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Thread: You Spoony Bard! Final Fantasy IV Fanfiction Contest

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    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    You Spoony Bard! Final Fantasy IV Fanfiction Contest

    Please read the entire thread before submitting any questions or comments. Contest closed due to lack of interest.

    All right TFF, it's time to unleash your inner Edward. The YSB! Contest is here to honor the recent rerelease of one of Square's greatest stories, Final Fantasy IV. Long underrepresented in the annals of TFF media, I believe it's a fitting time to pay tribute to this ultimate story of friendship and redemption.


    Anyone may enter this contest. You can submit as many entries as you like in all categories. Just keep in mind that submitting more than one entry in a category means you'll be competing against yourself. Feel free to post any non-entry FFIV fanworks in the main Literature forum.

    I recommend posting only your very best work in an entry thread, the links to which are found near the end of this post.


    The contest will run from now through November 23. This date is not random; it's the original release date of the North American SNES version. I'd use the JP date but that would make the contest run till next year so...yeah.

    However, if the entries start slowing day I may also close it early, but I will give at least one week of notice prior to this, to give last minute entrants a chance to get their work in. Nothing will be accepted after the deadline is reached.

    Anyone may enter at any time before the deadline. Please do not post your entries here; there are links to the appropriate threads below.


    PG-13 only please.
    No length limits, just keep it reasonable.
    All work must be your own.


    I intend this to be a multimedia contest, so just about anything is game. The entries will be organized into the following:

    Short Fiction 100-5,000 words

    Long Fiction 5,000-10,000+ words (you may enter a piece greater than 10k if you really want to)

    Poetry/Song Lyrics

    Art traditional or digital, original* work only. No throwing together a bunch of Google images and calling it an entry.

    Music Videos but please post only your own, original* work, not just a video you appreciate.

    *By original I mean it must be your own work, not ripped off a random Google search and passed off as your own.

    Every entry must be related to FFIV in some way.


    There are separate threads for each type of entry, links as follows:


    Please post your entries in the appropriate threads.

    You may submit as many entries as you like for each category.


    This is not set in stone but as of right now, I intend to open this contest to public voting after the deadline. I will make sure to have at least one judge besides me on tap should a tiebreaker be required. Do not send any votes until after the contest is closed to new entries. Any votes received before November 23 will be discarded.


    Nothing is decided yet but I might try to convince Cesar or Steve to put the winning entries on the main TFF site for display. Other than that, I can always ask Djinn to make some sweet banners for both winners and runner-ups...which I might do anyways, cause what's a contest without a trophy? At the very least there will be a sticky thread with all winning entries included so everyone can admire your greatness for all eternity...or 2012, whichever comes first.

    All comments and questions are welcome and feel free to start at any time!

    Last edited by DragonHeart; 12-29-2008 at 01:46 PM. Reason: Clarifying wording...again.
    Family: Psiko, Mistress Sheena, Djinn

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