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Thread: Part 1: The trip

  1. #1
    Part 1: The trip Myo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Chao garden (Fear the Devil Chao =)

    Part 1: The trip

    (Man I'm a busy guy. Thank goodness for freetime. This one is different from other ones i've done. This one takes place around myself and a few friends of mine. You can post comments and questions hopefully i'll be able to answer them. Right now i just finished part three and moving on to part 4.
    Well here we go, btw there will be a few guest characters in here as well so I hope you don't hate me lol oh and there is language in here as well)


    The cool night air brushes against the dark figure's face. He watches as a shooting star flies by, and reaches in his pocket as his cell phone goes off. He answers it. "Yes?"

    A evil voice replies on the other end, "Have you reached your destination yet?"

    "Yeah. From the info i've collected, they should be arriving by tomorrow morning, early afternoon at the maximum"

    "Good. Make sure you retrieve the 'gifts'. Otherwise you shall not recieve your pay"

    "I understand. Is there anything else?"

    "Yes" the voice replies coldly "Eliminate anyone in your way. I'll be waiting for your delivery. If you fail, we'll have to go on to plan B"

    "As you wish" the figure says and clicks his phone off. He rubs the back of his neck. Sometimes this job is a pain. But a missions a mission, and I need to complete this one ASAP" the figure says calmly, to himself. He then pulls a sword from his back and swings it into the air.

    He watches as the sky fills with lights...from one of the nearby planes.

    "Cole come on. If we don't hurry up, then we'll be late and there goes the whole vacation"

    "Hey shut up! I need to get my stuff packed"

    "You haven't started yet?" I ask worried.

    "Just messing with you. I'm just getting my shoes on"

    "Well hurry up" I call back, relieved.

    Whoops it seems that I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Michael McLaughlin, pervert extrodinare. And that idiot getting his shoes on is Michael Cole, Phillapino crazy guy, who would stab you in the back if he had the chance. We had finally earned enough money to head to the place we've wanted to go for years, Tokyo.

    "Alright all set" Cole says holding his suitcase.

    "Finally" I say sighing.

    "Too bad Andrew couldn't come" Cole says opening the door.

    "Yeah, but he's in Amsterdam, doing lord knows what" I say closing the door and following over to the car. We throw our stuff in the trunk and drive off to the airport.

    "Look at all these boobies!!!!" Andrew says excitidly, surrounded by the nude Amsterdam women. It's too bad for him that he's too damn drunk to remember that most of those woman probably have hundreds of diseases.

    We get out of the car. "Ok let's check to make sure we have everything" I say getting out of the car.

    "Good idea" Cole pulls out a list of items and reads them off. "Clothes?"



    I reach in my pocket. "Double check"


    I reach in our bags and feel my sword and Coles Claymore. "That's a big ten-four"

    "Then we're all set. Let's go"

    And so begins the start of Mike and Coles adventure. But what awaits them in Tokyo? And who is the mysterious person from before? Find out in the next exciting chapter: Surprise
    ~Crazy Chocobo~ is my Spongy little sister
    Setzer is my insane brother-in-law
    $Nanaki$ is my twin brother
    Rikkuffx Is my cool niece
    SelphieTilmitt is my nutty Sister!
    Rurouni_Kenshin is my samurai nephew

    <img src="">

    98% of teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.

  2. #2
    Part 1: The trip Myo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Chao garden (Fear the Devil Chao =)
    Hope you all enjoyed the heres the first chapter)

    Chapter 1: Surprise

    "So do you think Andrew will be alright there?" I ask Cole. He doesn't answer at first, but just smiles and laughs. I should've guessed that's what he'd do.

    "Well all I can say is that...Aw shit!!!" he says suddenly, almost knocking me over.

    "What?! What's wrong?!" I ask, still surprised.

    He reaches in his pocket and pulls out his wallet. "Nevermind" he says calmly. "I thought I forgot my passport"

    I smack him in the back of the head. "You idiot! I thought it was something serious. I hope you don't have anymore of those moments"

    "Nah, I think I'm good" he says and walks over to the waiting line to have the luggage checked. I grab my cell phone and call for someone to pick up the car. As we get through the metal detector, and Cole having to get rid of his many hidden knives, we go and put our bags on the conveyor belt. Suddenly, a man runs by and grabs our stuff.

    "What the hell?" I say surprised. We were both in shock at what happened. I run after the guy and yell back to Cole, "Hold our spot in line. I'll be back in a few" I follow him through the airport, as he knocks people over and in my way. We exit the airport and I chase him through alleyways.

