should be .
    what I like about him also is he is using his own sword rather than depending on magic as Lulu does the thing which makes him look like a legendry brave warrior whom no one would be able to stop .

    the scene when he tells Tidus :
    Sin is Jeckt !
    Naaah, that's rediculous I don't believe you

    it was something irritating as Auran has said and everything turned to be hard and unbelievable towards Tidus, that scene was so touching and sad too , I liked it that I haven't forgot it till now though I have played this game three year ago !

    The way of narrating his story and describing his feelings after each demo , Tidus has been displaying a real contemplating moments where you have to stop at either.

    I'm sorry I truned it to the positive sids not negative as u asked
    coz I love it !
    well ...may be the worst was the way that Yuna's voice has been made to make her look like a cute one which means the actress turned it that way
    Pretending to be cute young one !!
    but it doesn't affect the beauty of the game at all
    Last edited by Diyala; 10-27-2009 at 07:41 AM.

  8. #8
    Little Pandemonic Carnival Better FFX? Insufficient Mage's Avatar
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    Gensokyo. It is a silly place.
    As much as I like the Sphere Grid, the perfectionist in me hates that it wasn't apparently possible to explore the entire thing with a single character. But at the same time, it did give you more incentive to really consider who's territory you wanted a certain character to invade and adopt their abilities/skills.

    Other than that... there's not much I'd change. I love this game just fine as it is.

  9. #9
    .............. Better FFX? smurphy's Avatar
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    Much as i loved the game i think that with the traditional world map replaced it just missed that something. Something like the system in XII with large areas to explore inbetween towns and cities wouldve suited.
    I also found that apart from giving weapons abilties there wasnt enough to customise with equipment wise.

  10. #10
    I would change one thing, and that would be being able to have more freedom. FF X felt a little too structured. It would have been nice to be able to fly the world map just like every other Final Fantasy. Maybe, even added a few more towns, small villages, or Ruin areas to explore. Spira probably would have looked awesome to fly over.

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  11. #11
    All is One.One is All. Better FFX? Firefly's Avatar
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    I would change only one thing,..that would be the ability to name Tidus.I mean I just once want to hear Yuna call his name,or Auron sayin,'Shut up Tidus!Your just like your father!'...errr or something like that Other than that,the game is perfect to me.
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  12. #12
    I feel epic... Better FFX? Ralz's Avatar
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    Apparently, I've died and gone to Game Heaven. Later, losers.
    -Obviously Kimarhi's SG is lacking, so it needs some stat boosts. But also, some awesome abilities, beyond useless Scan. What if he had Ultima?
    -Change Bio so it deals 1/10th HP damage to enemies suseptible to it.
    -Get rid of that guy who says "an annoying tongue" at the Al Bhed Home. Seriously, dude, SHUT UP! >: O
    -Camera control is a MUST. Fixed cameras have ailed us for far too long.
    -Ability to name characters and continue to name them. (Star Ocean could call them by their default names regardless of what YOU call them. )
    -When your main party dies, the remainders take their place. (I hated in that game when just the first three die, and the others laugh their asses off. -_-)

    That's about it, really. Not too many upgrades, obviously. Love the game too much.

    I'm going through a bit of a The World Ends With You phase right now.
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  13. #13
    Virmire Survivor Rocky's Avatar
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    I would rename Tidus to "Meg Ryan", and I would have Fate be the voice actor for everything.. Actually that might improve the dialogue, Fate can be the voice actor for Yuna. Ralz could be the voice actor for the Shoopuf rider, and I think we could easily sell a million less copies that way if not more.

    In all honesty, the remaining characters jumping in to save the day would be kind of a sweet idea. The bosses would get way easy though.
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    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
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    Pete: Meier, don't even lie. I know you were going on a nice little tear before you settled down with the new gf

    che: rofl <3 Meier.

    Loaf: Meier is the best.

