1. First off, this is not a professional art site. If you want something extremely professional, go to Deviantart.com or Conceptart.org. However, there ARE some people here who have decent drawing skills.
2. Think of this as practice for your own abilities and just for fun.
3. Let's say you have an art block.. a really bad one. If you try drawing someone's request, it could help you get through the trouble. With an art block, you just need to simply start drawing to get rid of it.
4. When asking for a request, please be more specific with what you want. Just saying
"I need someone to draw me a pic. Plz PM me" isn't good. Something more around the lines of:
"I'd like someone to draw me a picture of Tifa in a black dress. I don't care what you put as the background or whatever, as long as she's the main focus point." IS good. So yes, please be specific. I don't want anyone spamming this up.
5. For the artist.. when you accept a request, don't keep putting it off. Just draw it as soon as possible to get it done with. Otherwise, you're making people wait on you and they'll eventually lose interest.
7. Oh yeah, also. This is the internet. So if you specialize in only painting, or something.. you won't be able to send that to the person via airplane mail

. All stuff on here is either gonna be used for digital purposes.. or someone might luckily have a good scanner. Just keep this in mind before making over-the-top requests.
8. When you're finished with your art, you can post it in this thread for everyone to see. That way, it'll encourage others to participate.