    I finally corner him, at a dead end. Kind of a bit of irony, since this guy was pretty much dead when I got a hold of him.

    "No where else to run" I say slowly walking towards him.

    "Who said I was running away?" he says smiling. I see his face, and think how familiar he looks from someone else I know. A blue light shoots down from the sky, and the guy slowly disappears. I rush at him, but he vanishes as I reach him. I stumble into the brick wall, he was standing in front of.

    I brush myself off and try to see where the light came from. No luck. It too had vanished. That guy was gone, and he had mine and Cole's stuff.

    "Cole's going to be pissed" I say and run back to the airport.

    "You lost our stuff?!" Cole says turning red with anger. "That guy has my stuff" I almost thought I heard him whine.

    "Not only yours but mine as well" I say trying to point out the obvious.

    "Who cares? It's my stuff I'm worried about. After all, he has my Claymore" We stop talking as we hear our flight being called. Since we didn't have any luggage, anymore, we just gave our tickets to the flight attendant and find our seats.

    As we sit down, I see Cole immediately asleep. I try to relax, but too many questions come to my mind. Like, who was that guy? Why'd he want our stuff? And what was that light? After a few minutes of trying to guess, I slowly fall asleep.

    "So many girls, so many drinks!! This must be paradise" Andrew says, clumsily walking down the streets. "Coming here was my greatest idea ever"

    Suddenly, he sees a light down one of the alleyways. He decides to investigate. He, sneakily, hides around the corner and watches what happens. He hears a voice.

    "Looks like I warped to the wrong place. How did I get Amsterdam mixed up with Tokyo?" the voice says and the light appears again. Andrew peeks around the corner, but sees no one.

    "Tokyo? That's where Mike and Mike were going today. Maybe I should head over and see what's up" he says seriously. Two women walk by, in skimpy dresses. His eyes follow. "But I come boobies!!"

    __________________________________________________ __

    As Mike and Cole board the plane, their trip turns from enjoyment to disaster. Why did that stranger steal their stuff? And what is it that is waiting for the him in Tokyo? Find out in the next exciting chapter: Different Sounds
    ~Crazy Chocobo~ is my Spongy little sister
    Setzer is my insane brother-in-law
    $Nanaki$ is my twin brother
    Rikkuffx Is my cool niece
    SelphieTilmitt is my nutty Sister!
    Rurouni_Kenshin is my samurai nephew

    <img src="">

    98% of teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.

  3. #3
    Part 1: The trip Myo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Chao garden (Fear the Devil Chao =)
    Chapter 2: Different Sounds

    "We have now arrived in Tokyo. Please remain seated until the plane lands" the pilot announces over the intercom. I had already been awake, an hour before, and was amazed at the sights I had seen, but I won't bore anyone with those details. Cole was just beginning to wake up. Since we had no luggage, we just left the plane and headed out the airport.

    We stand in awe at everything in front of us. It was a sight to behold. I had my sights set on something else, as well, the Tokyo girls that were walking past us. I start to follow them, but Cole grabs my shirt collar and pulls me away.

    "No!! I want! What's the big idea?!" I ask trying to free myself.

    "The idea is to find a place to stay while we're here" he replies not looking at me. He suddenly stops, and lets go of me. I brush my ass off and examine what he's looking. Both of our jaws drop. In just about every kind of language, was a sign displayed stating:

    "Come one, come all to the 46th annual swordsman competition. Anyone may participate, over 18 of course. The price for watching is ten dollars, where you're from does not matter. The first place winner shall be awarded five thousand dollars, and also free rent at our finest hotel in all of Tokyo.

    "Also the first place winner will have the chance to face last years champion. The tournament shall take place one week from now. May the best of the best show up and prove themselves. Good luck to everyone"

    "What a pain. A great opportunity to show them what I can do, and our swords are gone" Cole says sighing.

    "Don't be so sure. Look over there" I say pointing to across the street. Standing there looking for someone, was the guy who grabbed our stuff. I try to explain a plan to Cole, but he is already on the move. I rush behind him. The guy slowly looks in our direction to have a fist slammed into his face. I jump from behind, and boot kick him in the stomach.

    "That's for taking our stuff on us" I say raising my thumb to Cole. "Now we'll be taking our stuff back" I say reaching for the bags.

    "I don't think so. My job is to get that stuff to my boss, otherwise I won't get my pay. And he told me to do whatever it takes to get what he wants" he says rubbing his stomach and face. I notice a sword in his hand. The people around us run away, and are replaced by police officers. They pull out their guns and aim at the guy.

