amazing!!!! i love pixel art... i wish i were as talented as you at it.
you should post the ff7 ones![]()
These are what I make for fun now a days to pass the time whenever I'm bored, I have over 100 of them total, I believe I actually have somewhere next to about 120... I made them out of the places of the FF characters, both main and outside charactersHere are some of the new ones I made, I'll add more later of the ones I've already created (which is pretty much all the main characters including ALL the dress spheres in FFX-2 on all three girls as well
And Cloud, you take care of yourself so you don't have another nervous break down. And let me handle Sephiroth."
~Aeris's last words, FF7~
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amazing!!!! i love pixel art... i wish i were as talented as you at it.
you should post the ff7 ones![]()
lol you don't recongize Biggs and Jessie in that group? ah s'ok, well, here I'll put up 10 more of the new ones, and then later I'll start getting into the old ones of all the little thingsI think of these little guys... as a collection... and I'm not sewing the clothes or anything and keeping them on my shelf, I have a nice website of them all together... so cute
Last edited by Aeris Gainsbrough; 02-10-2006 at 05:03 PM.
I'm gonna try this... see if I try to double post and the posts merge together on their own so I can make twice the animations pop up together...
If not... then damnit....
But here's 10 more, I'm gonna start going into my old ones now![]()
Last edited by Aeris Gainsbrough; 02-10-2006 at 05:02 PM.
aww they are great. i see jessie now in your first post, and i see biggs too, but biggs didn't stand out as much, but definately jessie! lol... i love them though, all of them.
OkWell these are all Final Fantays Chibi's, every single last one of them, I enjoy making them as just a collection of dolls basically, though it makes it easier on me and people think they're adorable lol
Here's some more![]()
Last edited by Aeris Gainsbrough; 02-06-2006 at 08:14 PM.
I dunno if I can double post or not but I got over 100 chibis here!! And with the limit of only able to put 10... well I'll make it 20.... Seems wrong not to put them all up....
awww, hehe, these are really cute!
I like Lulu!
Good job!
----------------------<img src=>--------------------------------------------
Pretty damn fine. Good work.
Thanks you guys^_^ I'm still working on more of them while I get the spare time in between my classes to do it, here's 10 more while I got a quick moment before I run to work
And to finish off the rest of the Paine Dress Spheres and start back into other Final Fantasy characters.........
Alrighty... no response in awhile and I'm making more chibis then I'm showing everyday!!! lol you guys have to keep up with me now, here's another 20.... well, first here at the next 10 since I can't put 20 in a total of one post...
and now... the rest of 10 I plan on putting up for the dayIt finishes off the rest of Rikku's dress spheres and then goes right back into other Final Fantasy Characters, ENJOY
remember, I make more then I post so the more people post, the more I can put up here and the faster I can too!!!!
OOoh, who is that green-haired one? I've never played FF8,
But I'm guessing it's Terra. Could be Rydia... hmmm?
----------------------<img src=>--------------------------------------------
wow, u must have alot of time in ur hands
those are pretty amazing, my brother does pixel art once in a while, hes a bit obsessed with dithering
relm- second guess is correct, It's Rydia from FF4
mixupin - I don't exactly have "time" per say on my hands... I just make them after my classes are done and I don't feel like going to bed so I'm up until around 3am making them lol
But thanks both of youHere's another 10 while I have a chance to put them up!!
the FFX characters are pretty cool, but u could change their face a little so they dont look to femenine.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>
Wow your really great! I wish I could do that.
Actually, she doesn't draw the base. the base is off of someone who creates bases. All she (and I do them too) does is add the hair and clothes and any other items she wants in the pics. I actually draw a background on my dudes, though. My ava is an example.
Yeah, those GIF's are preety cute!!!! aww~
" A warrior takes sword in hand,
clasping a gem to his heart.
Engraving vanishing memories
into the sword,
He places finally honed skills
into the stone.
Spoken from the sword,
handed down from the stone...
Now the story can be told...
Square Presents
The 'Zodiac Brave Story'"</i>
Yea the skin is off something else, though sometimes I edit the base as well so it looks better with the character... Freya for example, if I would have left that head the way it was and the body for that matter, do you think I could have made her look so perfect? I change their skin colors, noses, even their eye colors to match their character, sometimes I even make their heads a bit bigger or their bodies depending on the fatness of them or what they're suppose to look like
And they don't all look feminine now, hey... I mean look at my Zidane, Wakka, Braska, Auron and Vincent, especially Vincent, does he really look like a woman? Come now lol
And I animate them so they're not just staring at you O_o it actually gives the more cutesy cute part of them, kinda like they're batting their eyes at you lol I could make them batt their eyes like crazy too if I wanted them too, wave, dance, whatever lol I just go with the easy blinking to make them seem more realistic and give a better impression
But thanks for info, got tons more left to show you all!! SO here's another 10 while I'm talking!
Last edited by Aeris Gainsbrough; 02-10-2006 at 05:00 PM.
I still can't find a good animation program that isn't a trial. Mind a lil help?? Like...did you download it off the ent or is it from a disc, and if it's from a disc do you need the disc to run it or can I borrow it just to download it???
Um..... mine is bootlegged so to speakit's cool though, I can't seem to find out where I put the installation part of it or I'd send it to you, then again, I dunno if I even could because I remembered it was huge... well I dunno bah... here's some more videos (watching Corspe Bride right now and remenesing about the huge refund college check I'll be getting handed to me on Monday, first thing I'm getting monday... is A TEST!!! I got all my symptoms back, we're both 99% sure we just need the test to show it off to everyone again (though only a select few... we don't want things getting found out this time... and we'll say "oops" when they do and we'll make sure they find out with us together and on accident and we'll act surprised too
Like I was thinking... maybe I can have like a doc appt in a few months asking why I haven't had my time of the month since the surgerylol
Tisk tisk. Well hopefully you won't lose it....for the little one's sake.
(Oh, and Bambi II is cute. Tom should see it)
anyway.....back to the topic. Have you put all of these up in your LJ already or are some of these missing from the LJ?
can you just use imageready as your gif animation software?
ah naw, different programs do different things, I love the one I have, and I've gotten use to it, if I wanted to switch programs... that's like throwing away a good car just because I like the outside of another, doesn't mean I know how to drive it though lol
And I won't lose it, we're sure of it, I'm hoping to get a positive and give it to Mike on Valentine'sand I got a student refund check waiting for me!! That means I'm getting over like... $4,000 on that check that I over paid the school!!!! O_O Mike was like "Wow... you're... going to be one hell of a rich woman!" lol
But no, not all these ones are one there, there are new ones I put in here I recently made and there's tons of them that I make![]()
Alright this is the last bunch of 10 I might put up for awhile me and Mike had a crazy V-Day, first thing of alcohol and actually consumed a bit too much, had a hang over the entire next day so missed all my college classes so it's time to catch up with them now, so here's 10 more while I have the open window to show you all![]()
those.......are..........AWESOME!!!!! wow those are awesome me likea da chibi!!!!
Pretty creepy since they all have the same face, and stare at you a lot. Although your skill in spriting amazes me, Aeris, good job and I hope to see more of your artwork. I'm not sure if you did this already, but could you make the FF:Advent Children characters?
I'm thinking about making FF7: Advent Children versions... not positive yet though if I'm going to really do it... I'm more focused on the actual game characters right now... and it's hard enough knowing I'm going to have to add like another 200 characters from FFXII! lol Not to mention I still have a TON to do as it is from every FF ESPECIALLY FF Tactics you know?
But here's another 10 while I got the chance...
Last edited by Aeris Gainsbrough; 03-02-2006 at 11:22 PM.