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Thread: Turns out I like to write plays

  1. #1
    Keeper of Balance/Defender of Order Turns out I like to write plays Materiathief00's Avatar
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    Turns out I like to write plays

    Who knew? I had to write a one act play for my creative writing class. Apparently, I'm really into it. I'm even going to go ahead and write more acts to it!
    For my student choice project/final I chose to write another play! I even wrote a prologue for it! In an Iambic Pentameter! I'm so crazy! XD
    Am I going mad? I never really hear of many people writing plays anymore. Anyone else like writing 'em? ^^

    This INCREDIBLE banner was made by Kilala, thank you so much for making it for me!
    Barret: What are you?
    Red XIII: An informed question. But difficult to answer. I am what you see.

  2. #2
    The joke is far too true Turns out I like to write plays loner-kid's Avatar
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    Feb 2008
    umm... as interesting as that is I was really hoping to be able to read some of your work

    Read some of my stuff here

    The Gargoyle

    The gargoyle sits, solemnly, alone
    That silent man of stone
    Here, for his deeds he must atone

    Beaten eyes stare blankly
    Withered arms curved and wrinkly
    Bat-like wings spread fully

    For once he was a man deceitful
    His soul decored in black so hateful
    From his despair grew pain most vengeful

    With his death he was deserted
    Left condemned and desecrated
    Bound to form most understated

    And now he is but a statue made of stone
    Sitting all alone

    Star Gaze
    High in the sky, blinking down on us
    We all watch the stars
    Believing, as we do
    That friends and lovers long since moved away are staring upwards too
    Remembering us as we remember them
    Smiling in the light of an unatainable star
    And even if the star was snuffed out at that very moment
    We would never know
    We just keep smiling
    And believe the star is true

    My TFF Family
    (is laughably small because 'loner' turned out to be fairly accurate)
    Unknown-Entity - loner-kid's hilarious 'friend'
    Raider - my ginger brother

  3. #3
    Keeper of Balance/Defender of Order Turns out I like to write plays Materiathief00's Avatar
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    Feb 2009
    Really? I could post it. Plays are long though so I wasn't sure if I should. If you want to I will though. ^^

    This INCREDIBLE banner was made by Kilala, thank you so much for making it for me!
    Barret: What are you?
    Red XIII: An informed question. But difficult to answer. I am what you see.

  4. #4
    Registered User Turns out I like to write plays HUNK's Avatar
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    Go for it!

    I'd love to hear some of your work.
    I've tried writing plays but I don't think i'm any good at it. I prefer to write poetry...its kinda easier.

  5. #5
    ~☆~Muahahaha!!!~☆~ Turns out I like to write plays SilkAngel's Avatar
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    A city where the traffic is slower than a fat kid in a sandbox. -__- A REALLY fat kid. >.<
    I would really enjoy reading one of your plays! ^.^ Congratz on your discovery!

    My TFF Family! <3

    Fate, my cuddly and lovable brother-in-law.

    Armageddon, my awesome, evil, chaotic younger brother.

  6. #6
    Plays are great stuff. I never knew I liked them until I discovered Oscar Wilde and Shakespeare's Henry V.

  7. #7
    Keeper of Balance/Defender of Order Turns out I like to write plays Materiathief00's Avatar
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    Feb 2009
    Cool, I like Henry IV 'cause it has my favorite quote in it! A lot of Shakespeare's plays are awesome but school tends to avoid other play authors a lot. I wish they'd expand more.
    Okay, I'll post the one act play I did for creative writing first. We really didn't have a lot of time to write it so I'm a little disappointed with the rushed feel to it. I'll put up another post with it after this one.
    And btw, my teacher told us to look at the ideas of some literature, books, video games, etc, and to use some of the ideas in a different sort of way. So, being final fantasy and Shakespearean lovers, you'll be able to find some big similarities. XD
    Hold on, I'll post it in a sec, I just got to copy it from my word file. Tell me what you guys think. ^^
    p.s. We preformed these in class, it was fun.

    This INCREDIBLE banner was made by Kilala, thank you so much for making it for me!
    Barret: What are you?
    Red XIII: An informed question. But difficult to answer. I am what you see.