    "I've had enough of this. Silence them, Oregarta" he says and his sword begins to change. Its appearance goes from a normal long sword to a shorter wider black bladed sword, with a green hilt and handle.

    Without thinking, Cole and I reach in our bags and pull out our swords. What were we going to do against this guy? Who knew? We sure as hell didn't.

    I knew I had heard words like that before. Suddenly, I realize what it is and my mouth slowly forms the word: "Shikai" Those were the words used to release his swords true form. The guy turns his attention to the cops and smiles and evil smile. He swings his blade in the air and fires a dark energy blast at the cops. The blast incinerates the cops, and a few vehicles nearby.

    He turns his attention back to us. "Now your turn" he says firing another blast. Did we run? Hell no! We were so foolish that we acted before we could think, and so we try to block the attack. I'll never forget what happened next.

    Coles sword began to glow dark red. All three of us suddenly heard a voice. A dark sinister voice, I figured it was coming from Coles sword.

    "You who possess great darkness in your heart. Call out my name, Sobamune" the voice says to Cole. I had been right.

    Cole suddenly bursts with dark energy, knocking me back. "Shroud all thing in darkness, Sobamune. His claymore slowly changes into a blood-red katana. I could feel the dark energy coming out of the blade. "Now this is what I'm talking about" Cole says sending the blast back at the guy.

    The guy shoots a blue light in the air and disappears into, just like before. Coles sword changes back to normal and he comes over and helps me up. I look at Coles sword and wonder, 'If his sword can change...can mine?'

    As the two finally retrieve their belonging, the mysterious man arrives again and with a major change of events...Cole gains a new power. One that will change his whole being. Will Michael be able to do this as well? Only time can tell.
    ~Crazy Chocobo~ is my Spongy little sister
    Setzer is my insane brother-in-law
    $Nanaki$ is my twin brother
    Rikkuffx Is my cool niece
    SelphieTilmitt is my nutty Sister!
    Rurouni_Kenshin is my samurai nephew

    <img src="">

    98% of teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.

  4. #4
    Part 1: The trip Myo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Chao garden (Fear the Devil Chao =)
    Chapter 3: A Quick Break

    "Hey folks it seems that we're at the end of our story. Since you all missed out, I'm going to have to tell you what you missed..." Cole says but I kick him in the back, knocking him forward.

    "What are you doing?" I ask as he falls forward.

    "What are you talking about? I'm just telling the ending. People need spoilers to get on with their poor simple lives"

    No! If you spoil this story...I will put you in chokehold, like Snake did to Mario on brawl"

    "Snake...Snake!...SNAKE!!!" Cole says screaming in the air.

    "Yes Cole, Snake. Not the reptile. I'm talking about Mr. Utility Belt" I say sighing.

    "I love study" Cole says clapping his hands.

    "You've been watching too much Golden Boy" I say sadly. I look back at Cole. "What were we talking about?" I ask and see a gun pointed at my face.

    "Spoilers" Cole says coldly.

    "Somebody que the rest of the story, while I try to convince Cole to stop his spoiling"

    "Dance Clown admirer. Final Fantasy Six shall one day be defeated, by Final Fantasy Seven" he says firing at my feet.

    "Curse you momma's boy fanatic" I say jumping around.

    "Your pain is my gain mortal"

    Now back to our story

    "Umm Cole did you hear something?"

    "I'm going to pretend I didn't"

    What was that mysterious place? And why were those two fighting? Who cares? It didn't actually make sense in the story, but be prepared...many more moments like that on the way.

    (Sorry that was just something I did for fun. The next chapter won't have something like that in it....or will it)
    ~Crazy Chocobo~ is my Spongy little sister
    Setzer is my insane brother-in-law
    $Nanaki$ is my twin brother
    Rikkuffx Is my cool niece
    SelphieTilmitt is my nutty Sister!
    Rurouni_Kenshin is my samurai nephew

    <img src="">

    98% of teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.

  5. #5
    Part 1: The trip Myo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Chao garden (Fear the Devil Chao =)
    (Ok folks this is the end to part 1. Part two is much longer, i think twice as long. Anyways indulge and enjoy)

    Chapter 4: The Trap

    "Wee! My sword can change, and yours can't do shit except just look shiny" Cole says mocking me. He merrily skips around, swinging his Claymore.

    I reall wasn't paying attention to him. I was more interested in how I could make my sword change as well. Maybe it was a type of defense ability...Yeah that had to be it. After all, Coles changed when we were fighting that guy.

    But wait, that guy was able to call out his sword no problem, even though he wasn't in much danger. Nothing made sense anymore.

