hey since you got redXiii standing up..can you get him in sailor suit from when your on rufuss boat to the costa del sol place?
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hey since you got redXiii standing up..can you get him in sailor suit from when your on rufuss boat to the costa del sol place?
You know when I made him, that's the first thing that came to mind, even when I posted him up at Deviantart, I told them all I was tempted to put one on him XXXDDD
But I probably will sooner then you all think ^_^
Oh and I'm gonna show you some different chibis this time, I did these because I wanted to do something alittle different, but they look so cuddly and huggable, tell me what you think!
It's obvious who they are, Aeris, Tifa and Yuffie and then I made a Trio picture of them all together and then Cloud! ^_^
Cool. All your animations look great, especially the new ones. I like Tifa and Yuffie the best. It'd be great if they were animated too. Keep up the good work. Any other characters you have planned for this new wake of Chibi's? Maybe the rest of the FFVII crew?
I was thinking about it... but then it's kinda like... I don't think Red XIII, Barret or Cait Sith would look right... so maybe I might do Yuna next or Rikku, Lulu maybe... or maybe I'll go into 8 with Rinoa, Quistis or Selphie... or even 9, Garnet and Eiko *shrugs* Hell I might even do 6, Terra, Celes, Relm, Locke, Sabin, Edgar, etc.. that'd be fun though, all those characters lol I dunno though, I'll probably do something eventually soon...
still awesomeness heep it up meroo!! (meroo=my word)
lol, i love them, especially the sephiroth, jenova and cloud ones!
teehee... you mind if i use them on my site soon???
Long as you give me credit I don't care who uses them, infact, I'm honored you would think them that good ^_^ Thankies to the rest of you, lol I dunno why, everyone loves Cloud, I mean I put a chibi of Aeris up, they recongize her but blow her off, same with Tifa... but no, Cloud is the badass of all times, I put him up and people are swarming lol
hey i just joined i need to know how do i make my own like threador watever?
post this in the 'how do i?' thread and u mite get some answers!
Those are cool, good work!
Have you got any chibi's for Zack from FF7?
dude i love chibis y'know totally awesomeness keep up the good work
(PS) if you can take a request id REALLY like it if you could get a chibi cloud doing omnislash y'know oh and if i could use him as my avatar would be nice too please
Hmm well, Omnislash would be a bit hard.... that's alotta frames to work with lol.... and yes Waterprince, I actually do have a Zack chibi somewhere in here if you skim through the pages, he's around ^_^ lol
Wow thats amazing truely it is. You have wonderful skill in making these chibi's fear the chibi's mighty power
I really cant find him, can you plz give me the link?
lol thanks Aney lol and better yet waterprince, I'll just post him up again lol, if anyone wants me to repost some chibis, just say so, I'll update this post if I have room to throw in some more people couldn't find lol enjoy ^_^
Oh gawd....these are too cute! ^___^
-Looks for Vincent & Seph ones-
How do you make them?
I have my own animation shop and I basically pixel them together really close up, takes about an hour to make one lol
Can you draw really good manga too?
I read all of the posts and I want the site or what you have to make those! I make siggies and avvies and they look really awesome with my photo thing I got on sale the other day. (LOL) I want to make pixel, they might be hard but I think I can manage. I have a lot of spare time.
Your work.
Is sooooo....
DUDE THOSE ARE STILL AWESOME!!!! i wuv dose chibis y'know =3
Humankind shall continue to progess in the field of Chibi technology. :)
WOW!!! Those are amazing!! How do you make chibis anyway??? But those are some of the best i've ever seen! Good job Aeris!!!
Dude, Gurl, just saw you have the animations I requested years ago on your site, Mesatalia with Seth...AWESOME....They're gonna become me and David now, though, lol.
these are damn good
Hey these are absolutely amazing. What software do you use to create these masterpieces!!! They're really good and i would love to be able to do this ^_^
Thanks for all your compliments people, I really do apperciate them
To let everyone know, anyone could make these little guys right off of a basic paint shop if you really wanted to, I make them pixel by pixel, that is, dot by dot, and change the colors manually doing alittle bit a math here and there to change shades of the same color, the animation is a simple blink that could be easily accomplished with any animation program by just redoing the eyes in one frame so there's only a total of two frames you're looking at ^_^
so actually, making them is quite simple, it just takes along time to do so if you got the patience, any of you could do exactly what I do ^_^
It's been awhile, but I made a new one, so enjoy, it's a female knight from Final Fantasy Tactics, my friend was in surgery so I finally found time to make one while I was awaiting her in the recovery room ^_^ lol
I'm not completely back though, I guess I never mentioned I was pregnant in here once lol
I found out I was pregnant back at the end of March which is why I stopped working so much and only posted alittle bit... my daughter was born on November 14th 2006, she's alittle over a month old and her name is Aeris Jasmine Sumner, she's my little princess with gem green eyes and brown hair lol sounds creepy but yep yep, true true, and she's crying for me right now, but I'll be making more animations when I find time in between her cries just to let you all know lol
Congratulations! I hope you two will be every happy together!
(PS) Nice work on the chibis.