  8. #8
    Keeper of Balance/Defender of Order Turns out I like to write plays Materiathief00's Avatar
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    Feb 2009

    Right for the Part

    Lizzie Montello
    Right for the part


    AKLAS, is a fair, moral prince. He always supports any assumptions he has and rarely jumps to conclusions, usually resulting in an all out investigation. Aklas believes the world is just like a play or story and that everyone has their part in it. Whether or not they fulfill their role depends on what they do in life. He’s very nosey and inquisitive on the subject, trying to find the roles of others while fulfilling his own. Aklas always has an opinion on everything which makes him highly enthusiastic on all subjects. He takes great pride in his father’s kingdom and will do what is right for it and its people. He’s the depiction of a just king.
    NEBYLUS, is the kind of person you’d hate to be on the bad side of. Assuming there is a good or even better side, that is. He is like his brother in that he thinks people deserve a trial, just not a very fair one in his case. He’d rather be feared than loved, and will do most anything to get you to fear him. He’s aloof most of the time but when something really gets to him, he’ll become creepily enthusiastic. He takes particular bitterness in the right Aklas has to rule. He’s the depiction of a malevolent king.
    KUURO, is the sister of Aklas and Nebylus. She’s equally, if not more, inquisitive than her oldest brother. Kuuro is highly curious and innocent for her age, much like a small child. She’s not ignorant (but may seem so to others) and is as bright and as quick-witted as her brothers. She believes strongly in the right everything has to life and that it is not something to be taken needlessly. Kuuro displays a lot of interest in Aklas’ concept of playing a part but does not know what part she plays. She is still finding herself and her role in life.

    Scene I
    Before us is a dimly lit room. It is relatively spacious but mostly due the small amount of furniture. All in the room looks as if untouched and unscathed, as if no mortal had ever been in contact with the room’s dull arrangement. All but three who, as if mimicking the feel of the area, say not a word which now presents an awkward air. They all are dressed neatly, almost as untouched as the room. There is a clear distinction of age between the three. The oldest stands confidently facing the door, the younger boy stands slanted against a wall, and the youngest girl sits uneasily on a table. None face or make eye contact with another.
    NEBYLUS (finally breaking the silence with subtle frustration). I cannot stand this any longer. How long does it take to deliver a sheet of paper?
    (NEBYLUS is always cold and distant, which leaves most to keep the same toward him. His pale skin is almost completely white and gives him an apparition like appearance.)
    AKLAS (without facing him). Patience, brother, it will come when it comes. There is no sense toward your anxiety. Hold your tongue. (Pause) Kuuro, you look as if you are sitting on a tack, there is naught to be worried about.
    (AKLAS is well built. He looks worn as if he has withstood a great deal of hardships. His will and intelligence reflect this, making him wiser than expected.)
    KUURO (adjusting her position to a more but no all that more comfortable one). I know, Aklas. I am just in thought, a quite unpleasant one. But I am alright now.
    (KUURO is small of stature but big of heart. Her wide, bright eyes pierce the soul with innocence and wonder.)
    A small knock stills the air as well as the three siblings. The door screeches open and a tall man sheepishly steps into the room. He has with him a sheet of decorated, fancy looking paper. He hands it over to AKLAS who is closest to the man. Then, the man bows to AKLAS and walks out the way he came. The door quietly shuts as AKLAS studies the paper. KUURO and NEBYLUS crowd around him. KUURO is too short to read off the sheet.
    KUURO. I cannot see, read it out loud.
    AKLAS. Very well, I see no harm in that. Here and now I give up my legacy to the hands and will of the future. I have set a foundation for future generations and hope it is well kept.
    NEBYLUS. Get on with it.
    AKLAS (paying him no mind). My kingdom is experiencing a great period of wealth and discovery. Therefore, I would be a fool not to give the reigns to a well deserving hand. And so, after much thought and consideration, I bestow these reigns to my eldest son. However, if misfortune were to befall him, it is then my next son who takes the kingdom.
    May the history of my land be that of fair remembrance, King Kange I.
    AKLAS carefully sits the letter on a table. NEBYLUS exits as if in a hurry. No one speaks a word as the other two slowly exit as well.