    Meier: Hey Pete, I said I started to, it just didn't end the with the same number of women. Then again this one is kind of on the outs with me if she doesn't straighten up and fly right so that means I will be back in it for the thrill of the kill. Got some in the reserves. Even got a rePETEr (<---- like that ay? AYYYYY?) on the back burner.

    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

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  14. #14
    Bananarama Better FFX? Pete's Avatar
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    I would've just packaged IV and VI together. Get it?
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  15. #15
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! Better FFX? Tallulah's Avatar
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    I would probably have made the unlocking Spheres easier to find, and given Kimahri and Rikku more offensive skills rather than attacks with little power. I tend to neglect these characters as they are neither strong mages or fighters. Pity, really.

    Also, I would make Tidus less annoying!

  16. #16
    HRH Albha Better FFX? Aerif's Avatar
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    Hmm... I liked FFX a lot, it was good the way it was. But some of my ideas to improve it:

    • Upgrade the battle system to something similar to FFX-2, I liked the CBT system but the way FFX-2 flowed whilst still being turn-based was golden.
    • Better 3D models. Normally I don't really care about the graphics too much, but after seeing Tidus' Dissidia artwork in comparison to how he looked in FFX, I know which version I prefer.
    • More clarification on High Summoners. Seriously, their was only 4 statues of summoners who defeated Sin in each temple. Surely there has been more than 4 calms?
    • A scene showing a battle between Sin and Braska's final aeon would have been interesting. Actually, more focus on Braska, Jecht and Auron would have been great. I'd like to have played as them for small segments of the game and seen the ending of thier Pilgrimage.
    • More nodes on the Expert Sphere grid. Even though it was great to have it, maxing HP was impossible because of the fewer amount of empty nodes.
    • Leviathan.
    • Improvement of Lulu's overdrive system. I noticed that when training, 5 Fury castings of Ultima did less damage than a doublecast of Ultima.
    • Unique models for unique characters. I didn't like how Biggs and Wedge could have unique models but some of the Fayth couldn't.

    Since I seem to be in a nit-picky mood I might add to this list later.

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  17. #17
    Final Fantasy 10 lover Better FFX?
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    I would change the last 2 Seymour Battles and the story line.

    First, the last 2 Seymour battles were just too complicated to me.

    Last, the storyline. It was just too confusing too me I couldn't keep up.

  18. #18
    DAYUM I LEAVE FOR 3 YEARS AND THIS PLACE DIES Better FFX? Ethan Blitzball King's Avatar
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    On your profile page>_>

    Re: Better FFX?

    no i would leave the game as is because it had a great story line and all so it wasn't all that bad

  19. #19
    I would explode to save your life~ Better FFX? SeaAlchemist's Avatar
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    Re: Better FFX?

    Quote Originally Posted by xXCloudXx View Post
    IF you were the creator of the FFX game would you leave it the same or would you change it? If you chose to change it explain what you would change.
    I'd replace Seymour with a better villain I hate Seymour so much >.<

  20. #20

    Re: Better FFX?

    Quote Originally Posted by Insufficient Mage View Post
    As much as I like the Sphere Grid, the perfectionist in me hates that it wasn't apparently possible to explore the entire thing with a single character. But at the same time, it did give you more incentive to really consider who's territory you wanted a certain character to invade and adopt their abilities/skills.

    Other than that... there's not much I'd change. I love this game just fine as it is.
    It is possible to explore the whole sphere grid with one character it just takes alot of time and alot of spheres. I did it with tidus and it tokk forever, ive had the game since the release and well needless to say i have a hell of alot of game hours. I'll admit that once tidus's sphere grid was full i cheated to fill the rest but it is possible.

  21. #21
    The real reason why the rum is gone Better FFX? Nightmare Cloud's Avatar
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    Re: Better FFX?

