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What if there was no other way to destroy Sin besides the Final Aeon thing, you obviously saw that they pwned Yunalesca. So what if the only way of destroying Sin was for Yuna to sacrifice her guardians? Who do you think would had volunteered for it?
If Seymour gained control of Sin and started mass chaos, that'd be cool, who cares about Tidus needing to make peace with his pops, tough luck kid, he's one of few FF characters that even knew their parents.
Judging by the way it would end, I would have think X-2 would had been drasticly different of course, instead of Yuna looking for Tidus, It's a new summoner trying to correct Yuna's retarded mistake of destroying Yunalesca, now that would be wild. Now that would be a true sequel to an FF game, the new main character correcting the mistakes of the previous one.
In a post-apocalyptic world, where Sin reigns supreme, A lone female summoner, who lost her parents when the foolish High Summoner Yuna destroyed Yunalesca forever throwing away hopes of stopping the New Sin-Seymour searches for a way to correct the mistakes of the fallen hero.
.... damn I'm good
P.S I love Yuna, just stating what the new summoner would have said.