    Scene II
    We see a terrace which is stretched out of the palace. There are many plants about the space which makes it more alive than the previous room. The air is sweet and warm to the delight of anyone who comes here. The only one present here is AKLAS who leans against the bar that prevents careless people from falling off. He is seen staring at the sky while mumbling to himself.
    AKLAS. Oh, father. You saw fit to leave me your kingdom but in doing so, you have left for me a noose. Did you not foresee this? Or did you simply deem me worthy to fend off my untimely death? (Pause) You have finally retired yourself as an actor and have taken to the audience to see how what you wrought would pan out. Were I only so lucky…but I could not content myself by merely watching. I shall play my part and hopefully everything shall go as intended. But am I right for the part?
    He becomes silent as he notices a sound or some sort. KUURO is seen slowly walking toward him.
    AKLAS. What business could you possibly have at this hour? You should be sleeping.
    KUURO. I am concerned for you, brother.
    AKLAS. You are young; you should concern yourself with dreaming. Dreams are all a broken man has left when all else has left him.
    KUURO. I am not dense, Aklas! You have not eaten and now you will not sleep. I have every right to be concerned.
    AKLAS looks at her blankly then turns away and sighs.
    AKLAS. I have never thought you to be dense. (Kuuro turns away from him) Sister, what part do you play? (She looks back at him)
    KUURO. What are you talking about, brother?
    AKLAS. I never did have the chance to explain this to you, now might be a good time. You see, all of life is simply a long, monotonous play. But its fate can be drastically altered by anyone. At the roots of any reform is a man who’s ready for change. Everyone has been assigned a part to play, but it’s up to them to fulfill their role. And, just as in a play, there are many different types of actors for different parts.
    KUURO. What part do you play, Aklas?
    AKLAS. I was hoping you would share in my inquisitive nature. I, myself, have inherited my part. I was always meant to be the protagonist but the recent death of our father has caused a shift in my position. To think, the death of a man has determined my part. I wish that wasn’t so, for I would rather have earned my title.
    KUURO. But you did, it was determined for you because you are worthy. Even if you have acquired it by fortune, you shall earn it through your actions. You shall make a great king, I can tell.
    AKLAS. You have my thanks for the confidence. My lead role shall not be in vain, you have my word not as a king, but as your brother. Do not shift your perspective of me with my title.
    KUURO. You know me to not be like that.
    AKLAS. I am aware of that, you have fine judgment, and I suppose we share in that too. (Pause) Well, have you a part figured out?
    KUURO (looking away again). I…I have not. I am thinking but nothing fits me quite yet. How did you come to realize your part?
    AKLAS. Well, I got to thinking one day and I grasped an idea. I figured that I always could not stand just sitting by while the world is changing around me. So, I knew I had to be a lead actor, so that I may help the world along on its way. With the hope that I, a mere one person, could make a difference in the fates of future generations. Does this satisfy your question?
    KUURO (in a moment of clarity). And then some, brother, I now know what I must do. Brother, your anxiety, I must help you with it. I must do something.
    AKLAS. No, you cannot assist me with my troubles. It is something I must do alone. Only I shall suffer its consequences. It is on my head, and I shall not let it befall upon yours.
    KUURO. Let me aid you! You’re the one who told me to find my role and fulfill it!
    AKLAS. Kuuro, I simply do not want you to get involved. I will not let you die if I have the ability to cease it. It would be on my conscience, and I will not have it.
    KUURO. Well, if death is involved than there is no need for you to be mixed up in this either. My ethics do not allow for me to idle while my brothers kill one another!
    AKLAS stares at her for a moment in shock. Then he looks away from her with a smile.
    AKLAS. Heh, so you do know what is going on. I suspected this, I just do not know to what extent. Well?
    KUURO. All I know is that Nebylus wishes you dead, and our crafty brother shall do all he needs to in order to bid you, the only thing standing in his way of kingship, a final goodbye.
    AKLAS. Ah, you do know our brother as well as I do. And if you know that then you know my options- kill or be killed. It is the only way to handle someone like our brother.
    KUURO. You are wise, brother; I know you can figure out another option. If there is a way to avoid death, take it. Do not be senseless.
    AKLAS. If only there was another way, try as I might I cannot conger one up. (AKLAS takes notice of KUURO’s sadness) Don’t be sad, I told you, I’m the leading man. Something terrible was bound to happen to me, but by the end of our little play, everything shall be sorted out. In the end of act one, you’ll see I’m fine. Just you wait. (Pause) Now, if our little chat is over I should take care of this before it gets out of hand. (He begins to leave)
    KUURO. Aklas, do not allow this to be a one act play. (AKLAS turns sideways to face her)
    AKLAS. If you truly believe me a dead man, than let us keep this goodbye happy, shall we? (He sighs) Goodbye, Kuuro.
    KUURO. ‘Till next we meet, brother…
    (AKLAS smiles and walks out)