    More clarification on High Summoners. Seriously, their was only 4 statues of summoners who defeated Sin in each temple. Surely there has been more than 4 calms?
    A scene showing a battle between Sin and Braska's final aeon would have been interesting.
    Improvement of Lulu's overdrive system. I noticed that when training, 5 Fury castings of Ultima did less damage than a doublecast of Ultima.
    Unique models for unique characters. I didn't like how Biggs and Wedge could have unique models but some of the Fayth couldn't.
    When I first saw this thread, I thought 'I can't think of anything I'd like to change about this game!'. However, Aerif, I agree with the above points entirely.

  22. #22
    Memento Rhapso Better FFX? Rhaps's Avatar
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    Re: Better FFX?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    I would've just packaged IV and VI together. Get it?
    That made me lol. . . .
    Anyway, I'd change it to where if you make a bad choice or lose a not so important battle, you can go back AND FIX IT!! Damn man, I've missed so many things! Stupid one-chance only dirga dirgadirga *continues grumbling angrily*

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  23. #23

    Re: Better FFX?

    If i was to change something in ffx it would be that you meet Rikku a little earlier in the game, by the time i got to her i had leveled and trained my characters alot and it was a pain to level her with the others especially outside guado salam because most thing there could kill her in one hit. Another thing would be to have more extra areas like Omega (or is it Omega ruins?) to help level, even after beating sin and yu yevon i still loaded up the game and leveled.

    Choice of how your weapon looks when you customise it, and blitzball, has anyone noticed that if you lose the luca cup blitzball becomes harder when you play it after you leave luca? I'd change it so that the matchs in the storyline dont count for the side game.

    oh and just More Rikku lol

  24. #24

    Re: Better FFX?

    Less annoying voice-acting, make Tidus' running look less strange, remove the Lightning Dodge minigame and CUT THE DAMNED BLITZBALL!

  25. #25

    Re: Better FFX?

    cut the blitzball... thats like half the game cut, it was one of the side quests you could actually commit to. However i do agree that the lighning dodgeing should be cut, well keep it in the game just dont have to dodge it for Lulu's weapon.

  26. #26
    1DownShroom Better FFX? 1DownShroom's Avatar
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    Re: Better FFX?

    There r 7 party members and when the 3 that r battling die the game is over? there r 4 other members in the side lines just get out there and either:
    1) revive them
    2)fight and revive when done
    3)y just send 3 guys out there, get all of u out there and kick some ass!
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  27. #27
    Registered User Better FFX? Oneesan's Avatar
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    Re: Better FFX?

    I really really really LOVED this game, that said, i still wouldn't mind changing the fact that there was no new game save option. If you are a fan of 100% completion, and went back for another go-round, it can be a nuisance to go through certain mini-games again(chocobo racing, lightning dodge); just to get the celestial weapons that you have already aquirred one or more times. I'm not saying I would like to start at the beggining alredy at the level I was @ when I finished the last one, that would be kind of boring. Having key items, and weapons would be enough. Just being able to load them, even if only after certain milestones are accomplished, kind of like reloading the al bhed primers. When you are wnting to get through the story to keep it fresh in your mind, your ps2 has an attitude and doesn't like cheat disks, reloads can be your best friend later when you can't bear leaving things undone.
    Last edited by Oneesan; 07-07-2010 at 12:30 AM. Reason: severe misspell

  28. #28

    Re: Better FFX?

    I'd give Lulu and Wakka more screen time and development, and I'd erase Rikku from the game altogether.

  29. #29
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Better FFX? Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Better FFX?

    The game is great as it is, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't change few things. First of all, I would make it less linear, lack of huge world to explore is maybe it's biggest flaw. Add more equipment besides weapons and accessories, turn Kimahri into a decent Blue Mage. And of course, maybe the most important thing, improve the voice acting.

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  30. #30
    Registered User Better FFX? Sharpshooter's Avatar
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    Re: Better FFX?

    First things first
    I would cut out the laughing scene of Yuna and Tidus
    Made the characters look weird
    Or at least re-do the laughter so it sound more.....realistic
    Other then that, I would leave the game as it is
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