View Poll Results: So, which do you prefer doing??

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  • Digital art. <3

    0 0%
  • Traditional art. <3

    5 55.56%
  • .....Neither.

    0 0%
  • BOTH! <3 <3

    4 44.44%
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Thread: Digital/Traditional?

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  1. #1
    Ellipsis Digital/Traditional? Meigumi's Avatar
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    Simple question:

    Do you like to do traditional art or digital?

    I prefer doing digital, since it's easy. But I do like the nice feeling of holding a pencil too.
    (I can't imagine drawing with a tablet though.... How do those things work? xD My friend has one, but.... D: It's like magic or something.... Don't tell me. =w= )

  2. #2
    Registered User Digital/Traditional? kupo's Avatar
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    Re: Digital/Traditional?

    digital is cool, but im a sucker for traditional. especially photography, it took me until my sr. year in college til i used a digital camera for class. with art, im a very hands on kind of person so sitting behind a computer manipulating images just dosen't cut it.

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  3. #3
    Dragoon Digital/Traditional? TigermusiQ's Avatar
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    Re: Digital/Traditional?

    I chose Traditional purely as it is the only one I'm good at (to a very 2D degree) and therefore enjoy creating, but I really appreciate those with the skills to do digital.

    Quote Originally Posted by Meigumi View Post
    (I can't imagine drawing with a tablet though.... How do those things work? xD My friend has one, but.... D: It's like magic or something.... Don't tell me. =w= )
    However when I had a tablet I did well with it, it's to get used too due to lack of friction so it ca be hard to judge/control and also be unresponsive if you try to work too fast with it. Just wish I still had a pic I drew in paint with it
    (If I find it and is not too many pixels I will upload.)

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  4. #4
    Registered User Digital/Traditional?
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    Re: Digital/Traditional?

    I've worked more with traditional art, so I think that I have a tendency to be partial to that particular way of doing things, but I have been doing a little bit of digital. I want to invest in a tablet too, because I think it would be a lot easier to work with than just a mouse pad.

    But for the sake of the topic, I went ahead and voted traditional. Something about working with/manipulating physical media to create works of art is something that is so enjoyable for me. Plus, I don't have to worry about my computer suddenly shutting off and losing the work that I had, if I forgot to save in a while of course.
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