    Scene III
    Before us is a dark room, it is almost pitch black but a vague depiction of what can almost be made out of a person is seen. A faint voice is heard.
    NEBYLUS. Ah, what a marvelous day it shall be. This day that is almost upon us shall be holding an event so large, its outcome will change the course of history. What a fragile thing, that. One small occurrence is seen large in the eyes of a much greater thing.
    A door of the room is opened, shedding light on the scene. AKLAS stands motionless at the door, staring at NEBYLUS who was sitting down on a raggedy chair that faced the door. The room is coated in a thick, moist air as webbing decorates every object in the room. The room is actually a long pathway but the rest cannot be seen for the light of the door does not reach that far.
    NEBYLUS. I’ve been expecting you, brother.
    AKLAS. I can see that, you know why I’ve come.
    NEBYLUS. Yes, and at good timing. Outside at this very moment, a new day is about to dawn. How fitting our conflict be solved at such a time, don’t you agree?
    AKLAS. I suppose it is quite quaint. You talk of conflict and resolution, you know about my concept?
    NEBYLUS. That I do, I’ve overheard some of your ramblings here and there. We are both quite well spoken, but in different ways. You with your talk of plays and me with my talk of history, fantasy and reality. Which is better fit to rule a kingdom?
    AKLAS. That is not the way of it, why do you hasten to the topic of kingdoms?
    NEBYLUS. That is what we’re here to discuss, surely you do not wish to sit here and stall.
    AKLAS. Quick to the point as always, Nebylus. So, you wish to talk this out? I’m surprised; the plot has yet to thicken.
    NEBYLUS. You know me better than that, because you are my brother I want to make your death an interesting one. How do you fancy a game?
    AKLAS. On what terms?
    NEBYLUS. You know where we are, don’t you?
    AKLAS. Of course, we’re in the catacombs. Perfect stage for a death, can we not make this ending a denouement?
    NEBYLUS. Nay, if one of us is to govern a population of men than we shall settle it like men and kill one another.
    AKLAS. I see, and what is this game of yours?
    NEBYLUS. I have two bottles, one of poison and one of wine. We each take turns pouring cups until one of us is dead. If one of us passes out, they are to be killed. What say you?
    AKLAS. Hmm…so your tactic is to either intoxicate me while you build tension or to kill me on the spot. No, you would not fancy your game to be over so quickly. Suspense will drive many to insanity, but not I. You see, as the lead actor, I can not be taken so easily. I shall not lose, you know.
    NEBYLUS. You play none but the fool, Aklas. Let us not waste our breath; it shall be your last.
    AKLAS. Very well, have it as you will. If I am a fool for dreaming than a fool I inevitably am. But a fool who knows he is a fool is truly the wise man.
    At that moment, the sun had risen as it dawned much more than a day. Death or no death, one now had the right to rule. Be it a great day or foul one, it had changed the course of what could have been. The resolution of the play is truly at the mercy of its cast. What part do you play?
    The curtain falls.

    This INCREDIBLE banner was made by Kilala, thank you so much for making it for me!
    Barret: What are you?
    Red XIII: An informed question. But difficult to answer. I am what you see.


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