    "Hey asshole! are you listening to me? Yoohoo! Hey Mike!" Cole says waving a hand in my face.

    "Huh, oh sorry. I was just thinking" I say, but I see his look of concern. I try to change the subject. "Well we got about a week to train before the tournament begins. We should try to find a place to do it"

    Look no further" a small old man says over-hearing us. "My dojo is the finest place around. Even the champ comes here every now-and-then to train. Please come in" he says as he walks in.

    "Pretty convienent" Cole says following.

    "Yeah a little too convienent" I say under my breath. I start to follow, but stop when i see two small children playing catch. I smile and shake my head. "Just like the good old days"

    Just as I open the door, I see Cole holding his Claymore, as to defend himself. I look to see who he guarding against. I quickly pull out my sword. Five men, with guns aim at us. They slowly move to the side as the old man walks past them.

    "A trap" I say softly.

    "Yes indeed. You see I was hired by the same man as the gentleman before. He is very interested in your weapons" he says walking up to us. He sees Cole trying to go for him. "Don't even try it. My men will have you dead at your feet before you can even move"

    "Sorry, but if we aren't going to hand them over to that other guy, what makes you think we'll give them to you?" I ask readying myself for anything.

    The man sighs. "Looks like we'll have to take them the hard way" he says snapping his fingers. The men let loose on us.

    "Shroud all things in Darkness, Sobamune" Cole says quickly. The energy stops the bullets from reaching us. I take my chance and leap at the men. I thrust my blade into one of the mens chest, and pull upward, cutting him in half from the chest up.

    The other four men try to corner Cole. I close my eyes as I guess what happens next. The next sounds I hear are screaming, cracking bones, and then silence. I look over to see the four men, mutilated.

    "I think you over did it Cole" I say as I walk over the mess.

    "It's good to be me" he says grinning. I see the man try to make a run for it. I reach out and grab him by the throat.

    "Please don't hurt me" he says, tears slowly falling from his face.

    "Relax. All I want is some answers, and a favor" I say to him.

    "Anything, please just don't kill me!" he says a little relieved.

    "Ok first question: Who is your boss?"

    "He never told me his name, he just told me to make sure i was ready for you two. If we succeeded, then he'd pay us a huge amount. He said it would be plan B, just for insurance purposes"

    "Plan B, huh?" I ask. "Then Plan A must have been to get our swords back at the airport. Ok next question: I want you..."


    "To tell me?"

    "Yes?!" he says starting to become paranoid.

    "Where I can find some hot sexy Tokyo girls" I say raising a joyful thumbs up. Before he can answer, Cole grabs my shirt collar and drags me away. "No!!" I shout trying to free myself. "I want the boobies!!"

    The old man just stands where he was. "What a weird day"

    "Why do you have to take me away from all the joys in life?"

    "Because I am just that evil" Cole says making an evil grin.

    "Well you can let me go now" I say crossing my arms. He lets go and I stand up. We both stare at a hotel. A sign outside of it says:

    "All participants, may stay free of charge while waiting for the tournament"

    "Looks like we found a place to stay" I say putting away my sword.

    "Yeah, so what do you say we go inside and rest up?" Cole asks looking at me. I nod my head, and we go inside.

    The End

    "What!! Are you serious?!"

    "What do you mean?" I ask, eating oodles and noodles.

    "The story is over already? What about all the violence, the killing? Where are all the virgins you promised me?"

    "Calm down and come have some noodles"

    "No! This story has been a bore, except when I got to do some killing. And now you're saying it's over?!"

    "Again...Yes" I say finishing off the noodles.

    "How can you just sit there and be all relaxed?"

    "Because, that was only part 1" I say throwing him a monster energy drink. He downs it in a few seconds.

    "So that was just part 1?"


    "So that means...I get to do more killing!! Yay"

    "And Cole, you still get your virgins"

    "Oh yes!! Yay me!" he says excitedly.

    "But I'll never say if they're male or female virgins" I say running away.

    Cole picks up his sword and chases after me. "DIE!!!!"

    With the Conclusion of Part 1, Cole and Michael have found a place to stay. But who knows what lies ahead of them in Part 2: The Tournament?
    Find out next time.
    ~Crazy Chocobo~ is my Spongy little sister
    Setzer is my insane brother-in-law
    $Nanaki$ is my twin brother
    Rikkuffx Is my cool niece
    SelphieTilmitt is my nutty Sister!
    Rurouni_Kenshin is my samurai nephew

    <img src="">

    98% of teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.

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